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The Serenes Forest Ball


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Seriously, can you at least give a reason to re-open this besides 'Just to fuck with you'?

Cause next week MaSu, goes to college and I start school

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Cause next week MaSu, goes to college and I start school

Um. So?

I go to college too. It's not like we're never going to be on the forest from now on.

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with college and stuff me and masu are going to be on less now and plus he has work as well

I'm 100% certain that Metal Arc doesn't care and he's re-opening this to screw with me.

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with college and stuff me and masu are going to be on less now and plus he has work as well

Dude.......I have a FUCKING FOUR HOUR TIME GAP in between my tuesday and thursday classes. So yah I have FOUR HOURS to be on Serenes............hope theres gonna be ppl on........

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I can't show it but I'm sitting in my chair laughing like a madman as I'm typing.

For some reason all I can see is Joshua doing his "Playing with his hair" pose from TWEWY saying "You do not understand how entertaining this is!" Then he grins like an ass and does his ass hole chuckle.

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You just noticed that. I noticed that when I became a royal

Well I noticed that too, but I never thought it would be so....possible.

I know I never think I will.

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