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[FE10] Easy mode draft.


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If you think that's ridiculous, try promoting Neph,Heather and Calill to 3rd tier with Max p2 bexp

And Still having enough left over for Astrid.

Oh, and Let's not forget p1, where Sothe OHKO's maps with Bronze Knives.

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I'm going to have to lightly abuse to get a good Micaiah because no Brigadiers. :D


That's gonna be hell for me.


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And Silver, would you mind answering my question?

Also, as for Eddie and Nolan being free up to 1-4, does that INCLUDE 1-4? It barely affects (if it affects me at all) me but I'm just curious.

Edited by Kirby
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And Silver, would you mind answering my question?

Also, as for Eddie and Nolan being free up to 1-4, does that INCLUDE 1-4? It barely affects (if it affects me at all) me but I'm just curious.


Oh, and for 1-8-I'm going to use all of the forced units, and Get the hidden Arm scroll.

My playstyle is very inneffiecent.

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BTW TC, is it okay to Battle Save abuse for level ups? If it is, I'd like to do that to pump up Micaiah's Speed (and maybe HP and Defence) myself.


because 1-8 is a bitch-when you have only Sothe and Miccaih as your only units.

Also, you're not the only one doing it

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AWESOME! :awesome:

All good to hear, and what I kinda expected too. 1-8 will be brutal for people with a smaller (or nonexistent) DB selection.

I got both Jill and Fiona, and there is no reason, Story-wise, for them to not be availible in 1-8.

IS decided to fuck around with us on this one.....

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[spoiler=hee hee let's do this differently]PART THE FIRST: A NEW POWER EMERGES

Bandits had always been a distinct problem in the outlying cities of Daein. That had been one of the major perks of Mad King Ashnard's rule - his iron fist had sent anything of the sort scurrying for honest work, on pain of horrible death. Even highwaymen camped at the Crimean border weren't safe, as His Glorious Majesty was all too happy to make ...excursions across the line to grab them and haul them back to Nevassa for "safekeeping". Since Ashnard's fall, however, the bandits had undergone a resurgence and were quite bitter about the way Ashnard had treated them. This, for some inexplicable reason, was bad for the citizens of Daein.

The Begnion occupiers weren't too keen on handling the situation, either. Oh, Nevassa herself was a shining beacon of safety and prosperity. But the countryside? Unless you produced significant goods, you didn't expect much trouble - or aid - from the government. So bandits took what they could, from where they pleased, and the civilians were still too far in shock from the collapse of their safe empire to stop them.

The end result of all of this was the Dawn Brigade. Formed by Daein urchins and deposed merchants and nobles to combat the scourge, the Dawn Brigade stood as a beacon for the unarmed civilians - in the countryside, at least. Something of that sort, however, cannot stay unnoticed for long...




Micaiah looked up from her reverie to see Edward barreling down the alley towards her. He had certainly grown into a brute of a man, she reflected, especially compared to the bones she'd recruited so long ago. Tall - or at least getting there - with an unkempt mop of brown hair and a face that promised to be quite handsome in a few years, and hurtled towards her with frightening speed.

"What is it, Edward?" she asked calmly as he skidded to a halt.

"They bit. Leo says we've got bandits crawling all over the town."

Hm. This was good. She'd been trying to bait this particular strain of vermin out of hiding for a while now, but they'd been too stubborn to fall for it. So she'd retreated to this little town, with the hopes that the bandits would get cocky and think she'd given up chasing them. Well, it seemed they had, and it was time to handle the consequences.

"Alright, Edward. Let's go see what we can see."

"Yup!" Edward headed off the way he'd come, motioning for her to follow.


Micaiah and Edward watched behind a stack of boxes as a huge man with an axe only slightly less huge wandered about, keeping a close eye on the nearby townsfolk.

"I'm going to ...guess that those are them." Micaiah muttered with some distaste.

"Yep." Edward confirmed nonchalantly. "No biggie, right Mic? We'll just thrash 'em like the rest."

"Uh-huh. Except I have a plan that I think will help."

"...am I gonna hate it?"

"Yeah, Edward. I think you are."

"...dammit, Mic. Fine, I'll follow your lead."

"No you won't, Edward. After this one, you're hanging back."

"I'm - WHAT?! Fuck no I'm not!"

"Yes you are, and don't use such language with me."

"Fuck that!"

"TRUST ME, Edward!"

"...fine. Okay."

The first bandit fell with practiced ease. Edward threw himself at the man to distract him, and Micaiah blasted his fragile body apart. Edward turned to look at Micaiah afterwards.

"You sure about this?"

"Of course I'm sure. Hand me that vulnerary, just in case."

Edward looked dubiously down at his pouch, and handed the vulnerary over. "I really don't like this, Mic. Really don't."

Micaiah laughed shortly. "Tell you what, Edward. If you hear me scream, you come running. Okay?"

"Yeah, fine. That works."

"And brief Leonardo when he shows up."

"...you're taking this one solo?"

"I'm going to try to, at least."

"...damn, Mic."

As they spoke, Leonardo stepped around the puddle of bandit. "Made it, guys! Looks like the chief's on the other side of the street. We gonna go take him?"

Edward glared at him. "Apparently, Mic's gonna take him alone."

"She - uh, what?"


Leonardo blinked several times in surprise. "Well, okay then. I'll trust you but - hey - one of the village girls gave me some shield. If you're gonna hare off on your own ..."

Micaiah took the shield. "Thanks, Leonardo. It'll help."

"Yeah..." Leonardo looked at her one last time, then turned away. "Okay then, good luck Micaiah."


Micaiah tore through the bandit lines like a tiny silver whirlwind, slicing men with beams of coherent light. Only one of the hulks that faced her managed to land a clean hit, but on a frame so delicate it nearly tore Micaiah apart. Micaiah wasn't even sure she'd reacted to the blow, but somehow Edward knew and came running from God-knew-where and, with a roar, launched himself at the bandit chieftain. Micaiah rushed in behind him, silently grateful for his intervention, and the chieftain fell with practiced ease. Breathing heavily, the two congratulated each other on a solid victory as they applied salves to Micaiah's wound and moved along to accept the gratitude of the townsfolk.

6 turns clear = 6 turns total



They'd been really noticed now. Between a few run-ins with Begnion tax collectors and the successful baiting and entrapment of more renowned bandit crews, the Dawn Brigade had acquired some ire from the Begnion occupiers, who saw them as a nuisance. Perhaps rightfully so, though - these things tended to become resistance groups and then they're trying to overthrow the standing order and then you wish you'd handled the situation earlier.

So it was that the Dawn Brigade found themselves being pursued by unofficial-officially paid bounty hunters, sent to bring back the Silver Maiden on a platter for the new governor, Jarod.


"She did ...what?"

"She ran off like she was possessed and took out the whole squadron of them. Nolan, I don't lie - she seriously did it."

"How, Ed?"

"I don't even have a clue, man. She was having some trouble with the chief, but by that point she was bleeding profusely from everywhere as far as I could tell."

"...wow. Alright, then. Guess we'll be trusting her tactical wisdom, then?"

"If it works, don't knock it?"

"That's about where I am, kid."

"Right!" Micaiah came puffing in. "We'll juke by the church, since it looks like there're fewer of them there. I'll lead the way, you guys trail."

"Roger that." Nolan grumbled as he turned to Edward. "Looks like we're testing your story."

"I'm serious, man. You just watch."


"Holy ...fucking ..."

"See? See?! I told you! It's just ...weird! And wrong! Micaiah shouldn't be able to DO that!"

"I ...okay, this is ...you're right."

"Damn right I am."

5 turns clear = 11 turns total



"Kisca, huh? Not a very nice place." Micaiah murmured.

"Yeah," Nolan responded, "but we need supplies. Kisca's in the way."

"Alright, guess we have to take what we can get. At least Begnion doesn't have a significant presence in Kisca."

"True that."


"Excuse me? Hi?"

"Oh my God you're adorable."

Nolan took a step towards the cleric tentatively approaching the Dawn Brigade but was grabbed by Edward with a glare.

"Hello." Micaiah turned to the voice. "How can we - oh, you are absolutely ad--"

"I need help." the girl interrupted. "I need to get medicine to my abbey, but the occupiers are all over. Could you escort me?"

"Fuck yes we ca--" Nolan was cut off by a short whack from Edward, who glared at him again.

Micaiah turned to stare at the two for a moment, then turned back to the cleric with a smile. "Of course we can. Where's your abbey?"

"I knew you'd help. You're the Dawn Brigade, aren't you? Fighting evil. You're going to liberate us!"

"Er, yes, we ...are?"

"Uh-huh. Let's go home to Kisca!"

"...Kisca. Oh, bother."

So it was that the Dawn Brigade found a Begnion presence in the last place they expected one.


"Right up here!" Laura announced triumphantly. The party scaled a small hill and - minus one - entered through two massive doors. Sothe swept around to unlock the back ways - just in case, of course. The main force was, naturally, greeted by armed and angry Imperial guards.

"Once again! Ha-ha!" Micaiah whooped. "Give me a boost up this ledge, Edward."

"You're happy about all this."

"I have a good feeling about today!" she huffed. "Now help me up."

Edward begrudgingly obliged, and Micaiah disappeared to the sound of helpless screaming.

"I'll go ...make sure she doesn't get overwhelmed." Nolan muttered, and headed off up the stairs, as he grumbled, "like a normal person."


"Sothe! Oh, Sothe, there you are!"

"Mi- Micaiah?! How the hell are you -"

"I climbed up the ledge, silly."

"How? These things are twice your height and then some!"

"Oh, hush! I'm here to help you."

"And where's everybody else?!"

"They're catching up."

"They're ...of course they are. Because why wouldn't they be."

"I think the captain's this way. Come on, Sothe!" Micaiah ran off laughing.

"You're ...bleeding. How haven't you ...MICAIAH!" Sothe hared off after her.


"So ...hey, I'm Leonardo."

Laura giggled. "Hi, I'm Laura."

"You live here, then?"

"Yeah. I was a sister."


"I'm a Brigadier now!"

"You're - wait, what?"

"I'm with the Dawn Brigade. You guys obviously need a healer - look at how she's doing!"

"Micaiah? I ...yeah. You're right."

"So I was a sister." Laura nodded.

"Well, I guess we'll have a lot of time to spend together."

Laura giggled again. "Uh-huh. You don't seem to fight much."

Leonardo shrugged. "They ...seem to have devised a new strategy. I won't fight it."

"Good boy. Always respect your elders! And that includes me!"

"Includes - huh? How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-four and you're obviously not." Laura nodded authoritatively.



The group sauntered out of the abbey, backpacks full of food - provided at no expense by a grateful abbot - and heads full of confidence.

"Ow. Sothe, that - that hurt."

"Of course it did, Micaiah. You took a SPEAR through the ARM."

"At least it wasn't my casting arm, right?" Micaiah perked up.

"You ...I ..."

5 turns clear = 16 turns total



"Well, that didn't last long."

"Maybe if you hadn't taunted them, Edward."

"Yeah, Leo? I wasn't gonna just let them take us."

"I'm saying they might have just passed us by!"

"No way. Mic's way too distinctive." Edward looked troubled. "You ...think she's okay, right? She's ...really pretty, y'know, and really small."

Leonardo glared at him. "She's fine. I'm sure of it."

"Oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear this is bad..." Micaiah stared through the bars of her cell. "This is bad, bad, bad, bad, bad. Buh?"

Sothe came around the corner and popped the lock on the cell door open. "Really, Micaiah, you need to keep a shorter leash on Edward."

"I ...I know. Thank you, Sothe."

"Yeah, sure, let's just get out of here. I ran into some old friends of mine, they're going to break for it with us."

"That sounds delightful! Are they strong fighters?"

"They're unarmed."


So it was that the Dawn Brigade was imprisoned for slightly on the shy side of an hour.


"Left! LEFT!"

"You're joking, right? This is a bad joke? RIGHT!"

"Shut the FUCK up and LISTEN to me, Leonardo!"

"They're ALL to the left, Sothe!"

"I KNOW! Just follow ME for the love of God!"

"Fine! Fuck, fine!"



"Looks like the way out!"

"It is! I broke in here, you dimwit!"

"Why do you you so hosti- oh, Jesus." Leonardo skidded to a halt alongside Sothe as a man on a horse rounded the corner into them.

"Ha!" the man with the enormous nose shouted. "I have you here! Take this, you rebel scu-hrrrrrng"

As suddenly as he'd appeared, his eyes widened as his heart simply stopped and his horse collapsed in a shining ball of light. Micaiah jogged up behind the two, puffing short breaths.

"What a run! Glad I could make it in time. He's the last of them!"

"He's ...the ..." Sothe mumbled.

4 turns clear = 20 turns total


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^^Pretty ***ing epic.

You should've thought that before drafting her. :awesome:

I was hoping for Meg/Zihark to make it to me.

Obviously they didn't

From now on, I'm going to pick a good GM 1st and Zihark/Aran 2nd

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"Yeah, Daniel?"

"I got a question."


"Why is it, every damn time you're here, you request I dye your blades pink?"

Sothe shrugged. "'cause I like them that way? I pay you, don't I?"

"Yeah, I guess."

Micaiah ran by chasing her familiar. "Yune! Yune! Get back here now, please!"

Sothe's head tracked her as she ran by. "Where in the world..."

So it was that a very small subset of the Dawn Brigade found themselves in a room completely full of money and tigers.


"Sothe! Sothe! There's laguz every-ow!" Micaiah was knocked flat on her back by a leaping tiger, which continued over her and swept around as Micaiah blasted him into giblets with light.

"Ah, that doesn't feel right. Ow, ow ow. We have to find Yune, Sothe! You check to the north!" She promptly limped off around a corner and vanished.

"You ...can't be serious." Sothe turned and punched a wall in helpless fury. "When did she get like this?!" he asked the wall, which responded by collapsing to reveal a hulking tiger.

"Oh for f-"


"And YOU die, and YOU die, and YOU die!" Sothe yelled, slicing at falling cats and tigers. From across the expanse, he heard Micaiah having a similar discourse with the other large purple tiger and his minions. Then, silence. Then, "Soooothe! I think they're all dead!"

"Yeah, we're clear over here!" he hollered back.

"Yune's not in here!"

"I know, Micaiah!"

Micaiah trotted up. "Let's go check up those stairs."

Sothe looked where she was pointing and nodded. "Alright, you lead the way."


6 turns clear = 26 turns total



"You ever wonder why we're doing this, Micaiah?"

"Huh? No, I know why we're doing this."

Sothe blinked at her. "That sounds definite."

Micaiah nodded. "We're doing this because Begnion is a bunch of ...selfish ...bastard jerkfaces." She nodded again, more emphatically.

"We're ..."

Sothe stared at her for several seconds, then broke out laughing like he'd not laughed in ages.

Micaiah frowned. "What's funny, Sothe?"

"Just ...just you..." Sothe giggled as he tried to control himself.

Micaiah glowered at him. "I'm going for a walk."


"Hey, I know those people."

Sothe stood on the edge of a short cliff with Micaiah and Volug and stared down.

"You do?" Micaiah blinked up at him with huge golden-brown eyes.

Sothe looked down at her. "Yeah. Old friends of mine from the Mad King's War. Wonder what they're doing here."

Volug chirped something on his other side, and Sothe looked briefly at him, then back to Micaiah.

"He says they seem to be under attack." she translated. "Should we help them?"

"Of course!" Sothe responded. "Let's go!"

And with that, he launched himself into the greatest concentration of the enemy.

So it was that the Dawn Brigade was dragged into another fight against Begnion.


"Who's that down there, Z?"

"Looks like ...Sothe?"

"Nuh-uh! No WAY that's Sothe, Z."

"Swear to God it looks like him, Jill."

"Wow. He got ...pretty sexy."

"Is that entirely appropriate?"

"This? This isn't appropriate one bit, Z."


"Ow...fucking..." Sothe grumbled as Micaiah ran up to him.

"What's the matter, Sothe? Ooh, you're hurt. Let me fix that. There sure weren't a lot of them, were there?"

Sothe glared at her. "The hell you say. They were all over me."

"Oh..." Micaiah frowned momentarily, then brightened. "You should have called me over! I would have taken care of it for you."

Sothe stared at her, dumbstuck.

5 turns clear = 31 turns total



"Marado?" Micaiah blinked. "Never heard of it."

Tauroneo glowered down at her. "And you claim to be a Daein native?"


"What are they teaching children these days?"

"Sir, I think I'm older than either of your companions. I'm certainly older than almost all of mine."

"You're- ...hm. I know better than to press this further."

Micaiah nodded, satisfied. "What's in Marado?"

"The ruling noble has agreed to support King Pelleas's rise."

"A-ha. That sounds useful."

"It is."

"Good. Let's go take Marado, then!"

So it was that the Dawn Brigade invaded its first technically sovereign nation.


"Does it ever get easy, watching her do this?" Tauroneo asked Sothe.

"What, hare off into piles of enemies?"

Tauroneo nodded. "Sure, that."


Tauroneo grunted. "Of course not."


"Huh? Yeah, Micaiah?" Sothe turned and shouted back.

"All cleaned up back here!" Micaiah giggled, barely audible at the distance. "They had some nice stuff!"

"Er, right! Send it back to the convoy then we're moving on!"

"Can do!"

5 turns clear = 36 turns total


"You said she was going to help us, Tauroneo."

Sothe scowled at the massed knights of Marado. "You said she wanted to help Pelleas rise."

Tauroneo frowned. "That's as I knew it, Sothe. Something's the matter up there."

"You're telling me. What do you propose we do about it?"

"She's probably being pressed for service by a dirty Begnionian." Micaiah interjected.

"I'm ...modestly positive that's not the proper term, Micaiah..." Sothe began.

"Nevertheless! I bet that's what's going on. We should find and kill the Begnioni commander."

"If you say so."

"Well, I do!" Micaiah puffed herself to her full, unimpressive size. "I'm coming for you, evil commander! Beware!"

Sothe and Tauroneo shared a look, each willing the other not to laugh.


"See? See?!" Micaiah beamed. "As soon as we started fighting they turned coat to vanquish the oppressors!"

Sothe blinked. "Yeah, seems they did. Good call, Micaiah."

"Okay, now all we have to do is finish off the Begnionese commander and Marado will join us, right?"


"Let's be about it then, Sothe!"

Sothe sighed and stared at Volug. "She wasn't always like this, man."

Volug only chirped incoherently in what seemed like agreement.


Corporal Mark Waters had been given a single task by the general: hold the eastern bridge against the encroaching Dawn Brigade. He was utterly alone in this task, but he held hope of seeing the end of the day. Against the Dawn Brigade, he'd feared his hopes had little meaning. Mark had been as surprised as anybody else when the Marado Knight Corps had charged straight into his back, but he'd only stood his ground and fought them back, alone. What more could he do?

Corporal Mark Waters was still on the bridge, holding his ground against the whole of the surviving Marado Knight Corps, when a friendly pat on the shoulder from a strange, tall man with incredible mutton chops stopped the battle. The man kindly informed him that his duty was done, that his commander and squadron were vanquished, and that he was free to return to his home and be written off as a casualty of war.

Ex-Corporal Mark Waters has three children and lives on a ranch towards the Gallian border of Crimea.

3 turns clear = 39 turns total

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"A prison full of Daein soldiers?"

"That's the short of it."

"Well, Sothe," Micaiah smiled wryly, "we seem to be righting every single wrong in Daein. Why not this one?"

Sothe sighed. "How do you want to do it?"

"We'll break in, kill everybody, and release the prisoners at our leisure."


So it was that the Dawn Brigade came to assault a fortified establishment.


"Gloomy place." Micaiah remarked as she lead the three into the prison. "I don't much like it."

"All the more reason to torch it."

"No no, Sothe, we could make it nice. Use it for ...something, I'm sure."

"If you say so."

"I do."


Sothe started and stared about. "Muh? Was that...?"

"SOOOOOOOTHE!" The voice was more insistent this time. "WHERE THE DICKS ARE YOU DUDE?!"

"T...ormod?" Sothe began, but was interrupted from ahead.


The battle cry was silenced frighteningly quickly, and Micaiah's piping voice came from its place. "Sothe! We're all clear up here!"

Sothe stared off into the blackness, terrified of what he had indirectly created.

7 turns clear = 46 turns total



"shitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshit MIIIIIIIC"

"Edward? Edward, calm down! What's going on?"

"We've got problems!"

"Talk, Edward!"

"Begnion just grabbed a whole bunch of miners. They're holding them in the swamp and they've issued a direct challenge to you to come get them!"

"Oh ...shit. Er!" Micaiah flushed. "Bother, that's what."

Edward tilted, then shook, his head. "Whatever, what're we gonna do?"

"Go fetch Sothe and Tormod. We're responding to their challenge!"

"Res- right, Mic. I'll trust you."

So it was that the Dawn Brigade responded to an obvious trap with excessive braggadocio.


"So they just ...left them in the muck?"

"Yeah, that's about it."

"Tormod's in position down south?"

"Yup. And we got word that the wolves showed up to help."

"Well tell them to back out of this! This is my challenge!"

Sothe looked at her quizzically. "I'll ...pass it on."


"'kay, here's the plan. Muarim, you pick Vika up and run over this wayish." Tormod punched a location on his crude dirt map.

"And then?"

"And then what? It's a pretty simple plan, Muarim. You just pick Vika up and -"

"I heard you the first time. What are you going to be doing?"

"All the work."


"Have you SEEN the ass on our general? I gotta impress her, Muarim. Gotta."

Muarim sighed. "Be safe, then."

"Screw that. I got a lady to impress."


"You...how did you ...we were safe here!"

"Obviously you weren't." Sothe responed sardonically.

"How did you get here?" the commander demanded.

"I walked through the swamp."

"Impossible. How could you walk through the swamp so quickly?"

"Ask your Dracoknight, he got to see plenty of it."

"You ...you're monsters!"

"Yeah, sure."


"Everything work out northside, Micaiah?"

"Yep! Barely even got nicked, too." Micaiah was positively glowing as Sothe stared in disbelief at a shirt almost completely stained with mud and blood.

"Yeah...sure." he said weakly. "Barely nicked."

"Might have to go see Laura and Aimee after this, though..." she mused.

6 turns clear = 52 turns total



Micaiah sighed as the celebration raged on. "Sothe, I'm sad."

"Huh? Why?"

"Aimee said my clothes were utterly ruined by the excursion into the swamp. Do you know how long I've had those?"

"Longer than I've known you, yeah."

Micaiah sighed again. "I'm just going to ...head off and sit for a while."

"Alright, Micaiah. Be well. Ed'll probably drink extra for you."



"Found you!"


Micaiah stood up and spun around to face the Begnion governor of Daein, Jarod himself.

"You...what are you doing here?"

"Ambushing you of course, maiden. I'm only ensuring a future for your people, preventing them from being crushed by Begnion as rebels."

"How many did you bring?"

Jarod was momentarily taken aback. "Two dozen to your one. I take no chances."

"Why did you take the chance and bring so few?" Micaiah pulled her tome out from her new robe. "Do you want to dance, Jarod? I can dance. I can dance really well."

So it was that Jarod ambushed the worst of people at the worst of times.


"This was a mistake, you stupid little man." Micaiah spat as Jarod tripped and fell while retreating from her.

"You ...how is this?"

The Black Knight loomed from the darkness, belatedly coming to the aid of his little Maiden, and Jarod scurried to his feet.

"I don't know how you've done this, but you will pay. Oh, you will."

Micaiah giggled, suddenly. "I'm sure I will. Run away, little Jarod. I'll be back to play with you again soon, I promise."

5 turns clear = 57 turns total

That's all for today, girls. My creativity is tired.

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"'ey, Mic?"

"Yes, Edward?"

"King wants to see you."

"Oh? I'll go to him. Thank you, Edward."

"Sure thing."

Micaiah went out into the brisk twilight to find Pelleas waiting for her, rocking gently on his heels. He snapped out of his trance when he saw her, and fidgeted before asking her how she was doing.

"Fine, thank you. I hear you wanted to see me?"

"Uh-huh." Pelleas looked about for a moment, then turned back to her. "I'm just, well, worried about you. You'll ...you'll be okay, won't you?"

Micaiah giggled. "Of course I will, Pelleas. I'm always okay."

Pelleas nodded slowly. "It's just ...after that ambush ...you know I just don't want you straining yourself."

"Alright, Pelleas. I'll take it easy."

"Promise. Promise you'll just stay in Sothe's shadow for this one. Jarod really wants you dead now, Micaiah."

"Alright, Pelleas." Micaiah sighed. "I promise. I'll stay with Sothe."

"Thank you. Good night."

"Good night, Pelleas."

So it was that the Dawn Brigade came to march on its own capital city.


"Sounds different from your usual plans."

"Mm-hmm." Micaiah nodded. "I just need you to get me to Jarod. Once he's down, we'll throw the Dawn Brigade's flag up and show Begnion we've crushed them!" She punched her palm for emphasis. "And then we'll have won."

"You make it sound so simple." Sothe shook his head.

"Isn't it?"

"I doubt it's going to be that easy."

"Hmph. Have more faith in the Dawn Brigade!"

"If you think for a moment I'm going to sing one of Laura's ridiculous songs..."

"Ha-ha! We are the Dawn-Bri-gade!"

Micaiah strutted off singing.


"So, ah, you're a Heron eh?"

"Hm?" Rafiel looked over at Tormod. "Yes. Yes, I am."

"Huh. I knew a Heron, you know."


"Yeah. He was a pretty nice guy, I guess."


"He sang the same songs you do."

Rafiel nodded. "It's a royal family tradition."

"Huh. Does that mean he was like your brother or something?"




"Last of the ledges, last stop." Sothe grunted as he hauled Micaiah up. "You sure about this?"

"Yep. I heard some soldiers talking about looting the treasure rooms and there's got to be something we need there."

"Alright then. Be safe, you hear?"

"Sothe, I'm going after Jarod. How safe is that?"

"Perfectly safe, going by how he's done before."

Micaiah giggled. "Yeah, true point. Now get this door open for me, please."


The last of the Knights fell to Micaiah's magic, and Jarod found himself staring straight down into her eyes.

"Hello, Jarod. I said I'd be back to play."

The light of insanity danced behind those shining eyes, fixed on Jarod's own.

"How did you ...how did you make it through the guard?"

"With my own hands, of course. Don't you see the results?"

"This is ...impossible! You're a young girl!"

Micaiah snorted once, derisively. "Am I now? Oh, Jarod, you like to insult me. I grow bored of our games. Face me and die."

"Die?" Jarod smirked. "I still have more soldiers, and you're obviously heavily wounded."

"Did that stop me last time?"

Jarod's smirk evaporated as the first blasts of coherent light hit him.

7 turns clear = 64 turns Part 1 total

Stats, per end of Part 1:

Micaiah   20.00  29| 5|20|20|20|29| 8|20  Sothe A, Resolve
Sothe     13.60  39|22| 5|26|27|26|19|13  Micaiah A, Savior, Adept
Tormod     8.77  37|15|19|17|23|14|12|15  Single and looking to mingle 

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