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Ah man! It's so hard to pick a few songs so let me list composers who I really adore for having made very pretty music.

  • - Most likely known for his work on the Chrono series. I think Mitsuda's my absolute top favorite composer. His melodies aren't as dramatic and orchestra heavy as other Square composers (like say, Uematsu) but that's absolutely okay! The melodies are just so... alive and fitting for the games he participates in.
  • Miki Higashino - I can't not mention her because she scored the music to my favorite game, Suikoden II. But that's not the only reason I have for loving her. This track alone never fails to give me goosebumps because you can feel how emotion-heavy the scene that it plays in is without having to necessarily play the game. And if you did play it, it's not hard to admit that you get that heart-wrenching feeling whenever the first few bars of this plays ;;[*]Yoko Shimomura - I think Shimomura's best known for her work in the Kingdom Hearts series, but I honestly enjoyed her work on Legend of Mana far more. This opening track's so lively and despite the numerous complaints people have over the cheesy lyrics, the melody's just so... adventurey! She's also very diverse of a composer, with her battle themes for this game utilizing rock. Quite refreshing to hear when I first played the game haha.
  • - Hirota's work on the wonderful but very underrated game, Shadow Hearts, was amazing. His style's a bit more... folk, but that doesn't limit his capabilities to compose tracks that suit the mood of the game; be it eerie, funny or serious. He also collaborated with Mitsuda for Shadow Hearts, iirc?
  • Yuka Tsujiyoko - I'm sure you guys are far more familiar with her than I am haha. I'm quite guilty of having ignored FE's soundtrack but Awakening changed that for me, with this track being the pivotal reason as to why. It's so emotionally charged and... augh. It's just too pretty to ignore.
  • - Their work on the Ar tonelico soundtracks was pretty phenomenal! With some of the most complex vocal harmonies I've heard for a video game; in which respect I have to say
    deserve as much of the praise as the sound team does (Those ladies are great composers in their own rights as well!). GUST's instrumentals are very whimsical though. Most definitely fitting with the nature of their games.
  • - Headed by Keiichi Okabe, with lyrics and vocals by Emi Evans. Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Nier's music is some of the best video game music I have heard in recent years. The tracks are also quite diverse in style, all of them fitting so well into the game environment. I highly recommend procuring a copy of the OST.

Whew! That was a lot of linking haha.

Edit: Ahh! How could I have forgotten Nier ;;

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Ah man! It's so hard to pick a few songs so let me list composers who I really adore for having made very pretty music.

  • [*]
- Most likely known for his work on the Chrono series. I think Mitsuda's my absolute top favorite composer. His melodies aren't as dramatic and orchestra heavy as other Square composers (like say, Uematsu) but that's absolutely okay! The melodies are just so... alive and fitting for the games he participates in.

Hi will you marry me plz

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Some of these may have been posted (if not, WHY?), but I'm posting them regardless in honour of me recently replaying the game. Pretty much every level in this game has great music.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

Sinking Old Sanctuary

Clockwork Mansion

And just cuz,

from the first DS Castlevania, Edited by Owain Dark
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