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The new art style


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The more I see of the art style, the more my disdain builds. So poorly done, and so absolutely generic. Did these characters get lost on their way to Final Fantasy XXXII?

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I'm more bothered by how thin Liz seems, though. I mean, many previous FE women may be pretty thin for the most part, but Liz's legs are like chicken legs and her head is actually larger than her waist. That's... weird.

I'm fine with the art style for the most part, but if all the other females have that issue I won't be.

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The more I see of the art style, the more my disdain builds. So poorly done, and so absolutely generic. Did these characters get lost on their way to Final Fantasy XXXII?

Gee Arch, it's not like we heard you the first million times about your hatred for this art style.

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Gee Arch, it's not like we heard you the first million times about your hatred for this art style.

Such hostility, hahah. Just weighing in on the topic. Really, I didn't mind it that much before. But the more and more I see, the less and less I like.

Anyways. I'll go back to my rabbit hole now.

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The new artstyle is just something that is.

Would I prefer a different artstyle?


Are the character designs some of my favorites in the series?

Not really a fair question, we've only seen like 10 at most, but not at the moment.

Will I play the damn game anyways?

So yeah, Nintendo's already kinda got my money on this anyways providing they do release it in the US.

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You know, of all the things I've seen about people complaining about the art, I can't believe no one has mentioned my one problem with the art (which is only one character anyways).





(but other than that I think the art is fine)

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