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Record of Agarest War (Ending discussion)


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Alright, I know I'm a bit late to this party, but I just beat Record of Agarest War for Xbox 360/ Ps3( PSN would be more accurate for were I live) and I was left wondering a few things.

A. Does the game ever clarify or show who Rachel ,somebody Winfield seems to care for, is? He mentions her in the fifth gen. but never really clarifies who she was. A sister, a girlfriend, a wife?

B. Is there any explanation as to what happens to winfield what with the bracelet. I suppose he removes it but they aren't real detailed about anyone's endings

C. lastly do the previous heroes and heroines of earlier gens. come back for good. I know they help out in the end, but with the seals gone do they stay or just disappear again?

Maybe i'm being to literal with wanting to know every little detail in a game that probably simply didn't give them but I figured i'd ask, just to be sure.

(Hopefully i'm not the only one whos played this here....)

EDIT: ( Apparently I am... :facepalm: )


-Eriad Eternas-

Edited by Eriad
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A: The only clarification on her is that she was apparently Winfield's lover before she lost her life during the Gridamas invasion.

B: They never explain what happens, no.

C: They disappear after the final battle. They were already dead but they were allowed to come back due to a plot device of some sort. I believe they go into a bit more detail about it in Agarest Zero if you're interested in trying that out. You can also go through Agarest 1's story without the overabundance of random battles in-between events in that one as well as get some extra dialogue at the end when all the heroes and heroines rejoin.

This game is pretty "niche" so it doesn't really surprise me when people don't know about it. :P

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