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Has this ever happen to anybody else?


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I have been playing Blazing sword I am currently on Chapter 26 when I noticed that my Heath (who I never used) is now a Nomadic Trooper! He still can only use lances but his map sprite is now a Nomadic Trooper and he doesn't have a battle animation now. I don't use hacks or anything with it and it has never happened to me before.

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Most likely, it's a single bit of corruption. Since I no longer have access to Nightmare, perhaps someone could look up the class code for Nomadic Trooper and Wyvern Rider, it wouldn't surprise me if there's only a bit between them.

I have heard of similar things happening before. Someone found in their game putting certain items (read as: Half of the available items) into a certain place (might have been someone's inventory, might have been in the convoy) would mutate it, as a single bit changing. A little analysis revealed he could change something cheap into something valuable, if he so desired :P.

Edited by Tableskitty
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Most likely, it's a single bit of corruption. Since I no longer have access to Nightmare, perhaps someone could look up the class code for Nomadic Trooper and Wyvern Rider, it wouldn't surprise me if there's only a bit between them.

In the class editor, Nomadic Trooper Male is 0x30, and Wyvern Rider Male is 0x34, so all Nomad and Wyvern classes are pretty close. As for needing more detailed info than that, I wouldn't know. Sorry.

EDIT: You should always have a copy of nightmare handy, even if you aren't a hacker.

Edited by Kakarot
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Yeah, 30 and 34 are a bit apart, the 3rd least significant bit to be precise. Considering that, and the fact it would mean the bit is permanently off (as opposed to permanently on, which is unlikely) I'm reasonably confident to say that's the issue.

If you don't mind a few more potentially 'interesting' happenings to your game, try seeing if the same thing happens to other characters if you put them into that slot (you probably don't know what the slot is - basically it's where Heath was in the character selection menu, so just select characters one by one from the end of the list).

It's just this computer I don't have Nightmare :(. It's on my memory stick which strangely disappeared a few weeks ago.

Edited by Tableskitty
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Yeah, 30 and 34 are a bit apart, the 3rd least significant bit to be precise. Considering that, and the fact it would mean the bit is permanently off (as opposed to permanently on, which is unlikely) I'm reasonably confident to say that's the issue.

If you don't mind a few more potentially 'interesting' happenings to your game, try seeing if the same thing happens to other characters if you put them into that slot (you probably don't know what the slot is - basically it's where Heath was in the character selection menu, so just select characters one by one from the end of the list).

It's just this computer I don't have Nightmare :(. It's on my memory stick which strangely disappeared a few weeks ago.

Ok, I might try that. What exactly is a "Nightmare"?

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Nightmare, in short is a hacking program designed for Fire Emblem that allows one to at the very least change growth rates and base stats, along with a ton of other stuff.

Post below did a better job of explaining.

It can be used to look up stuff like Karkarot did above.

Woah new badge. Haven't seen this one anywhere before. Maybe they got shuffled.

Edited by General_Horace
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Nightmare is a program used to edit ROMs of games - mostly NES, SNES, GBA and the like (I don't know exactly how restricted it is). It uses 'modules' which (in lay mans terms) let you edit the specific part of the game they're designed for. In Fire Emblem terms (which naturally is what people here are used to using it with), it's a program used to make most 'simple' edits you might think of, such as character growths, stats, weapon abilities etc.

More technically, they're an interface which reads the hex of the code and shows it to you in the way the module is designed, e.g. interpreting 0x30 as 'Nomadic Trooper M' which as you edit, is fed back into the game code. Actually, that's still not very technical. But whatever

Edited by Tableskitty
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