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Blaze the Sage

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One more thing for ya.


Very quick job, EXTREMELY rough, but... eh, it's something. I'd have been happy to do something more elaborate - if Hector's cape didn't hide 90% of his damn body half the time. I can freehand little details half-decently, but not whole freakin' sprites.

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I think that his stabbing frame is too far down, or the lance anyway. It doesn't look he has hit the enemy either because he is overlapping the unit/is front of the enemy. The fluffy thing on his lance should move as well... Actually, it should just be redone. I am not sure if it is a pompom or if it is a ribbon(like on the Spear). Right now it doesn't move and is pillow shaded. The frame when he is moving the lance down(frame 2 perhaps?) the lance head is doing something funky there. :P

Hope some of this helps. :)

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Thanks for the suggestions - Shading is by far one of my biggest weaknesses, aside from freehanding. I went back and at least tried to make the fluff-thing look better. I also made it move a little bit outside the frames for bringing the lance up/down.

As for the thing where it doesn't look like he hit, that was sort of intentional, but I've exaggerated it a bit more here. It's supposed to be the sort of thing where the attack comes so fast, it doesn't look like it connected at all - 'till the other guy falls over.


I also gave him a new target because generic soldiers are fun to murder.

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I think that definitely looks better. :)

The only other thing I could see improving on is changing how he returns. Right now I think the animation is a cool idea but the returning is a bit bland. Maybe a slight jump back?

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Yeah, that's me being a coward more than anything. Anything I might possibly have been able to use for a return in unpromoted Hector's sprites are all mostly hidden by his damn cape - and while I can sorta do smaller portions, I can't freehand whole sprites for beans.

Believe me, I've tried.

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I pictured it as the guy slashing at the ankles, but that's because the animation had me confused so I just kept my eyes on the spearhead. Even that's a bit of a stretch, though, I know :lol:

Maybe consider changing the stance just before the attack? It's not really a convincing hit ... at least not with the lance.

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I think it could be more fluid when he snaps back up. Some blur on the arms moving should do the trick!

I think that it would look cool too if he braced himself for the lunge as well, kinda like Amelia does with her critical or how Ephraim steadies his lance. Not these exactly, mind you, but just that general idea would look pretty sweet imo. :)

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Looks better as far as the pre-stab. It at least looks like the lance is doing the killing. His movements are very minimal, though, even for a GBA sprite :lol:

I'd maybe add a couple more bits to the motions or something.

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Well, I've reached a point where if I focus too much more on that one, I'm gonna go insane. And I've reached the point where I'm fairly happy with it, so I give you something new, and related.

I figured, since he has a melee attack, let's give him Javelins, too.


I got lazy with the projectile animation thingy. Also, the motion blurs are... less than perfect, shall we say, but yeah.

I did have to freehand most of the frame where he's holding the Javelin ready to throw. I'm honestly impressed that I managed to come up with something halfway decent for it, considering everything between his shoulders to just above his feet was hidden by the freaking cape.

EDIT: and just a tiny little for-giggles thing, mapsprite whee BrandonMapSprite.gif

Edited by Blaze the Sage
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a few random things I did a little while ago I never bothered to put up here:


The final result of the above animation attempts. I threw Brandon into a Fire Emblem RP on another site that actually had a stat system and a campaign going and everything. I decided to make a big entry (though I did promise not to do something like that again; I sorta made the GM uncomfortable <.<).

And just because I felt like it, sprites for some of the portraits I've been putting up:

TylerPortrait.gif: TylerBattle.gif

TaiAttempt3-1.gif: TaiBattle.gifTaiBattle2.gif

KedaikusPortrait.gif: KedaikusBattle.gif

The first two guys were for pure flavor and just screwing around to make sprites that really matched the portrait. I specifically went in creating something had no intention of EVER animating. The swordsman, I might go back one day and try something. If I'm feeling spectacularly brave and masochistic.

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