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Agent Minimafia - Game Over, Town wins


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You go from saying there was no night 4 to saying you protected kaoz on night 4. You would have had to know there was a night 4 to protect him on that night. Your role pm would have contained something like "Night X - Protect USER"

There are too many blanks with this. Also why protect Kaoz instead of someone who's definitive town.

I haven't been dating my actions. I never do. And yet Paper still accepts them. Honestly.

Second, I don't trust the two people who are "definitively town". Excuse me.

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Psych, go and read ShoM's role PM. He recruits Townies. If he aims at Mafia/SK, his entire mason group will die. If he aims at the Cult Leader, the Cult Leader will die. This much is confirmed by his role PM.

Night 1, he targeted Clipsey!, but recruited Shinori instead. This is written on his will, and it was by this action that he deduced that Clipsey! was a Bus Driver and soon got her lynched (or modkilled, but it was the same thing here). Shinori confirmed 100% Town.

Night 2, he targeted Kevin. Kevin died. Nothing to say here.

Night 3, he targeted Strawman. ShoM died, presumably because he was shot by Mafia/SK. HOWEVER, Shinori did not die, even though he should have died if Strawman was Mafia/SK. The fact that Shinori survived proves that Strawman is 100% cleared.

Oh, and did you just claim to protect ShoM on Night 3? Which is the night that he died? Seriously, Psych?

##Oboru-Garasu: Psych

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Ugh fine! I don't even care any more!

Dear Psych,

You are Sharrakor, Serial Killer. Your father was a crazy murderer, and despite your best efforts, you're just a regular chip off the old block.

At night, you must respond to your role PM with "Night X - Killing USER." USER will die. If you fail to send in this action, you will die instead.

You are allied with yourself. You win if you survive and the Military loses.


Also Proto is the last mafia. It's incredibly obvious.

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Well... I suppose it's obvious that one of Strawman/Shinori will die tonight, so you guys should probably exchange your thoughts on Proto and me while you still have the chance (unless you can talk to each other even after death I guess)...

Proto, did you already role claim?

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Actually that's incorrect, I swtiched up the nights again...

According to my N3 results, both Proto and Psych visited Sho, in other words Psych must have been the killer since he doesn't have any other abilities. That means the mafia's kill was last night, and unless Paperblade allows the mafia to kill every night now, there shouldn't be any deaths this night.

Naturally this is only obvious from my pov...

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In fact imo both of you claim tonight. Even if one of us die tonight it doesn't matter. Claim.

That being said, I guess it can't hurt to claim Watcher with the following results:

N1 - Sho: No Lynch (I assume it means that nobody visited him)

N2 - idle

N3 - Sho: Proto, Psych

N4 - SSS: nobody

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Game is over.

The only relevant log:

[04:13] <Sho_is_the_show> paper

[04:13] <Sho_is_the_show> would it speed up if

[04:14] <Sho_is_the_show> we recruit

[04:14] <Sho_is_the_show> our correctness or failure will deside game

[04:14] <Paperblade> yes

[04:14] <Paperblade> who are you recruiting

[04:14] <Sho_is_the_show> kaoz

[04:14] <Paperblade> k

[04:14] <Paperblade> Kaoz is masoned

[04:15] <Sho_is_the_show> he is town i see

[04:15] <Sho_is_the_show> so town won yes/yes?

[04:16] <Paperblade> yes

Edit: In other words, after the night phase, all town members will be masons and thus it's autowin

Edited by Paperblade
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Last people's roles, pre-masoning

Dear Proto,

You are Garet, Agent Stalker. You used to be an informant for merchants and businesses and such, until you were recruited by the government to do real work. You aren't sure if you prefer real work though, since it's your neck on the line.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Trailing USER." You will obtain USER's entire role PM, since that's kind of your job.

Additionally, at night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Sending AGENT to kill USER." USER will be killed by AGENT, obviously.

You may talk to all other Agents outside of the main thread.

You are allied with the Agents. You win if the number of Agents alive is equal to or greater than the number of non-Agents alive.

Dear Shinori,

You are Lawrence, Military Leader. You are a no-nonsense kind of guy, which is unfortunate since player characters tend to be the sort of people that belong in an insane asylum.

At day, you may respond to your role PM with "Day X - Executing USER." You will override the current lynch and execute USER instead. You may only use this ability once.

You are allied with the Military. You win if the Agents, Fanatics, and Serial Killer are eliminated.

Dear StSS,

You are Nike, Military Vigilante. You are an ex-pirate that's missing an eye. Your higher ups and some of your equals do not approve of your attitude... which happens to be a lot of people, since you are only a PFC.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Killing USER." You will sneak into USER's tent at night and kill him. However, if the Agents also try to kill USER that night, they will catch you and kill you too.

You are allied with the Military. You win if the Agents, Fanatics, and Serial Killer are eliminated.

Dear Darros,

You are Aster, Military Watcher. You got stuck on latrine duty after you failed to stop the agents from burning down the armory, which makes this personal. Latrine duty sucks.

At night, you may respond to your role PM with "Night X - Patrolling near USER." You will spend the night's watch around USER's tent, learning who visits USER throughout the night. Since this is your job, you are not considered to be visiting USER.

You are allied with the Military. You win if the Agents, Fanatics, and Serial Killer are eliminated.

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N1 Protect StSS

N2 Protect Sho


D1 Idle

D2 Idle

D3 Jail Proto


N1 Track Anouleth (hooked)


N1 Watch Sho

N2 Idle

N3 Watch Sho

N4 Watch StSS


N1 Inspect Kay

N2 Inspect Anouleth


D1 Idle

N2 Mason Kevin

N3 Mason StSS

N4 Idle

N5 Mason Kaoz


N1 Idle

N2 Idle

N3 Shoot Kay

N4 Idle

N5 Mason Kaoz


N1 Mason eclipse (redirected to Shinori)

N2 Mason Kevin

N3 Mason StSS


N1 Check StSS

N2 Check Blitz, kill Anouleth

N3 Check Psych, kill Sho

N4 Jailed

N5 doesn't matter


N1 Drive eclipse and Shinori


N1 Hook Snike, kill Snike

N2 Hook Kevin

N3 Hook StSS


N1 Cult Snike

N2 Cult Sho (hooked)


N1 Kill Snike

N2 Kill Kevin

N3 Kill Sho

N4 Kill Lorddomu

In other words, Psych targeted someone that was already marked for death every night until he was literally the only kill (vig mason'd and mafia jailed)

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