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KoT's S Rank Marcus-less HHM Run Log



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So I've been doing a EHM S rank log (which I've S ranked with like 45 turns to spare...don't ask me why, because I'm an idiot) and HHM S rank log on the GameFAQs forums for some time now. They've gotten mostly positive (pity) reviews, so now with G_H's "approval" I'm going to re-post the HHM S rank run here (A PESTILENCE AMONG YOU!).

Link to my (Now Completed) S Rank EHM Log: http://www.gamefaqs....emblem/60550610

First, a short history. Due to weird and unusual circumstances in my life recently (which involved a 20 hour flight to a British-owned tropical island to go to medical school), I have managed to find a Game Boy Advance Micro and a copy of Fire Emblem. Unfortunately, such circumstances also put off my medical school ambitions for another year (turns out it was a bit of a party school, and everything was ungodly expensive sans the boose; I didn't want to pay $40K a year for that, but I am respectful and will not slander the school by mentioning its name), and now I've spent the last 2 months busting ass trying to find a temporary job to pay off college bills (HOW IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A JOB THAT PAYS $9 AN HOUR WITH A BIOCHEMISTRY DEGREE) and shadow a doctor to buff up my application. So that leaves me with way too much time on my hands, no pride, and Fire Emblem. Logically, S ranking everything I could find was the first idea to come into my head.

Second, a have a bit of a friendly rivalry with General_Horace, which stems from that fact that archers are tied with mercenaries/sages/swordmasters for my favorite class in the game. He thinks that they're sub-optimal in just about every way in the GBA games. Needless to say, this may or may not have led to some stupidly long discussions (I've counted like 150 posts total in this debate, usually maxed out on character length per post) where neither side has really budged at all. This, of course, means that there's probably 150 more posts on the way which will again result in no real change in position. It's the way the world works, people.

Third, I can just imagine this thread coming to haunt me if I ever become successful (doubt it!) enough to run for public office. They'll just dig it up and use it in a smear campaign. "Kngt_Of_Titania says he'd like to be your governor. But do you want a nerd in office who can't tell a joke to save his life? I certainly don't. So vote for Douchebag #2 for office and SAVE. OUR. FUTURE!" (You totally read those last three words like Wheel of Fortune).

Anyways, let's go!~

In this thread, I will document my general failure at life and fire emblem in a log, as I see how many ways one can possibly screw up S ranking HHM.

Please comment on my posts (so, you know, I know people are actually reading this) and enjoy the crapstorm I am about to endure! I'll shape the general form, humor, and type of information I give out based on your comments, so post away! PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, POST!

General rules of this run:

1) No Marcus. He can be used to meatshield or ferry rescue in extreme emergencies in chapters where he's forced, but if his W/B ratio isn't 0% by the end of this run, I've failed.

2) This playthrough is proceeded by a S rank, 7-Nils LHM run (thanks General_Horace for the Nils trick on chapter 10). ALL Gaiden chapters will be visited, including 19xx and 32x. Best ending ftw?

3) Oswin will burn in the depths of hell unless I need to level him up to meet experience rank. Dorcas will keep Oswin company. (I have been forced to bend this rule).

4) Wil and Rebecca will be used. Alot. ALOT.

5) Use of any prepromotes will be infrequent, at best. By that, I mean Pent might throw out a physic or two on Unfulfilled Heart, and Hawkeye might weaken generals in 23x. Maybe.

6) All chapters will be as low turned as possible unless it threatens to screw up the S rank. Since I literally haven't done HHM in 5 years, I will have to be somewhat conservative in decision-making.

7) I'm going to try to recruit every possible character available, including Karla. I'll likely choose Karel for PFoD...because I can.

8) No bugs will be used, ever. No mine trick, no Ninis' Grace bug, no RNG manipulation using movement arrows, etc. I may use movement arrows to reset RNs if I reset/fail a chapter too many times.

9) No gems will be sold before the Silver Card is acquired. This means Wolf Beil probably won't last past Noble Lady of Celin, but oh well. Removes the temptation of screwing with my assets rank.

10) Merlinus must not die. To anything. Ever. Not though his stupid prose makes me want to strangle him. Have strength, my friends, because the whiny bastard is holding most of your assets.

11) Any other stupid restrictions I forgot to mention here or decide to do mid-run.

IMPORTANT: I will gladly accept any general tips, tricks, etc. that will help me low turn as much as possible, so long as I don't violate any of the above rules doing it.


Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 11: Another Journey (...Anybody Else Ever Wonder Why Nobody Came to Help Hector? I Mean, He's In the Damn Castle!)

Turn Limit: 0

Turns Taken: 7 (I once beat the turn limit on this chapter...true story <.< >.> V.V)

Aggravation Level: When you're low on money and decide to take an office job to pay the bills, only to experience the mind-numbing, sanity-stealing agony of doing the same damn thing every day in a little cubicle, surrounded by people who annoy you to no end despite the fact that you can't quite ever remember their names. I used to wonder why some timid, kind-hearted guy who worked in an office for 21 years suddenly went on a killing spree...now I ask how he had the mental fortitude not to do it 20 years earlier.

Characters Used: Matthew, Hector. Serra would've helped, but Matthew knocked her out to get her to shut up.


To do this in 7 turns, there's very, VERY little leeway that is given. Hector HAS to move basically full distance every turn but one, and he has to be lucky enough not to die to a knight, a soldier, and an archer in turn 2 enemy phase. Period.

Unfortunately, my RNs sucked balls, so Hector always failed to dodge and thus always died, making it impossible to 7 turn it. This basically meant that I had to blow RNs using the arrow movement trick (basically, when a movement arrow can take 2 shapes, a random number is used to determine which shape is used); however, since I said no RNG abuse in my rules, I forced myself to make the number of RNs I used totally random (as in, I never counted them). This was basically to force the game to be random, as it really should be anyways. :>

Unfortunately, since Matthew didn't get a single strength point above base, he could not finish off the archers once Hector had hit them with a hand axe, which is crucial, because otherwise they hit Matthew for half his health with a 60% chance to hit if they live. This meant that I couldn't just blow through it like General_Horace did in this S rank log. :>

A couple notable failed attempts:

Hector managed to kill everything without everybody dying, except he ended up one space away from the boss on turn 7. Since you need Wolf Beil to kill the boss in 2 hits, I was out of luck.

Hector managed to do everything right, reached the boss on turn 7, landed two hits with the Wolf Beil, but since the boss got an especially high HHM DEF bonus and Hector failed to proc STR on level up, the boss was left with 1 health on the second hit.

Time for Birds of a Feather, which will be ultra fun since I've prohibited the use of 3 characters. :> I swear I will 5 turn it, though. No way in hell I'm falling behind General_Horace in turn count, Marcus or no Marcus. :D

Overall Ranking:


Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5?

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Chapter 12: Birds of a Feather (...Or, Where I Found Out General_Horace Can't Count to Six)

Turn Limit: 8

Turns Taken: 6

Aggravation Level: When you go to take out the trash to a dumpster half a block away only to find out that the entire path is a large, slippery block of ice. To this day, I'm shocked that I didn't break a bone after falling down 15 times on cement traveling 200-300 feet. Pro tip: Winter in Alaska sucks. "Spring" sucks worse.

Characters Used: Osfail, Dorkas, Gaiden's bastard child (fielded, not used), Eli "My Bases Blow" Wood, Rebecca, Bartre, Matthew, Serra.


I figured I should have a bit of backstory to begin with. I tried this chapter what felt like a million times trying to get this done by turn 5, and failed miserably pretty much every time. The biggest issue was largely that Eliwood's group would kill everything by turn 4, but Hector's group would, at best, have 3-4 people left by the end of turn 5, especially without Oswin or Hector killing crap. So, I eventually put down the Game Boy Micro, admitted I suck at life, and decided to look at General_Horace's log to figure out what I did wrong. I actually learned a couple of things.

The first thing is that the boss isn't FORCED to move towards Hector on HHM and Eliwood on EHM, but rather moves towards the closest player; since Eliwood's group finished early, I had Lowen move as close to the boss as physically possible by the end of turn 3 (when he starts to move). This meant that the boss could attack Bartre (who would stand in trees to make getting ORKO'd only an ~20% chance) and then die on the next turn as everybody in the south who's not Marcus beats the living crap out of him.

The second thing is that General_Horace did not 5 turn this chapter on either his S rank log, but rather 6 turned it. I actually noticed this when looking at his video for the second time (since I noticed something seemed off). Why am I sure of this? This picture from his own log is proof enough:


Don't worry, G_H, I'm sure we all still <3 you.

Anyways, down to business. I admit that I had to weaken enemies (and kill one fleeing pegasus ride) with Oswin/Dorcas; I'm sorry, I know I'm amazing (wait, I forgot the "not"...oh well), but I can't make wine out of water. I know, it shocked me too. However, I figured that, as long as they don't kill anything, using them to weaken enemies is a pure boon to experience, and as long as they don't steal kills from actually useful characters like Matthew and Rebecca (which is WHY I don't want to use them at all), IDGAF what they do.

Rebecca sniped kills like no tomorrow and gained a level doing it (also getting a point in HP, STR, SKL, and SPD in the process). Hector gained a couple levels, nothing too great or too crap, and Matthew kept Serra alive. A lot of this chapter came down to killing the ranged enemies, praying RNG goes my way (there are WAY too many ~50-60% hit chances at this point in the game, making the variability outrageous), and making sure the boss is pulled south.

Boss was left with 2 health on turn 6 player phase, Rebecca sniped the kill and saved me a possible turn at best and aggravating reset at worst. She leveled up (again) and gained a point in STR, SKL, SPD, and LUK. Keep on going, Rebecca. I have a feeling this is going to be EPIC. Also, to any Rebecca haters out there, deal with it.

P.S. I was going to do a picture with Rebecca saying "Deal with it", but when I went to Google image search "Rebecca fire emblem", I found more fan pics with her topless/naked/having sex (OH IM DYING IN YOUR ARMS TONIGHT, IT MUSTVE BEEN SOMETHING YOU SAID~) than her in-game face portrait. I would like to take this moment to point out that the Google filter is worth crap.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 2 (13/8)

Funds: 5?

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5?

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Chapter 13: In Search of Truth (...And My Pride, Since I Think the Massive Horde of Enemies Here Stole It)

Turn Limit: 12

Turns Taken: 9

Aggravation Level: Having a goth asking you out on a date and having to refrain from saying, "If I ever went on a date with you, I'd probably wake up to find both of us naked with a pentagram drawn on my stomach and you chanting in latin over black candles." Actually, now that I think about it, I regret not going on that date. ~.o

Characters Used: Now starring...the same damn people as last chapter.


HOLY. ****ING. CRAP. All I have to say; while I struggled to meet G_H's turn count last chapter without using Marcus or having Oswin or Dorcas score a kill, it was a ball-buster just to BEAT this chapter, period. There are so, so, SO, SO many more enemies on HHM than EHM, and I swear that they intentionally screw you over with the forced starting formation.

For an apt comparison, imagine beating this chapter in HHM meeting G_H's turn count as a strong man pulling a car 100 feet -- doable, but it requires a decent exertion by the strong man to do so. Now imagine meeting his turn count with my current restrictions as a strong man doing the same thing....except pulling it by his balls.

So I was forced to strip Marcus of his weapons and temporarily use him as a meatshield, largely due to the starting formations. If I didn't, enemies would plug the chokepoint to the south, making 9 turning the stage while recruiting Guy and keeping everybody alive almost impossible. It didn't last long, only until Guy got recruited on turn 4 (Marcus actually DIED from a Guy crit one attempt...I **** you not. I've never laughed so hard from this game in my life. :D).

I wish I could post a really coherent strategy here, but I really can't. It was such a mess it was hard to keep with exactly what was going on, but in general I sent Bartre and Oswin to the left and everybody else down, while making sure Hector rushed like a madman to meet the boss by turn 7-8, since he's really the only person who could beat him with Wolf Beil.

The couple of turns after Guy was recruited was particularly insane -- enemies spawning 2 spaces from my healer, pegasi flying in everywhere, cavaliers from near the boss moving towards me, etc. Nobody died, and at the end of it, I felt so goddamn pro -- I had Rebecca rescue somebody to prevent my her from dying. o.O That was a first.

This wouldn't have been doable in 9 turns if Hector had not had a 4% crit go off on the boss on his first swing, so although there were 3 enemies left alive by turn 9 (one being a cavalier that Hector failed to hit), I called it good and moved on...I seriously doubt I'd be as lucky again, although I might consider switching Bartre and Hector next time.

Second funniest scene from the chapter? There is a cavalier with a javelin that runs away from everybody when at 10% or less health. I was trying to get Eliwood to trap and kill him, but failed epically. Funny sight, though -- watching Eliwood with a rapier chase around an enemy with a javelin who could probably near one-shot him if he tried. COME BACK HERE, FIEND! I SHALL SMITE THEE WITH MY CRAPTASTIC BASES!

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (22/20)

Funds: 5?

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 5? (Probably not...lol)

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Turn Limit: 7

Turns Taken: 8 (Forced)

Aggravation Level: When your girlfriend is going through her period. Seriously, they always whine and moan about it, but it's not exactly sunshine and roses over here, either! I swear, do women ever wonder why it was MEN that came up with Midol (I think)?

Characters Used: Oh, look! New characters! Oh wait, nope. Damn, and I was totally convinced there for a minute, too!


The aggravation level is the perfect analogy for this chapter. Imagine the woman is having the worst period of her life, and you're the unlucky bastard to watch it unfold. There's a whole bunch of unwanted crap spilling out, blood's everywhere, you have a whiny, overly emotional voice (Merlinus) pissing you off to no end, an obligation to help, and you all of a sudden feel like the Swedish boy with his finger plugging the dam to stay alive, knowing there's a 99.9999% chance you're totally screwed. And, to make things worse, your hand (Marcus) has been cut off and reduced to a bloody stump.

This literally took me over 50 times to beat to my satisfaction, and I ended up beating the boss, keeping everybody alive, visiting the village, and leaving only 3 enemies living (no, the boss was dead and thus not one of them), which beats the crap out of what you did in your S rank log, G_H...all while relegating Marcus as a meatshield. I...AM...A....GOOOOODDDDDD! ...OK, I'm not the worst FE player ever, which is a step up for me!

Anyways, it was mainly having a stripped Oswin and Marcus block the northern paths, and having Hector with the Wolf Beil kill as much as he could, as fast as he could, while managing to stay above 0 health (somehow) the whole time. Guy, Rebecca, and Bartre took the western enemies, and Guy one-shot Puzon with a killing edge (so, SO satisfying to have that happen, btw). Matthew took the southeast island and all of the brigands, standing on a fortress to keep the spawns to a minimum and stay alive with necessary extra avoidance. Dorcas took the southern-most brigand, weakened it to 3 health, and had Rebecca snipe the kill for the experience.

I know that this sounds easy, but it's really not. Balancing defending and killing everything and not having anybody die and pushing forward hard enough to reach the village with 5000G and the fog of war made me want to pull my hair out.

When I finally managed to beat it, I didn't even care I had mediocre levels in general and REALLY terrible levels for Matthew...oddly enough, Matthew got a ton of STR/SPD/SKL levels and turned out godly on almost every attempt except the successful one. Oh well, it's not like we're all not used to having salt rubbed in our eyes by life once in a while. :/

Btw, look at this Guy!


STR: 10 (NOT a typo)

SKL: 15

SPD: 15

LUK: 5

DEF: 6

RES: 2

...He's giving Rebecca a run for her money in blessed-ness. And as they both are among my favorite characters/classes, I feel so damn lucky.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (30/27)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 3

P.S. Look at that combat rank! I don't think anybody can look at those ratings and NOT say I'm doing this run Marcusless.

P.S.S. Update your EHM S rank log, G_H! I'm waiting. ~.o

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Chapter 14: False Friends (Speaking of Falsities, the Rumors That Rebecca's Girls are Fake Is TOTALLY Not True. Ask Wil. Or Google Image Search. Or Dart. /bannedforincestjoke)

Turn Limit: 10

Turns Taken: 8

Aggravation Level: Trying to come up with aggravation levels, especially since I'm horrible at jokes. Seriously, my wit is like Bieber's dick....30 seconds and I'm done (in b4 "I don't get the reference"!).



Not as bad as 13x, but still really bad. It's certainly evident that, unlike EHM, they balance this difficulty around heavy use of Marcus. Before we begin, I have to admit something -- I used Dorcas to clear two of the soldiers on the right of the map. I'm sorry, I tried everything I could to avoid doing it, but Bartre just can't ORKO them yet. You heard me right -- Bartre couldn't double 0 SPD soldiers; he's still at 3 SPD at level 5...GG. I have no idea how the hell I'm ever going to get him to 20/5 for Karla. Oswin also was forced to score a kill so Hector could reach Erik in time. :/

So the name of the game for matching General_Horace's turn count of 8 without using Marcus is doing a few key things:

1) Recruit Erk on the first turn (yes, it's possible) so that Serra can stay with the main force instead of having to wander near the northern village.

2) Rebecca is killing off the left-most pegasus that spawns so it doesn't kill a weakened thief. I couldn't do this chapter without that pegasus gone. Thanks, archer that doubles HHM enemies even though G_H said it wasn't going to happen! ...But seriously, why are my archers ALWAYS blessed, at least mildly? I swear to god I'm not RNG abusing their level ups.

3) Having Bartre/Dorcas take care of the right-most pegasus and the soldiers/knight near Merlinus.

4) Killing Erik by turn 4. THIS IS HUGE! It prevents additional pegasi/priates from flooding in. Apparently they only spawn if he's alive.

Anyways, I actually came up with a couple great ways to use Marcus without actually USING Marcus. First was in getting Erk (needed his 8 MOVE here). I had Marcus rescue Erk, canto back one space. Lowen then took Erk and dropped him to the right of him. Serra was then barely able to walk up to Erk and talk to him. Erk moved down one space, just in the range of one of the mercenaries, so that he could weaken them on enemy phase.

The second use happened over the next couple of turns. On turn 2, Marcus then moved max distance to pick up an Oswin who had weakened an archer. On turn 3, Marcus dropped Oswin on the edge of Erik's attack range so that Erik could be Hector could reach him on turn 4 and so Oswin could weaken Erik enough on the enemy phase so that Hector could one-shot Erik with the Wolf Beil. Idk, I thought it was clever, at least.

Matthew and Guy went south to take care of the cavaliers/pirates there. It actually turned out I could access both the vendor and the armory with them on turn 8, but didn't. Why? Well, it's a bit of a funny story...

It turned out I was just short of reaching the left-most cavaliers on turn 8 player phase with anybody but Erk. So it basically turned out that I'd have to have Erk crit both of them to finish it on turn 8 (never mind dodge at least one of their attacks to survive). In short, I was ****ed. So instead of wasting time shopping when I knew it'd be a waste of time, I just put Erk in place and decided to watch the fail. Turns out Erk dodged both attacks and crit twice with a 5% chance to crit.

...D'oh. I swear this game is just trying to screw with me now. I mean, come on, I've played 16 maps including LHM and I've yet to buy a single weapon or item from a shop. I'M RUNNING OUT OF WEAPONS, GODDAMNIT!

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (38/37)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 4

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 15: Talons Alight (...There Is No Mercy Here, Only Death, And Men Who Take Their Final Breath)

Turn Limit: 0

Turns Taken: 8 (Forced)

Aggravation Level:

"Yes! YES! After three years of waiting, they've finally released the game!"

*Later that day...* "Installation 99% complete...5 minutes remaining."

*6 hours later...* "System corrupt. Installation failed."

*Next morning...* "Installation 99% complete...5 minutes remaining."

*8 hours later...* "A freak lightning storm has caused massive power outages across the state. The electric company was quick to return power to most households, although occasional blackouts may occur for the next week."

*Next day...* "Hey, didn't you used to have a computer where that pile of rubble is?"

Characters Used: I HAVE A CHOICE?! THANK YOU! THHHAAAANNNKKKK YOOOUUUU! Ahem. Anyways, everybody but Marcus, Dorcas, Oswin, and Bartre.


Holy crap. This chapter makes me wish I was doing 13x again. And that's saying something! 1 single misaction, 1 single space too far or too little, 1 incidence of slightly less than perfect RNG...and somebody, somewhere is dead. There's no Marcus to carry things here, so I had to find a way to kill off 6-7 enemies in 2 turns, make a suicide rush to the boss, plug the enemies swarming in from the northeast and northwest, and manage to kill the boss in one turn using Hector and Eliwood without either lord dying.

Turn 1 was simple enough. Move Hector south with a hand axe and put Erk just in range of the javelin soldier, and have Rebecca start at the pillar so she can spar with the nomad with 20 extra avoidance. Matthew opened the southern door, Lowen rescued him, canto'd one space down, Priscilla took Matthew and dropped him to the left and then canto'd one space south of the throne, and then Guy went in the newly formed space between Matt and Lowen. This whole chain prevented the three from pulling the boss or any of the northeast enemies (except Lowen, who had his javelin ready).

Turn 2 involved Priscilla healing Lowen outside of the nomad's/mage's attack range, Rebecca critting the nomad to kill him, Hector finishing off a knight with the hand axe, Guy destroying the western wall, Matt starting to head towards the chests, and everybody else staying JUST OUTSIDE the attack ranges of the knights and archers. Since Hector hit 10 SPD with a level up on this player phase, he was able to double and one-round the archers and then weaken the knights. The hand axe gave out just as he killed the second archer (lucky me!).

Turn 3 simply had Matt move south, Prissy-poo heal Hector, Serra move up (she, for some reason, is DEF blessed and is not 2HKO'd) to heal Lowen, Hector kill the southern mage, Rebecca double one knight for 1 damage each (this is so Eliwood will kill the weakened knight in one hit with the rapier and not be counterattacked), Eliwood finish him off, and Erk kill the last remaining knight.

Turn 4...**** starts to get real. Matt steals the lockpick, Serra moves south and leaves Lowen to chug down 3 vulneraries to survive the remaining enemies, Prissy heals Eliwood to full, Erk and Rebecca move into position to help Eliwood and Hector bust through the reinforcements to kill the boss on turn 5, Serra tops anybody else who's low off. Guy and Lowen hold off the wave of enemies charging at the throne...still. Hector occupies the space south of a mercenary reinforcement and attacks him. He's in the exact position where the boss will attack him with a steel bow and be 5 spaces away from Eliwood.

Turn 5. THE make or break turn. Eliwood is healed to full again by Prissy. Prissy got hit on turn 4 enemy phase so Serra heals her to full. Rebecca and Erk kill the myrmidon blocking Eliwood's path. Matt steals the first chest. Hector attacks the boss first with his Wolf Beil, Eliwood finishes him off with a rapier. By doing this, the lords have also blocked the other enemy cavaliers from the healers and stopped the massive wave of enemies pouring in. All's well, right? WRONG. There's still a mercenary who can attack either the healers or Eliwood, and two cavs who have their eyes set on the red-headed lord.

Turn 6. Somehow Eliwood survived, with like 2 health left (see, THIS is why I healed him to full on turns 4-5). Prissy is also left with like 2 health left. So I had Serra heal Prissy-poo and Prissy heal Eliwood, and tried to kill the mercenary with Erk/Rebecca but failed since Erk somehow can apparently crit twice with a 5% crit chance but can't hit with a 80% chance. So I thought I was screwed, since a javelin hit + a mercenary hit will kill Priscilla. But no! The javelin cav was blocked by an iron lance cav that went first and attacked Eliwood. Oh btw, Guy is a beast and just owning all of the fighters without breaking a sweat (proc'ing STR/SPD AGAIN on a level up) and Lowen chugs the second of 3 vulneraries. Matt stole the second chest.

Turn 7. Serra heals Prissy, Prissy heals Eliwood, mercenary that's been doing unwanted carnal knowledge to Priscilla (THAT'S RAVEN'S JOB, ENEMY!) finally dies to Rebecca, and Eliwood finishes off a cav to get his third level up of the chapter (and second 5 stat level up). Guy kills all but one fighter (had a hand axe) and Lowen leaves the last remaining enemy (a knight) with about 5 health left.

...All in all, only about 3-4 enemies left on the map, the dracoshield is in my possession, and Marcus was never touched. And it only took 9 hours straight of attempts! :)

P.S. How in the world do I still have weapons?! How are they not all used up already?!

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (46/37)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 4 (I'm actually shocked it's this high, tbh. XD)

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I merged the first two posts because they were both basically introductory stuff. Try not to double post like that again (SF has a much higher character limit than GameFAQs). I'll leave the rest of it for being separate entries in a recorded log.


STR: 10 (NOT a typo)

SKL: 15

SPD: 15

LUK: 5

DEF: 6

RES: 2

...He's giving Rebecca a run for her money in blessed-ness. And as they both are among my favorite characters/classes, I feel so damn lucky.

Considering HHM bonuses all that is is a +1 in Str. Nothing else is particularly great. And he's dead anyway since he has no HP.

Anyway, this is an...interesting log. I'll keep my eye on it.

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I merged the first two posts because they were both basically introductory stuff. Try not to double post like that again (SF has a much higher character limit than GameFAQs). I'll leave the rest of it for being separate entries in a recorded log.

Considering HHM bonuses all that is is a +1 in Str. Nothing else is particularly great. And he's dead anyway since he has no HP.

Anyway, this is an...interesting log. I'll keep my eye on it.

Wasn't quite sure how to post it up on these forums. Anyways, I do appreciate the effort on merging them and the friendly warning.

I'm so used to non-HHM Guy (I've spent the last month doing S ranks of almost every other mode in the game) that I was looking at that and saying "Holy crap!", mainly because his strength at 6/-- was the same as my Guy's STR at 20/-- last playthrough. >.> Btw, I obviously forgot to post it, but he had 28 or 29 HP. I feel like an idiot (but I should, I am one wink.gif) .

As for review of my log, I noticed the distinct lack of the word "good". gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Chapter 16: Noble Lady of Caelin (Who? I Only See Lyn.)

Turn Limit: 7

Turns Taken: 9

Aggravation Level: Having a pimple on your ass, which makes it stupidly painful to sit down (Why are there sweat glands on your ass, anyways? Seems like a waste to me). This, of course, is made more embarrassing when you get back to your desk to find Preparation H with a note: "From a concerned co-worker".

Characters Used: Alright, it's time I serious'd....a little. Erk, Eliwood, Hector, Lowen, Bartre, Rebecca, Serra, Guy; Florina, Wil, Lyn, Sain, and Kent join on turn 1.


Hey, at least it's not chapter 15...I actually have some illusion of leeway in how I approach this chapter without somebody dying as a result.

Rebecca and Bartre took care of the three pegasi in the middle by standing near the house in the top left corner of the map. Rebecca, being a "bright" youth, figured she'd stand right on the edge of the javelin pegasus' range, so as to be able to counter and one-round the stupid ***** for daring to attack an archer. >:D Eliwood, Lowen, Guy, Erk, and Serra went south and dealt with the swarm of enemies there, making sure Lowen was in the attack range of the enemy thief to avoid him beelining for the village. The five of them were actually able to wipe out the enemies down there with relative ease.

So, looking at G_H's vids for his HHM S rank run (I'm finding these useful, for comparison's sake at least), I noticed he used Marcus to take care of the mass of enemies (mostly cavaliers) by the boss. I had no such luxury, and it proved to be by far the most difficult part of the level.

I eventually solved this problem by having Florina rescue Hector and move up into the peaks, just outside of the javelin pegasus that Rebecca killed later that turn. Florina then spent turn 2 dropping Hector one space outside of the ranges of both magi. Hector, with his 3 vulneraries, then slowly but surely took care of most of the enemies for the next few turns, at least until Guy and Lowen w/ Horseslayer came in to help him out. As a side note, the ballista is a real PITA. I've had a couple deaths from it, forcing me to reset. Actually, on my successful attempt, I dodged a potentially fatal blow from the ballista. :/

I really had to be careful in this strategy, and so I couldn't just rush Hector to the boss, as he'd surely die. I could've ended this map on turn 8 if Hector still had Wolf Beil (boss was left with 3 health on turn 8 player phase....ARGH), but I used my last use up back in the last chapter, AND I'm keeping up with General_Horace's turn counts, so I called it good. It's not like I could make Hector pull another Wolf Beil out of his ass. If only, though. If only.

Oh, Lyndis' Legion took care of the southern enemies, Wil and Sain took care of the pegasi by the boss, and Wil ate two ballista shots and 1 or 2 javelin hits, leaving him at critical health. This meant Lyn and him spent most of the rest of the chapter using up practically all of the 5000G from 13x buying DESPERATELY needed weapons (I was down to like 10 uses total on each person as far as weapons went). The brigands practically took care of themselves...any sword user makes mince meat of them, anyways.

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 3 (55/44)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 4 (I'm going to miss S rank by combat rating...somehow. Calling it now.) laugh.gif

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It might be nice to keep your exp gained posted if you're following my log, that way you'll have a good idea of how you're doing until the late chapters where I just said "Fuck it" and didn't care about it anymore. That way, if you're on par with my exp, you don't have to make lategame harder than it actually is.

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About 3 LHM allies were not tagged to specific experience within a level, but I'm estimating I have 6626/3950 experience going into Whereabouts Unknown, compared with your 5758/3950.

So by not using Marcus, I have about a 868 experience lead at this point in time. And the great part is that Florina's like 2.68 right now, so I have another easy 300-400 experience to collect next chapter, provided I can keep her alive to do it.

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If you want to list unit stats, use the below code box to line stuff up.

UNIT         LEVEL    HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                       SUPPORT
Marcus    ??/01.00    31  15  15  11  08  10  08   A Lance A Sword B Lance         A Harken B Isadora
Heath        07.00    32  13  10  09  07  12  02   B Lance                         A Legault

Just copy and paste it into notepad/word, and do the same for others.

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Chapter 17: Whereabouts Unknown ("Where are we?" "Caelin Castle, KoT, You Told Us to Head There." "Where?" "CAELIN CASTLE." "What?" "What do you mean what?! We went to get Marquess Caelin back!" "Who?" "DAMN YOU KoT!")

Turn Limit: 18

Turns Taken: 12

Aggravation Level: Watching a good show only to have it ruined by a really annoying commercial. NO, IT IS NOT MY MONEY, AND I DO NOT NEED IT NOW!

Characters Used: Lowen, Sain, Kent, Florina (Enough fliers/cavs? Inorite?), Guy, Eliwood, Hector, Matthew, Wil, Prissy-Poo; Raven joins on turn 5.


So it wasn't so much that this chapter was hard so much that it was making the 12 turn limit while doing everything that I wanted to do. Raven has to be recruited, I HAVE to save Merlinus (as per my new rule, Merlinus must never die; adding it after this posts), Matthew has to steal everything, and I need to get Florina above level 2 before her fail strength means she'll never damage anything and get one-shot (I NEED A DAMN FLIER OR TWO FOR LATER MAPS!). This chapter was such an ass to me, as I would always be THIS close to winning, only to have something stupid fall apart.

The biggest issue, as with all of these early-game chapters it seems, is dealing with a mechanic General_Horace either ignores (keeping Merlinus alive, because apparently G_H can't be bothered cool.gif) or has Marcus trivialize (the rush of enemies down the central horizontal hallway on turns 4-5). The former was dealt with by having Kent and Lowen hold the massive flood of enemies in the south in the last turns of the chapter until Hector could capture the throne. Note that I said HOLD, not KILL. You don't kill that crap, you merely stay alive for 2-3 turns by chugging drinks faster than a college student at a frat party hoping to get drunk and laid as fast as humanly possible. The latter was dealt with by a clever technique I dub the "wavefront barricade" (please tell me if this has a real name and I'm being an idiot) -- essentially, Hector and Sain formed a barricade against the first wave of enemies down the horizontal hallway, minimizing the damage either of them took.

Next turn, this barricade moved forward by having Hector and Sain "trap" a single nomad by both walking around him and attacking enemies at the far end of the hallway. Guy and Kent then formed a barricade on the other side of the nomad and had Priscilla move as far as she could between both barricades and next to the nomad. This ensured that Prissy could move near max distance and reach Raven on turn 5, all while making a guarantee that she could only be hit by a single attack (the nomad, ofc) and thus still live. At the end of the hallway, the barricade "diffused" at bit as Raven went east to recruit Lucius and Hector/Sain continued northwards.

For an animation similar to the "wavefront barricade", look at the top-right movie on this site (white lines are the barricades, black is the space between them):


I never had to bother rescuing the green soldiers, as I had the archers killed every turn after the Caelin soldiers got into their range...Guy and an iron blade made sure of that by ORKO'ing the bow-wielding bastards. I used General_Horace's technique for chain rescuing (calling this technique "ferrying"...try and stop me!) the thief with Lowen and Florina, and also killed the enmy thief AFTER he had opened the first chest; this made it so that Matthew could steal everything by turn 11. The odd part is, on my single successful attempt, I was so lucky with RNG that I ended up a turn ahead of recruiting Raven (turn 5 instead of turn 6). However, a single nomad was left alive and was primed to kill Priscilla on the enemy phase since I had pushed northwards so fast. So I was forced to use my level 3 pegasus knight with a javelin to finish off the nomad, making her a turn late for the Matthew pickup, making it a 12 turn minimum. That's right, I had a level 3 pegasus knight kill a nomad at two range (who could 15x2 damage her) with a javelin that did 4 damage to him with a 65% hit rate...how (un-)pro am I?

So, in the end, having the luck to have Hector be able to capture the throne 11 turns in made it so that Matthew couldn't steal everything until turn 12. Life just likes to piss in my face sometimes with these catch-22 situations. But hey, on the plus side, my Wil now has more speed than strength (11 SPD at 9/--, so that's nice)!

Overall Ranking:

Tactics: 4 (67/62)

Funds: 5

Experience: 5

Survival: 5

Combat: 4 (STILL 4 Stars. Heh...heh...heh...huh.gif)


Hector   	14.72	31  12  13  12  06  13  02   A Axe                   		C Eliwood
Eliwood  	07.49	22  09  09  09  11  06  04   B Sword                 		C Hector
Lyn      	09.21	30  06  11  13  07  05  02   A Sword
Marcus   	21.23	Base
Rebecca  	08.18	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
Bartre   	05.69	31  11  06  03  04  05  01   D Axe
Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
Guy      	11.16	31  11  18  19  08  07  04   A Sword
Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
Serra    	07.98	19  06  07  09  10  04  10   B Staff
Matthew  	11.48	22  05  09  20  03  03  01   B Sword
Erk      	07.98	21  09  07  10  05  05  05   C Anima
Priscilla	04.46	17  06  07  08  08  04  07   C Staff
Sain 		12.02	29  17  10  10  07  10  02   C Lance D Sword
Kent 		10.38	28  10  10  13  04  08  05   D Lance C Sword
Florina  	03.67	18  06  08  11  08  04  06   D Lance
Wil      	09.54	26  09  10  10  11  08  00   C Bow
Raven    	05.50	Base
Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light      	

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Your units look above average.

Definately Blessed: Eliwood, Guy, Sain, Wil, Rebecca (archers always end up blessed, don't even ask me why; I'm starting to think my cartridge is giving them higher growth rates than normal blink.gif).

Mildly Blessed: Hector, Lyn, Lowen, Dorcas, Serra, Kent, Lucius.

Average: Oswin, Erk, Priscilla, Florina.

Mildly Cursed: --

Definitely Cursed: Bartre, Matthew.

...Looking at the list...yeah, I guess they are. I'm sure as hell not doing it intentionally. That leaves me with three theories:

1) Since this is Marcus-less and I'm not an FE god on wheels, I'm obviously not one-shotting these. It's entirely possible that it's so tightly tuned w/o Marcus that the times where I have poor level-ups spells disaster. I know there have been a couple of chapters where Hector pinging/not pinging speed meant the difference of him ORKO'ing a few vital enemies (so it's not TOO shocking to me his speed is above average) or leaving them alive to kill off somebody.

2) I've somehow managed to be stupidly lucky.

3) I'm unintentionally RNG abusing or my cartridge is so damn old it's somehow managing to screw up growth rates.

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I had some pretty nice units in my run too (See Kent, Florina, and Lucius) but I had Serra and Priscilla be absolutely awful, and I promoted them, but it's easy for them to get exp anyway. It's all part of the game.

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I had some pretty nice units in my run too (See Kent, Florina, and Lucius) but I had Serra and Priscilla be absolutely awful, and I promoted them, but it's easy for them to get exp anyway. It's all part of the game.

Usually, there has to be both sides of the spectrum here. laugh.gif

It seems like average is my cursed this run. Except for Bartre, who I'm FORCED to level up...somehow...to meet the "get all characters" goal. He, ofc, turns out cursed as all crap.

You know what's creepy? Wil always gets like 3-4 stat level ups on my successful runs, and like 1 HP or SKL (IT'S ALWAYS HP OR SKL) level-ups right before disaster happens. I know it's likely coincidence, but I can't help but be nervous once I see that crappy level up on Wil's end.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

I mean, I don't get it. I was doing my HNM S rank run, which was actually a bit of a one-shot joke, and at Light, I notice Rebecca gets a 1 stat level up. Looking at her character sheet because I've largely been ignoring her level ups in leiu of Wil's, I find she's capped SKL/STR/SPD and is close to capping LUK. And I'm sitting there, staring at the screen, thinking..."When the **** did this happen?!" (This was the run for my "Is My Wil Blessed?" joke thread earlier, btw).

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Found it amusing, until I ran into this:

Aggravation Level: When your girlfriend is going through her period. Seriously, they always whine and moan about it, but it's not exactly sunshine and roses over here, either! I swear, do women ever wonder why it was MEN that came up with Midol (I think)?

As a woman with severe cramping, to the point where if I don't get my hands on my meds in a certain amount of time, I don't eat for the rest of the day. . .blargh. Some ladies have it sucky, so a little sensitivity please?

And WTF @ Hector's Strength. That's below average by 2-ish.

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Found it amusing, until I ran into this:

As a woman with severe cramping, to the point where if I don't get my hands on my meds in a certain amount of time, I don't eat for the rest of the day. . .blargh. Some ladies have it sucky, so a little sensitivity please?

And WTF @ Hector's Strength. That's below average by 2-ish.

I meant no malice by it. It's not like I can honestly say I can personally relate to the problem, however. It's just that I always love how guys are yelled at like it's somehow the guy's fault that the woman's life sucks, even if it is just the woman venting. "HOLY CRAP WOMAN IT'S NOT LIKE I CAN CONTROL THE HORMONAL CYCLES THAT CONTROL MENSTRUATION!" I guess the saying "When mama ain't happy, nobody's happy" applies here. unsure.gifPlus, I'll admit, I had to have an aggravation level that went with what I think is the perfect comparison between 13x and an especially heavy period.

I'm actually shocked some guy didn't yell at me for portraying all guys as insensitive douchebages or something like that (a.k.a. "Damn you for giving away my real feelings! My GF/wife is reading this too!"). So I probably managed to possibly insult my entire audience in one fell swoop. How brilliant am I? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

...I'm more shocked when I may or may not have made a similar joke that made light of having STDs.

So to conclude, anybody here just post if I truely insulted them, and I'll make a quick mental note in the future. However, I'm not going to lighten up on the aggravation levels/jokes in general, because if I try to make sure to offend nobody, I end up making posts drier than the skin on a woman's foot after standing barefoot in the kitchen all day (HOLY CRAP DON'T YELL AT ME FOR THIS...IM ONLY TROLLING!). Damnit, I never learn. ohmy.gif

Anyways, back to business. As for Hector's strength, yeah he's cursed by 2 points, but his SPD is like 2 above average as well, so I have no idea whether to call him blessed or cursed. Sadly, this isn't even close to the worst Hector I've had. On my HNM S rank run, I promoted Hector at 20/-- with 11 (ELEVEN) STR. On my S rank EHM run, he promoted with 7 (SEVEN) SPD...well, actually, I look at him and noticed my Bartre was better than him in almost every stat and left Hector at 20/--; how sad is that?

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I'm actually shocked some guy didn't yell at me for portraying all guys as insensitive douchebages or something like that (a.k.a. "Damn you for giving away my real feelings! My GF/wife is reading this too!"). So I probably managed to possibly insult my entire audience in one fell swoop. How brilliant am I? Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

...I'm more shocked when I may or may not have made a similar joke that made light of having STDs.

Guys tend to not care/laugh about crude jokes.

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Guys tend to not care/laugh about crude jokes.

I've definitely noticed that, at least as far as the being indifferent/harder to anger. wink.gif

Anyways, I'm working on chapter 17x right now, as I was somewhat busy most of yesterday and had to spend 3-4 hours of my free time finishing my EHM log and refining this one. As far as the chapter goes...it's only as rewarding and difficult as I made it, and I'm being an idiot about it, so it'll be a couple hours.

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