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Storyline rewritten


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Well, I'm thinking about writing a FE fic here, probably 7,8, or 9, but with a little twist, and maybe a little change to the dialogue that the characters use. Or I was thinking about doing a different story with some original characters that I've come up with, but follow down roughly the same path as the main Fire Emblem characters. Opinions are very welcome.

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Mmmmm, well it's hard to make them, but as for as it concerns fics that involve retellings of an anime/videogame/etc one of the important things to take in mind is to focus on the important parts of the story. You could try reading a few fanfics of others that have done this, check how they write and develop the chapters.

One thing that personally I've tried (not talking in FE, but another fanfic I'm writting) is to pull some OCs and a twist for them to develop correctly, as well as teh main cast of the fanfic inspiration, some relationship with one of the main cast (romantic, friendship, rivalry, loyalty, things of that sort).

Personally, I'm a fan of OCs and use them (but when I started they outrun the story), so if you go for it keep a few things in mind:

Stay true to the canon, many fanfics follow this rule and make slight details that are obviously never confirmed in the story of the inspiration (i.e. a few pairings in FE are never fully confirmed, so you can play with these ones a bit, but without making changes to the story they belong to).

If you go for OCs try to not fall into Mary Sue/Gary Stu; this ones refer to OCs that are abnormally powerful or gifted. I made that mistake and now I must make corrections to that character, making it seem more normal with lesser skills of that kind.

Don't abuse OCs; its fun to create a character and introduce him/her to a story of something we like, but having too many makes things harder. You have to keep low the number for a few reasons, among them avoid confusing the readers with many characters and avoid writting pretty LOOOOOOOONG chapters. I keep a number of about 4-8 OCs, fully developing at least 3 or 4 of them while the others are secondary characters.

These are a few tips I can think of right now; do you mind telling me where you will post it? I enjoy reading fanfics. Hope this helps you a bit.

Edited by Kristyakitty
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