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FE8 Efficiency Playlog

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Didn't see one around, so I recorded an efficiency playlog of FE8. It's complete, I'll leave a screenshot and some brief notes per chapter before I get the videos up... which will take a while. I'll include an "MVP" of each chapter just for fun, although most of them are either Seth or Saleh.


Franz (Chapter 10)

Gerik (Chapter 11)

Artur (Chapter 12)

Forde (Chapter 14)

Tana (Chapter 15)

Knoll (Chapter 15)

Eirika (Chapter 16)

Ephraim (Chapter 16)


[spoiler=Chapter Summeries]Prologue - Standard 1 turn clear with Seth.

1 Turn.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 1 - Eirika faces death chances here, although the loldiers could have proc'd less strength as well. Seth drops Eirika in seize range on turn 2, and kills the boss.

3 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 2 - Seth pretty much soloed the map. Franz and Eirika, and of course NPC Garcia helped where they could.

4 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 3 - First chapter that required some thought. Seth carried Eirika to near the boss, ORKO'd him on the EP, and Eirika seized on turn 4. It was key that Garcia chipped at the wall on turn 1.

4 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 4 - I actually can't remember who I fed all the kills to, I think it was a mix of Seth and Garcia because Seth had to kill the 3 dudes by Lute's village.

3 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 5 - All the villages were visited, Joshua was recruited. Seth ran to the boss and killed him with and Iron Lance IIRC.

3 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 5x - Orson carried Ephraim most of the way, with assistance from Forde (or Kyle, I can't remember which).

7 Turns

MVP - Seth Orson.

Chapter 6 - Seth ran to the boss, and ORKO'd him on the EP. Earlygame chapters are boring to describe.

3 Turns

MVP - Seth

Chapter 7 - Vanessa ferried Seth over first, then Eirika. A 3 turn is possible, but Vanessa needs to dodge a shitton of stuff that OHKO's her, and Eirika needs to ORKO the boss. My Eirika didn't even double, and Vanessa was like level 3, so I didn't bother.

MVP - Vanessa

Chapter 8 - Seth ran to the boss carrying Eirika. First "tough" boss so far, Seth needed to hit 4 times at ~60% with the armourslayer. Skipped the top left chests. Nessie never reached level ten anyhow.

Chapter 9 - In a moment of derp, I accidently gave Vanessa the dragonshield. Seth was dropped over near Binks on turn 3, and soloed the entire south portion of the map. Franz rushed down to recruit Amelia, and Tana landed a low % crit that saved a turn, although in all fairness, the enemy she killed had the stupid AI that moves near a unit, but doesn't attack for whatever reason.

7 Turns

MVP - Tana, Seth

Chapter 10 - Seth and Eirika were dropped over the mountain on turn 2 and 3 respectively, and the ballistae missed Eirika (she was in KO range). Seth took care of the boss. Definately faster with a flier that can eat a ballistae.

5 Turns

MVP's - Tana, Vanessa

Chapter 11 - Seth went south, while an insta promoted Gerik took care of the east. Innes killed the enemies in the room with the chest with a longbow.

6 Turns.

MVP's - Seth, Gerik

Chapter 12 - This chapter demonstrated why Artur is better than Lute, because of Slayer (and C staves, I guess). Tana killed some Mogalls (those are the floating eyes, right?) and triggered the south reinforcement on turn 2, and Artur OHKO'd all the southwest ones with Shine. Various units took care of the southeast stuff, Gerik was dropped on turn 1 to get a head start on the north, Saleh started spamming barrier.

Unfourtunatly, there is a Bael that starts way in the top left, and moves 1 space every turn, and is only ORKOable by turn 8 (unless you rely on 35 displayed hits from Dolza on turn 7, or have an OP flier. If Dolza had one less con, so much more would be possible, because he could have multiple shots at hitting with ~35 displayed hit.

8 Turns.

MVP's - Gerik, Artur

Chapter 13 - Gave Seth a speedwing so he could double Aias. He doubled Aias on the turn 2 player phase, and finished on the EP.

2 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 14 - Promoted Forde here to help with ferrying. L'Arachel was also brought along to get Rennac out of the way, and she has a horse. Saleh hit B in staves mid-chapter. The bosskill was another sketchy one, a killer lance crit at 57 displayed. In all fairness, he could have attacked on turn 7, but meh.

8 Turns.

MVP - Seth

Chapter 15 - It was tough getting Saleh requisite staff exp and soloing the level, but I managed. Another couple of sketchy bosses, as Seth was 1 speed off doubling Caellach, and Saleh required a crit to finish Valter (albeit ~25%). Also, KNOLL WAS REQUIRED TO 5 TURN THIS, AND NOT BECAUSE OF PHANTOMS. He was the only unit (Other than Duessel) that could ORKO a wyvern, but Duessel couldn't be danced to ORKO a troubadour, so Knoll took that too.

5 Turns.

MVP - Saleh, Knoll

Chapter 16

Saleh hit A staves on turn 2, and warped Seth over on turn 3, and with the aid of Tethys, sent Eirika over as well.

The first very sketchy boss was here, as it required a 7% crit from a Silver Lance to finish Orson in one hit. Seth had to eat an Energy ring to hit the requisite 22 strength. Saleh ate the other two to help with power warping. Orson is by far more annoying than Valter or Caellach.

3 Turns.

MVP - Saleh

Chapter 17 - Tana got the boots. Artur Barrier'd Seth, who was rescued by Tana. Tethys danced Tana, who was warped by Saleh. Tana dropped Seth in front of Lyon with a spear equipped. He needed one crit with 14-17% critical.

1 Turn.

MVP - Tana

Chapter 18 - Burned an unnessesary rescue here because I forgot I needed to use a use of Hammerne to get Saleh to A staves in time. Kinda hard to explain things, Saleh warped people, Artur rescued people, and fliers ruled.

6 Turns.

MVP - Saleh

Chapter 19 - Saleh used Torch, Artur rescued Seth, Saleh warped Seth near Riev (he was visible due to torch), Moulder Hammerned warp, and Seth killed Riev with a killer lance crit (he had two cracks at it)

1 Turn

MVP - Saleh

Chapter 20 - This one required some though without the extra rescue that I had anticipated having. Syrene rescued Seth, and was danced by Tethys. Saleh warped them towards Morva, and Syrene dropped Seth in front of him, with Vidofnir equipped. A rescue drop chain from Vanessa and Tana ensured Eirika would be in range of the throne after Saleh warped her on turn 2, and one of Knoll's phantoms allowed her to survive the Turn 1 EP. Seth had to dodge either Riev's or Morva's attack, he dodged Morva's then was critted by Riev, but survived with 1 HP, so things worked out.

2 Turns

MVP - Saleh

Final - Part 1

I had to keep resetting until Lyon had 26 defence instead of 27. It took a while. Or I could have rigged Seth's level up the previous chapter to get strength. Saleh warped Seth right in front of Lyon (with Tethys assistance) and he double critted Lyon (with ~14 crit IIRC) for the KO.

1 turn.

MVP - Saleh

Final - Part 2 - I underestimated Fortimiis, and made a couple of mistakes (not getting Gerik to S in axes, not getting the body ring so Saleh would double) that made this a LOT harder than it should have been. I had to rig two 7% crits from Seth and Myrhh respectively. I regret the (mostly) clean run ending like this, but them's the breaks. If Gerik could use Garm, and I had another rescued charge (because of the wasted one earlier) things would have been a lot simpler. I could have had Gerik double with Garm, Seth attack, Myrhh attack (rescued by Artur) and Saleh attack (Tethys) with probably would have ended with a dead DK.

1 Turn


Fun fact - Franz was generally useless beyond ferrying people, Duessel never killed anything outside of the desert, and Vanessa was not promoted. Eirika can promote, even if she is not level 10.

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This is insane! 0w0 93turns oh my god :lol:

Surprised how the lords and Franz weren't even used and yay you used Tana instead of Cormag :lol:.

Well, I intended to use Franz, but it never panned out. I didn't use Cormag because he was not recruited, otherwise, he probably would have been. I intended to use Vanessa, but she never panned out either.

I shouldn't say I didn't use them, I just expected Franz to take part in more combat than he did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Forgot to post this here, chapter 8, in 5 turns. The only treasure I got was the angelic robe. Tirado needed to not be a dick and proc great shield for this to work, and Eirika had to dodge 2 50 somethings from mages on turn 4 EP.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Final - Part 2 - I underestimated Fortimiis, and made a couple of mistakes (not getting Gerik to S in axes, not getting the body ring so Saleh would double)

Wouldn't getting the body ring require an extra turn or two on that map anyway?

that made this a LOT harder than it should have been. I had to rig two 7% crits from Seth and Myrhh respectively.

If you actually use Myrrh (maybe you can't get her enough experience the way you're doing things, though? My 2-turn strat for Ch 17 has her take out several enemies there on EP 1) and max her Str, then her crit will do the job by itself. Just saiyan...

I could have had Gerik double with Garm, Seth attack, Myrhh attack (rescued by Artur) and Saleh attack (Tethys) with probably would have ended with a dead DK

BTW, do we know what determines the unit placement at the start of part 2? Also, why would you need to rescue Myrrh for this strategy?

Surprised how the lords and Franz weren't even used and yay you used Tana instead of Cormag :lol:.

Franz is used here for unimportant things (e.g. recruiting Amelia). :P Not using Eirika is unsurprising since there's just no time to train her, and as buff as Eph is, he always seems to be surrounded by even more buff units. As for Cormag, it would cost 3 extra turns just to have him appear so he could be recruited, so yeah.

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Wouldn't getting the body ring require an extra turn or two on that map anyway?

If you actually use Myrrh (maybe you can't get her enough experience the way you're doing things, though? My 2-turn strat for Ch 17 has her take out several enemies there on EP 1) and max her Str, then her crit will do the job by itself. Just saiyan...

BTW, do we know what determines the unit placement at the start of part 2? Also, why would you need to rescue Myrrh for this strategy?

Franz is used here for unimportant things (e.g. recruiting Amelia). :P Not using Eirika is unsurprising since there's just no time to train her, and as buff as Eph is, he always seems to be surrounded by even more buff units. As for Cormag, it would cost 3 extra turns just to have him appear so he could be recruited, so yeah.

I could have got the body ring within 5 turns if I wanted, and FEWOD has the unit placements of final part 2. And you do have to remember that I had a grand total of 12 turns before final I had to train Myrhh, most of which she wasn't fielded/wasn't in range of enemies. I am re-doing from Chapter 16 on to do less luck reliant strategies (making sure Seth with a speedwing has enough speed to double Orson, getting Gerik to S in axes, etc.) And by rescuing Myrrh, I meant using the rescue staff.

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And you do have to remember that I had a grand total of 12 turns before final I had to train Myrhh, most of which she wasn't fielded/wasn't in range of enemies.

Ah. I usually have her do a lot of work in the few turns she's available :/

I am re-doing from Chapter 16 on to do less luck reliant strategies (making sure Seth with a speedwing has enough speed to double Orson, getting Gerik to S in axes, etc.)


And by rescuing Myrrh, I meant using the rescue staff.

Ok, but... so that she's in range of Tethys to get danced for another attack? Or what

ETA: just watched the Ch8 video. I feel noobish now: I didn't realize you can canto after unlocking a door, and had for some reason assumed that Reginleif is essential to pwning Tirado quickly, and thus set up a massive rescue chain for Ephraim.

Regarding your comments on luck: the Armorslayer would only need to hit 3 times out of 4, but I guess that's still less likely than getting all 4 with the Silver Lance (8 does use double-RNG, right?), and using the Armorslayer on EP wouldn't put you in range to use the Silver Lance if you missed either... so yeah, if Tirado's a dick then he's a dick :/ I bet the Armorslayer ORKOs in Easy though However, wrt Eirika, couldn't you have her use the Pure Water from Ch.2 before being rescued? It looks like it would still need to be at +4 to let her survive both mages...

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Ok, but... so that she's in range of Tethys to get danced for another attack? Or what

ETA: just watched the Ch8 video. I feel noobish now: I didn't realize you can canto after unlocking a door, and had for some reason assumed that Reginleif is essential to pwning Tirado quickly, and thus set up a massive rescue chain for Ephraim.

Regarding your comments on luck: the Armorslayer would only need to hit 3 times out of 4, but I guess that's still less likely than getting all 4 with the Silver Lance (8 does use double-RNG, right?), and using the Armorslayer on EP wouldn't put you in range to use the Silver Lance if you missed either... so yeah, if Tirado's a dick then he's a dick :/ I bet the Armorslayer ORKOs in Easy though However, wrt Eirika, couldn't you have her use the Pure Water from Ch.2 before being rescued? It looks like it would still need to be at +4 to let her survive both mages...

I wanted Myrhh to land the final hit, but she was out of range initially. Tethys can get Saleh in range, while Saleh doesn't waste his first move by rescueing Myrhh, another unit who is out of range, in range. I might just have Seth and Gerik kill the Goat Demon next time though, Gerik might double with Garm.

And I didn't get the pure water, because I needed Nessie to shuffle Seth around.

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I worked out how to get the pure water on Ch2 and still 4-turn it on Easy. Might not be doable on Hard, idk. The enemies are tougher but then there's no forced movement... anyway it doesn't matter for Easy so much because the mages aren't there on Ch8 anyway :P Isn't there also a pure water on Ch7 (mage on the west side)?

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Isn't the chapter 7 one a stealable item? I got the energy ring instead, as it's much more useful. And it probably is tougher in Hard, as Eirika didn't even double the bandits. Idk, maybe i'll check the easy mode stats sometime. I'm pretty sure they're significantly worse.

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Isn't the chapter 7 one a stealable item? I got the energy ring instead, as it's much more useful.

On Easy the Pure Water drops, the energy ring needs to be stolen.

asdlfkja. I went through it again and got Ch2 in 4, Ch4 in 3 as discussed, Ch10 in 4, Ch11 in 6 (Gerik is pwnsome, don't know what I was thinking benching him), Ch12 in 6 (!!! I promoted Franz in order to reach that last boss, and Tana can get the Bael early and survive against Wyverns with 2 secret books, 2 dragonshields, an angelic robe and a fair amount of luck), recruited Speedwing Amelia on Ch13 (barely any harder), worked out how to do Ch14 in 7 if I'm not hallucinating...

... and then realized I hadn't trained a warper. FFS. Seems like Saleh doesn't really get a chance at this speed though because his offense is needed all over. So maybe it's just not possible to put everything together. Or maybe it's just a matter of training both of them, and using short hops with Artur until Saleh can take over.

If everything can really be put together the way I'm hoping, then we're looking at a minimum of something like 89 for easy mode.

Yeah, for Ch2, if Eirika isn't even doubling the bandits then you're definitely doing to need some crits for my approach to work. :P

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On Easy the Pure Water drops, the energy ring needs to be stolen.

asdlfkja. I went through it again and got Ch2 in 4, Ch4 in 3 as discussed, Ch10 in 4, Ch11 in 6 (Gerik is pwnsome, don't know what I was thinking benching him), Ch12 in 6 (!!! I promoted Franz in order to reach that last boss, and Tana can get the Bael early and survive against Wyverns with 2 secret books, 2 dragonshields, an angelic robe and a fair amount of luck), recruited Speedwing Amelia on Ch13 (barely any harder), worked out how to do Ch14 in 7 if I'm not hallucinating...

... and then realized I hadn't trained a warper. FFS. Seems like Saleh doesn't really get a chance at this speed though because his offense is needed all over. So maybe it's just not possible to put everything together. Or maybe it's just a matter of training both of them, and using short hops with Artur until Saleh can take over.

If everything can really be put together the way I'm hoping, then we're looking at a minimum of something like 89 for easy mode.

Yeah, for Ch2, if Eirika isn't even doubling the bandits then you're definitely doing to need some crits for my approach to work. :P

I just have been going through normal mode (the enemy stats are the same as easy IIRC, but no tutorials) and I have these turncounts thus far, i'll probably finish up tonight. If you want, I could probably record the whole thing and upload it as one huge video since Youtube finally removed my 15 minute limit.

[spoiler=Turncounts]P - 1

1 - 3

2 - 4

3 - 4

4 - 2

5 - 3

5x - 7

6 - 3

7 - 4

8 - 5

9 - 4

10 - 3

11 - 6

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I just have been going through normal mode (the enemy stats are the same as easy IIRC, but no tutorials)

Really? Doing a separate run for Easy is a waste of time then? Or are there any other differences (e.g. exp formula)?

And damn, you've gone even further than me, I don't really have any more to contribute now. Eagerly looking forward to seeing your ch4 (2 turns = the northwest reinforcements don't show up?!) and ch10 (exploiting something in the ballista AI I assume). Is there just a problem with covering ground in ch 11? With all the other awesomeness uncovered thus far, it almost seems like it should be doable in 5 o_O

BTW, how many retries are these taking for you? I know ch12 was a real pain for me...

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I think Chapter 4 took one retry because Seth missed an 80 something Javelin, one restart on Chapter 7 because I made an error in Vanessa's positioning, one on Chapter 11 because I was testing to see if Vanessa could live a ballista shot, and one on Chapter 8 because Seth missed Tirado once and he Great Shield'd twice.

Chapter 12 will be annoying, and I'm worried that Saleh won't get enough WEP Exp because of chapters being slightly shorter (I think), and he didn't hit A Staves until turn 2 of Chapter 16...

As for the Normal/Easy differences, I'm pretty sure it's just the tutorial, but I'm not actually all that familiar with this game.

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Aha, so you did manage a 5-turn for Ch11, the 7-turn that I mentioned for Ch14, but Ch18 is still 5 :( Whatever, that's seriously impressive, major props to you sir

My plan for Ch14 involved Eirika facing down the two mages (they can't touch her with Pure Water/Barrier) and one remaining Knight on EP while Seth has to hit Carlyle on EP and Turn 7 PP, while another cav takes out the knight if Eirika didn't crit on EP since he'll be in the way. Sound about right?

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I don't think 18 was possible in 4, I had 6 in my HM log, but I'll probably be able to get 5. Chapter 14 required the most thought, because I needed the 7 turn with the secret shop, otherwise I wouldn't have Warp by Chapter 16. The first 8 chapters will probably be up sometime tonight.

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I don't think 18 was possible in 4, I had 6 in my HM log, but I'll probably be able to get 5. Chapter 14 required the most thought, because I needed the 7 turn with the secret shop, otherwise I wouldn't have Warp by Chapter 16. The first 8 chapters will probably be up sometime tonight.

WTF!? The secret shop is all the way around that corner, how can anyone get there in 7 turns even uninhibited? You must have some truly sick rescue/dance chaining worked out for it... ?

18 might well be impossible in 4 just because of the number of enemies. I had been hopeful though because my 5-turn had Artur as a warper and didn't use Summoner!Knoll or Purge. :/

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Yeah, Chapter 14 probably was the toughest chapter in the entire playthrough, but I had Gerik clear out the enemies in the throne room (well, the ones with ranged attacks, like the Sniper, and two Fighters) from over the south wall, and yeah, I had Seth, Franz, and Forde as Paladins rushing. Franz made it with zero spaces to spare.

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Yeah, Chapter 14 probably was the toughest chapter in the entire playthrough, but I had Gerik clear out the enemies in the throne room (well, the ones with ranged attacks, like the Sniper, and two Fighters) from over the south wall, and yeah, I had Seth, Franz, and Forde as Paladins rushing. Franz made it with zero spaces to spare.

Ahhh right, you get another Knight crest from Aias, and I guess with 3 pallies you can do some convoying techniques with Tethys that wouldn't be possible with 2... it'll still be a treat to watch I'm sure :D

I tag-teamed with Innes, Saleh and Gerik in the center area, but I guess I didn't really need to weaken that one extra knight with the Longbow...

Damn. Almost an entire turn per chapter over what I thought was "close to optimal". Humbling.

(There isn't really anywhere that massive RNG abuse would help, is there? Except against Fomortiis anyway...)

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