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The Serenes Forest Ball


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No! There will be no slinking into a dark corners!

If I see anyone attempt it, then I will force them to dance with me!

Balls are a place to have fun! =D

*slinks out of the corner*

...Don't hurt me....

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It seems the ball has still not started. Do I still have to dance with you?

Yes. Though I suppose if you want to save energy for when the ball actually starts, then that's alright. It just means there will be more witnesses. =D

*slinks out of the corner*

...Don't hurt me....

*Pulls Fireman out of the corner!*

Just for that, we're going to waltz now. Lyle, find your best waltz music A.S.A.P.

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Yes. Though I suppose if you want to save energy for when the ball actually starts, then that's alright. It just means there will be more witnesses. =D

But...people are going to...think things!

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Even though I can't dance..... I don't want to feel awkward... Alone...

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But...people are going to...think things!

Silly Nightmare. You shouldn't care about what other people think! And don't listen to rumours! They're never true!




Even though I can't dance..... I don't want to feel awkward... Alone...

...Was I not good enough for you? :(

*starts "waltzing" with Songbird*

See? See? This is fun! Better than hiding in dark corners!

Now we just need Lyle to provide the music. XD

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And Lyle is dead.


I refuse to believe this until proof is provided.

Until then, get your orchestra ready, Nightmare.

You will provide waltz music for us. XD

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I will do nothing for Lyle's ball. He was rude to me...*remembers last night*


You might not want to say "last night", because less innocent people than me might possibly take it the wrong way. XD

And awww, what happened? D:

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You might not want to say "last night", because less innocent people than me might possibly take it the wrong way. XD

And awww, what happened? D:

Nightmare wanted to orgnazie the ball, but Lyle wouldn't let him....

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Hmmm...My waltz partner left....

Wake me when this party gets really exciting.

*Fireman drinks the drugged punch*

*Fireman falls asleep on the dance floor*

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Hmmm...My waltz partner left....

Wake me when this party gets really exciting.

*Fireman drinks the drugged punch*

*Fireman falls asleep on the dance floor*

My waltz partner left as well...

*Drinks punch and also falls asleep*

Do I sense a new relationship?

Shall we dance?

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The twins like the idea...

<Desdemona> Lyle: FiremanxNightmare

<Desdemona> xDDDD

<Nightmarre> Huh?

<Desdemona> On the ball thread

<Desdemona> ._.

<Cymbeline> lolfiremanxnightmare

<Nightmarre> You girls sure seem to like the idea

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