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(FE4) First Gen Draft


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Horace, that chapter 3 was scary! You may dance your way to victory ^^.

I was kinda skeptical about picking Sylvia so early, but I'm pretty sure she's saved more than enough turns now that I've gotten this far in.

Chapter 5 - 17/123 Turns

Zaxon to Lubeck - 4/111 Turns

Beowulf, Sylvia, Fury and Midir all helped Sigurd get in front of Langbart on turn 4, and a Silver sword double crit ended Langbart. Siggy also disposed of the Bow Ritter with his Javelin, which is actually nearing 50 kills. Claude healed Sigurd once with Libro at the start, and is way too far behind to help at all with the rest of the chapter. Fury can heal anyhow.

Lubeck to Phinora - 4/115 Turns

Sigurd repaired Tyrfing, he had 50000 gold. It's nice not having to worry about second gen. He ran, Fury killed the meteor guys, Sylvia danced, and Claude was actually able to reserve everyone by going south near where Ardan gets a skill boost if he has a lover.

Almost there...

Phinora to Ida - 9/124 Turns

Sylvia and Sigurd danced across the desert, while Fury, Midir and Beowulf took care of the Thracians, with aid from Claude-on-a-cliff.

That's it folks, i'll have unit stats and such up in a bit. I think Sylvia broke the game.

EDIT: Imageshack is being dumb, so stats will have to wait.

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Chapter 1

Evans, Pre-Chapter

Weapons get moved around a bit. Sigurd gets Cuan's Steel Lance. Noish gets an Iron Sword and an Iron Lance. Sigurd's 22 kill Steel Sword gets repaired and sent to the Pawn Shop, Holyn's gonna be picking that up later.

Sigurd clears the arena with ease, Noish does well, except when he gets hit twice by Bacchus with 17 display hit. Ethlin only gets to Stage 3. Azel gets to Stage 4.

Post-Arena Stats:

Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    13  43  18  1   15  14  12  11  4   Silver Sword (5), Steel Lance
Noish     7   36  12  0   8   15  5   9   1   Iron Sword, Iron Lance, Speed Ring
Azel      4   33  1   12  7   9   4   2   6   Fire (6)
Ethlin    4   31  5   8   11  12  9   6   6   Slim Sword (5), Live Staff

Evans to Genoa: 13/28 Turns

I spend a lot of time wiping out the Marphans, Genoans, and Aira, but in the end it may help my journey to Marpha. Noish is the one to kill Kinbois, The Triple S tastes lots of blood, and Ethlin's sexy dodging skills make the Marphans blind.

Genoa to Marpha: 6/34 Turns

Sigurd and Noish kill things, Sigurd obliterates Gandolf. Ethlin gets a few kills too.

Marpha to Verdane, aka Fuck You Spirit Forest: 16/50 Turns

Noish clears the next arena level, and Sigurd repairs the SSS which has 26 kills.

Sigurd basically soloes Jamka's troops, with help from Diadora and Noish. Diadora silences Sandima on Turn 32 (after Sigurd dodgetanks a few Fenrirs) and then Sigurd proceeds to kill the rest of the Verdanes, and Sandima. Seize on Turn 35.


Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    18  48  20  3   16  15  14  12  4   Silver Sword (39), Steel Lance (1), Javelin
Diadora   6   29  0   15  9   12  7   3   19  Silence, Aura (5), Circlet
Noish     10  39  14  1   9   16  6   10  2   Iron Sword (7), Iron Lance, Speed Ring
Azel      6   35  1   12  7   10  5   3   6   Fire (13)
Ethlin    9   35  6   8   12  13  10  8   6   Slim Sword (7), Live Staff

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Chapter 4: Winter Wonderland - 24 turns

Two more chumps have joined the ranks! Dew and Alec are pretty much ready to promote too! Arden borrows the Hero Sword and somehow becomes god. He clears the arena, only needing to retry on the Baron. Tiltyu fails miserably, as expected. Dew gets the Leg Ring so he can get that gate down.

Everyone sets off, except for Lachesis and Tiltyu for some Return action. Arden's the only one who can afford the Elite Ring, so he takes it. The mounties plus Dew kill a lot of the mages. Alec, using the Hero Sword, finishes off Mr Sleepy and Deveeta. Arden and Claude mop up after them.

Lex takes a few too many hits so falls back again, Sigurd and Dew have a super team up, letting them capture on turn 13! The pair both Return Ring home, Lachesis is ready to promote too! Dew gives her his cash, she promotes and sends Arden to Thove.

It seems he isn't needed, Sigurd runs past Lamia and takes Zaxon on turn 24! The others take the children, just so my final screens look good.

Sigurd  30 -- 61 25 00 22 17 20 19 03 Silver Sword, Thunder Sword, Skill/Speed/Power/Leg/Shield rings
Dierdre 10 46 31 00 19 10 13 08 04 20 Brainwash
Alec	26 73 49 19 06 24 24 10 20 05 Steel Sword, Javelin, Cutter, Steel Lance, Hero Sword
Arden   18 14 50 24 01 06 08 04 21 00 Iron Sword, Steel Sword, Slim Sword, Clipper, Elite Ring
Lex 	27 52 50 23 00 16 18 11 25 03 Iron Axe, Speed Ring, Steel Axe, Hand Axe, Hero Axe, Pursuit Ring
Dew 	25 64 44 14 06 19 26 17 13 04 Light Sword, Silver Sword, Silver Blade, Return Ring
Lachy   13 24 33 10 08 11 15 11 12 10 Prayer Sword, Slim Sword, Warp Staff, Elwind, Libro, Silver Bow, Recover
Claude  29 55 40 02 24 14 17 14 06 23 Reserve, Valkerie, Wind, Restore 
Tiltyu  07 92 29 00 10 16 11 10 01 09 Tron, Thunder


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As promised, unit stats!


He was an absolute monster. His high point was chapter 2, where he nearly killed all of Zyne's squad with a Javelin. Also note that he more or less had these stats in CHAPTER 2, as he did nothing in chapter 3.


Looks pretty awesome to me.


I don't get it when people say Midir is bad. Even without Jamka's killer bow, he still doubles most everything, which is more than some units can say. A good last round pick IMO.


Reserve and Libro Spam. I think he got attacked, like, once.


He was actually pretty awesome with the Hero Sword, his high point was killing all the Orgahil Pirates in one turn.


I thought she got screwed, but then I looked at her growths. They are absolutly atrocious! Still, she was invaluable in the last chapter when she flew ahead to kill the sleep staff guys, allowing Sylvia to progress unharmed.


She was the castle guard, and never got attacked. No point in raising her when there is no second gen.


The crux of my turncounts, Fury, Midir, Beowulf and Sigurd really appreciated her when she got the leg ring.

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And now for my least favorite chapter in all of Fire Emblem!

Chapter 2


Sigurd shows the arena who's boss, obliterating it with his Silver Sword, laughing at the Weapon Triangle in the process. Yay Holyn! Diadora clears the first three levels. Ethlin only makes it to the third level. Noish clears four levels. Azel picks up the Magic Ring and clears two levels. He'll probably clear more later. Holyn picks up Sigurd's 22 kill Steel Sword and clears the arena! Let the manliness commence!


Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    19  49  21  4   17  15  15  12  5   Silver Sword (39), Steel Lance (1), Javelin
Diadora   7   30  0   16  9   12  7   3   20  Silence, Aura (5), Circlet
Noish     11  39  14  1   9   17  6   10  2   Iron Sword (7), Iron Lance, Speed Ring
Azel      6   35  1   17  7   10  5   3   6   Fire (13), Magic Ring
Ethlin    9   35  6   8   12  13  10  8   6   Slim Sword (7), Live Staff
Holyn     14  42  14  0   18  17  1   11  1   Steel Sword (22)

Evans to Nodion: 4/54 Turns

Light Sword conversation gogogo~

Sigurd rushes forth and speaks with Lachesis on Turn 4. Now onto Heirhein!

Nodion to Heirhein: 11/65 Turns

The Nodions prove to not be completely useless and help a lot with Elliot's troops. On Turn 6 there's only Elliot still alive. Phillip gets SSS'd on Turn 10. Sigurd obliterates most of Elliot's second wave of knights, giving the SSS its 50th kill just in time for Sigurd to shiny crit Elliot.

Turns 14 and 15 see three SSS criticals, two on Baldo's knights, and one on Baldo himself. The SSS now has 57 kills.

Also, Cuan and Fin chat briefly for the Hero Lance conversation. Sigurd may or may not use it later.

Heirhein to Anphony: Currently on 5 turns (Turn 20)


Also, Diadora "dies". Not like I care, her usefulness is done after you silence Sandima.

I'll stop here for now.

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Yeah, true, maybe letting Diadora get massacred is a bad idea, Clement is not fun to deal with especially if Sigurd gets affected considering he's 99% likely to be the bosskiller (as he's been since the Prologue).

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I never actually Silence Clement anyway, just have Sigurd chip at the knight that blocks your way (the one that doesn't move), then canto away out of sleep staff range, have some other unit kill the knight (if Sigurd did not) and Sigurd can kill the boss.

Or you could just have had Deirdre chill by Nodion castle unit the rest of your units come back.

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Continuing onward...

Heirhein to Anphony: 13/77 Turns

Sigurd essentially soloes like this entire part save for a bit of help from Azel and Holyn. Voltz's squad, including Beowulf, is obliterated by the SSS. Sigurd's a bit too hurt to kill Macbeth on turn 26 when I finally reach the castle after lots of retreat and charges and Ethlin heals, so he racks up another SSS kill and Ethlin heals him so he can tackle the Scottish Play with 75 kills on the SSS under his belt.

Of course Macbeth is an asshole and Greatshields Sigurd's first attack, so I'm forced to have a Turn 28 capture instead. But Azel got the bosskill and a much needed Shield Ring! Yay!

All the while Levin robs saves a bunch of villages.

Anphony to Mackily: To be continued...

Sigurd and Noish begin immediately running towards Mackily, and Levin stops stealing and runs for Evans. Of course stupid me didn't get the Return or Warp staffs, I'm probably gonna be screwed. We'll see. I may take a penalty not like it matters I'm already royally fucked anyway.

Ethlin picks up the Prayer Sword, Holyn gets the Return Ring and waits at Evans for the Fury Squad. When they finally meet, Holyn ORKOes Fury! Sorry, Levin...

After five turns of walking and healing the first Augusty encounter happens, with Sigurd at the helm, and Noish on backup. Levin also helps, Elwinding from the cliff.

Sigurd soloes the two waves of Horsebacks, one wave with the SSS and the other with his Steel Lance. He still kicks ass. The second wave sees Noish and Ethlin helping a bit more. Gotta love that Prayer Sword!

And that's all for now, Sigurd and Noish are taking out the last wave of Mackies, and then it's off to kill Clement!

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Chapter 5: Arden the Man - 18 turns

Arden promotes. I've never actually promoted him in regular FE4 before, let alone a draft. He hasn't been too bad either. Everyone does pretty well in the arena, except Tiltyu. Nobody actually wants the Elite Ring, which is pretty weird. Everyone heads out, Tiltyu is demoted to castle guard. Sigurd charges, the others mop up... turn 5 capture! And then a turn 9 capture! It's pretty much the Sigurd show now!

The dragons are strangely drawn to Arden and Claude. Claude covers the castle while Arden kills their leader. Arden's defense is high enough that they don't target him! All is well, Sigurd jumps in an survives an attack from Reptor. This lets him capture on turn 18! And that's the show! I admit defeat!


128 turns

Sigurd : Still the man - 137 kills


What can I say? His defense turned out pretty nice but otherwise standard Sigurdy-goodness

Alec: Levin on a horse! Without Holsety... or critical... or magic... - 48 kills


Hilariously speed blessed from an early level. Became pretty good with the hero sword. I always like to have him as a spare!

Arden: The Iron Curtain of Chalphy - 20 kills


You all may hate him because of his movement, but he's incredible when you can put him in position between castles. He smashed the arena with the Hero Sword and was so manly, the dragons didn't touch him! We love you, Arden!

Lex: Arden on wheels... with axes... and speed - 35 kills


He faired pretty well, however, his horrible avoid meant he had to sit out on occasion. Probably less useful than in a regular draft, but not bad!

Dew : Iron Man Folg- Dew! - 19 kills


Another guy I like having, he murders Cross Knights and lowers bridges!

Lachesis: Victim of the Sausagefest - 11 kills


Provided a little healing, charisma never really came into play. Liked Alec more than any of the others, it must be the turban.

Claude: Why was he free again? - 14 kills


Not really that useful, he was too far behind to heal much. Teamed up with Arden in chapter 5 to save Lube! They would, wouldn't they?

Tiltyu : RNG bot - 6 kills


I can see why she was the last unit left, no chance to do much at all. Without her kids, she would be worthless!

Well done, Horace. Curse you, Sylvia!

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I can't believe Ardan actually promoted! Very impressive turncount without Sylvia. I kinda think that dancers should be free in drafts, but not everyone agrees there. My Sigurd was even more ridiculous than yours, and my Cuan was kinda ridiculous too, so they made stuff easier.

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PROLOGUE (again)

~Azel is an ass~



So resetting gave me THE SAME turncount, but a higher leveled Sigurd, and Fin. On the last enemy phase before the seize Azel got attacked. :L





Sigurd kills stuff, Fin gets lucky and gets nicked to 2HP and startrs killing things when prayer activates. Recruited Ayra. Wasted some turns for Dew to go to Aideen so she could get warp. Skipped Return. Fin got bonuses. Jamka recruited, Sandima dead.




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Anphony to Mackily: 17/94 Turns


Also if I had like a Restore staff or if the RNG was nicer I would've probably not been this upset at how awful this part is. Turn 45 seize. Fuck.

Mackily to Augusty: 14/108 Turns

You know Sigurd is manly when... he no longer fears Horseslayers. That's right. ORKOed Zyne, and Zyne's Horselayer did JACK SHIT to Sigurd. Hell yeah.

Also, Azel purchased Thunder, cleared some more of the arena, and became a god among men.

The SSS reaches 100 kills, Noish becomes pretty awesome, Ethlin's Prayer Sword prays for her, a lot, and Azel beats up some knights. Azel and Noish help with chipping at Shagall but Sigurd (shockingly) delivers the final blow.

And stats:

Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    25  55  23  5   22  17  18  16  6   Silver Sword (+100), Javelin, Horseslayer
Diadora   LOLDEAD
Noish     15  43  16  1   11  18  7   12  2   Speed Ring, Iron Sword (14), Iron Lance (1)
Azel      13  40  2   16  7   14  6   4   6   Fire (19), Thunder (5)
Ethlin    17  37  8   9   13  16  12  10  7   Live Staff, Prayer Sword (4)
Holyn     17  45  15  0   20  17  2   11  1   Steel Sword (39)
Levin     7   35  1   12  12  17  7   5   9   Elwind (3)  

Chapter 3


I didn't get stats this time but it was glorious. Everyone did well, Ethlin got stuck on the Lance Armor, Noish, Azel, and Holyn got stuck on the Dark Mage, and Sigurd and Levin cleared the Arena. Levin got the Elite Ring, and Noish got the (superior) Slim Sword.

Augusty to Mandino: 7/115 Turns

Sigurd rushed the shit out of everything, everyone else mopped up.

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Augusty to Mandino: 5/113 Turns


Mandino to Silvail: 16(+3)/132 Turns

I was gonna fight Eltshan but then he almost obliterated Holyn so instead he was close enough where Lachesis could run out from hiding and chat with her boy toy brother after I whacked some more hits on the Cross Knights.

Lachesis did get attacked a few times but I'll gladly take the penalty, it's better than getting murdered by Eltshan again.

Oh, RNG. How you troll me so. Holyn, Levin, Azel, and Ethlin are its poor victims time after time. So yay for wasting turns so I don't get RNG raped.

At least Ethlin's ready to promote.

Silvail to Orgahill: 13/145 Turns

Ah, I love having a free unit. Especially when that unit is Briggid and she obliterates half of the Orgahills.

Noish stayed behind to fend off Pizarl and his wave of pirates, successfully doing so. Yay Noish!

Oh and Briggid died but she helped defeat some pirates. Not like it matters.

Ethlin makes a brief pit stop in Augusty to promote, not like it matters anyway but I figured it wouldn't hurt. She does clear another Arena level though.

Noish and Holyn all reach promotion level, they'll promote before Chapter 4. Levin's literally 12 XP away from it.

Tiltyu kills A LOT of Pirates. Yay Wrath!

Bye bye Ethlin... :(


Unit      LV  HP  ST  MG  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS  Equip
Sigurd    27  57  28  5   22  17  18  22  13  Silver Sword (+100), Javelin, Shield Ring, Barrier Ring, Power Ring
Diadora   LOLDEAD
Noish     20  48  21  1   17  18  8   14  2   Slim Sword (20), Iron Lance (1), Speed Ring, Skill Ring
Azel      15  42  2   16  7   16  7   4   7   Fire (19), Thunder (9)
Ethlin    21  39  15  12  17  19  12  16  9   Live Staff, Prayer Sword (5)
Holyn     20  48  15  0   22  17  3   11  2   Steel Sword (42),Light Sword (5), Life Ring
Levin     19  47  1   15  15  25  9   5   10  Elwind (19)
Tiltyu    7   30  0   11  19  11  11  1   9   Tron (8), Thunder (1)
Claude 	21  35  0   21  15  15  9   5   21  Reserve, Valkyrie

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~The chapter from hell~


Generic rushing at first, then Aideen warped people back. She then proceeded to get rich by visiting villages. As always, my turncount here is terribad.




Next up: The rest of my gang arrives! :newyears:

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~Hail, Hail, the Gang's all here~


Wow, my turncount SUCKS. But hey, it's all in fun, right?

It did take a couple turns to get Ichival, but it'll probably be worth it. The threesome of Briggid, Tiltyu, and Claude actually killed all the pirates without help from Sigurd the Spectular!

Fin, something yeah

Uh, hey Fin. Fin was great the whole team he was here, save the prologue. Prayer was a nice help, and he distracted the Cross Knights nicely.





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~The land of Ice and Snow, and Wind too apparantly~




Briggid died. That makes free Claude awesome. Also OMFG JamkaXAideen happened!!!! <3~




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So I finished in 201 turns. I'll post my verdicts soon. I have to go to the Academic Excellence Awards Ceremony soon. Hopefully after that I'll post my stuff.

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For the record it took 32 total. Making my final total 219 turns.

So I lost! Yay!

So Holyn and Noish got put to sleep and died. A noble sacrifice. They were phenomenal.

Also, Azel and Tiltyu became lovers!

So anyway...



Face it, Sigurd could solo FE4 Gen 1. In fact, he basically did. almost every boss fell to him, and once the SSS got 50 kills, it was a cakewalk. I had 100+ kills racked up on it by the end of Chapter 2/beginning of Chapter 3. I had to sell his rings so he could repair Tyrfing, but he used the Power, Barrier, and Shield rings for a while.

NOISH: Slow Starter

No final image because he's dead.


That's the stats he had before, and he was very good once he got the Speed Ring. Ethlin's Slim Sword was a huge boon and made him better. I think he gained one more level before death.

HOLYN: Sigurd... without a horse.

No final image because he's dead.


He was a beast. His dodging was pointless and I would've given him the Speed Ring if Sigurd didn't have it. He was a great killing unit, and the 50+ kill Steel Sword helped. He cleared the arena frequently.

LEVIN: Sigurd with magic!


Levin, as soon as he joined, was spectacular. He got the Elite Ring and immediately caught up to everyone else. He cleared all of the arenas and was a Libro bot. He was such a great choice.

AZEL: Hmm...


Not impressed. He fell behind quickly and was unimpressive. He did get to promote and he fell in love with Tiltyu. He was the only one to have a lover.

ETHLIN: Prayer Sword Maniac!

No final image because she's dead. She was very awesome with the Prayer Sword, and she was able to promote.

DIADORA: The only thing that makes her useful is silencing Sandima.

Precisely. She got obliterated in the beginning of Chapter 2, after taking Heirhein.


Free Reserve uses but he died. Not impressive.

TILTYU: You fell in love with Azel, so yay?


She wrathcritted a lot of people but wasn't that useful otherwise... She did fall in love with Azel though. So if I were to continue this file (like that'll ever happen...) I'd have all subs, and Arthur and Tinny.

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