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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword


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this is the best Zelda game I have ever played!

Did you play A Link to the Past and do you rate it above that?

Kind of irrelevant since I already have Skyward Sword, but I'm curious. I haven't played enough of SS yet to know how I feel 'bout it.

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Did you play A Link to the Past and do you rate it above that?

Kind of irrelevant since I already have Skyward Sword, but I'm curious. I haven't played enough of SS yet to know how I feel 'bout it.

I've never played any Zelda game before Ocarina of Time ^^'

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This game is so coolio... I'm almost done with it though, but thats fine it was awesome while it lasted.

Also, I have one question. How do you hit Girahim when he blocks attack with his hand? I have read Fi's advice and all but it always seems more luck dependant than anything... I want to know because of a certain something that i need to do to get a cool item but i lose too many hearts because of him...

Edited by Link
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This game is so coolio... I'm almost done with it though, but thats fine it was awesome while it lasted.

Also, I have one question. How do you hit Girahim when he blocks attack with his hand? I have read Fi's advice and all but it always seems more luck dependant than anything... I want to know because of a certain something that i need to do to get a cool item but i lose too many hearts because of him...

His hand follows whichever direction the sword is pointing. If you move it around enough (without striking), he'll lose track of it eventually and keep his hand in the original position for a moment. When that happens, just hit him from the other direction to stun him and keep hitting him (from any direction) until he moves away.

Which battle is this? You have to use a different strategy on the third fight.

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His hand follows whichever direction the sword is pointing. If you move it around enough (without striking), he'll lose track of it eventually and keep his hand in the original position for a moment. When that happens, just hit him from the other direction to stun him and keep hitting him (from any direction) until he moves away.

Which battles is this? You have to use a slightly different strategy on the third fight.

Its the first/second.

I hadn't thought of making cirlce with the sword... I was doing pointing the sword one direction, and then try to strike from another... but didn't work 95% of the time..

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So you're getting the circle now? I found what worked best most of the time was pointing it to the left, then going around a half-circle and attacking from the right.

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Man, Link in this game is a total jerk. I just talked to a girl outside the training hall about how she wants a guy to open the door for her, then when I approach and open the door, Link doesn't even hold it open for her! He even kinda pulls it shut to make sure she doesn't get in! How inconsiderate! I don't care if she was being passive aggressive, that's no excuse.

Oh well. On with the game.

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Did you play A Link to the Past and do you rate it above that?

Kind of irrelevant since I already have Skyward Sword, but I'm curious. I haven't played enough of SS yet to know how I feel 'bout it.

I like it better than ALttP, but I haven't played much 2D Zelda. I've half finished one of the Oracle games, half finished Link's Awakening, got halfway through Ganon's Tower in ALttP before my file deleted itself (i have the original SNES version too), and then I've played all the 3Ds but Majora's Mask and the DS ones. I also like TP the most so... idk how well you'd take my opinion.
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I like it better than ALttP, but I haven't played much 2D Zelda. I've half finished one of the Oracle games, half finished Link's Awakening, got halfway through Ganon's Tower in ALttP before my file deleted itself (i have the original SNES version too), and then I've played all the 3Ds but Majora's Mask and the DS ones. I also like TP the most so... idk how well you'd take my opinion.

Perfectly fine. I loved TP.

I already bought the game but was just interested in how others weighed it, so thanks for your opinion.

My one complaint so far is that there seems to be something wrong with the controller sensitivity when I'm on a loftwing. I have to tilt the controller practically perpendicular to the screen to get even a bit of rightward motion. Leftward motion seems fine. It's really weird that it only skews one direction. It took me a while to get the statuette in the competition as a result.

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I found what worked best most of the time was pointing it to the left, then going around a half-circle and attacking from the right.

That worked so well. Thank you...

Also, i need to use my shield more in this game >.<

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Expect this review to be terribly written. Informal, breaking all laws of cleanliness and structure and especially tenses. Expect a hard read.


Skyward Sword presents a presentable story with it's quality cutscenes and superb explanations, not to mention the dialogue. From the start of the game, we get a different feel on the Zelda series – rather than being urgent about saving someone of higher status, it feels more like we're saving a dear friend. From the vast amount of characters present in the game, we get a few that a relatively important to the plot, and they pull off their roles particularly well. The classic hero of Zelda fame, Link, is still as clueless as ever on the story elements, needing to be revealed everything by other cast members. Eventually, he obtains his true courage, power and wisdom as he becomes a full-fledged hero. Zelda, though not a princess in this game (thankfully), still has the same proneness to capture as she did being a princess. That is slightly overshadowed by the important decisions she makes throughout the game, and players will definitely forget that there even is an evil below the world of Skyloft when viewing her personality in the beginning of the game.

Wuzzat, I moved from gracing Link's ability to attacking Zelda's idiocy? Yes, I did. Despite what fans may think, the characters of Skyward Sword are not at all what they're made out to be. They aren't the least bit memorable, save a few who go by the names Link, Groose, Zelda and Impa. Everyone else featured in SS is completely forgettable, whether you like it or not.

As I said previously, there are a few good characters who are relatively important to the plot. Without spoiling too much, those characters are Link, Groose, Zelda and Impa. Counting it up, that is four characters out of the (40, 50?) that make an appearance who are even remotely close to the plot, and we technically could give the axe to Impa. Let's do that anyway, Impa is useless. So we have Link, Groose and Zelda who are the only characters who even matter in the entire game. How's about I analyze their roles and how well they were pulled off?

-Link- The Silent Hero. The Hero in Green. The Hero of Time, some say. Well, rest easy as Link in Skyward Sword has no detriments at all. Given that he is our avatar in the game world, we cannot expect any critical screw ups as he is completely silent and we have options for some scenes as well. In the times where we don't choose Link's response, he turns out to be very emotional and with reason! From being bullied by Groose and his lackeys to being ridiculed by Impa for "being late", Link has been hurt for a good portion of his life. Akira Sasanuma and the game developers/animators did an excellent job portraying Link in Skyward Sword. Every little detail about him, from his anger to his happiness was given the green light, so he is no longer a boy without feel and without heart (not that he ever was, heh). Link, in my opinion, was pulled off exceptionally well.-Groose- Without spoiling too much, Groose gets a huge personality change. In the beginning, surely everyone knows him to be the big jerk who just wants Zelda's love and Link to be completely out of the way. Well, all of that turns upside down when he has a certain incident with Link in the middle of the Sky. From the beginning of the game to the very end, Groose literally evolves from a stereotypical bully to a hero in his own right. Nintendo did not make any mistake with this character, and would love to see more development in this sort of form. He wasn't as heroic as Link, but he definitely was a hero. Groose, too, was pulled off exceptionally well.

-Zelda- This is where the controversy starts. We all know Zelda, Princess Zelda, Her Highness...whatever she is known by in the games to be a woman of beauty and intelligence. But, there's that side to her that gets expressed in every game she appears: damsel in distress. I'll explore that in a bit. In the beginning of Skyward Sword, Zelda seems like your every day happy go lucky girl who is in love of adventure and scares. She even goes so far as to tell Groose off when he starts to ridicule and make a fool out of Link even after it being known that Groose had captured and whisked away Link's Loftwing. Alike Groose's crude personality, Zelda's personality takes a complete turn upside down. After the events of the beginning of the game, Zelda ends up on the Surface, better known as Hyrule, and is absolutely defenseless as well as clueless to her whereabouts. For the remainder of the game up until the very end, Zelda undertakes the role she had of the ceremony: the goddess. I don't mean that literally, that's just another way to mean she is all important in theory but entirely useless in practice. Link is chasing after Zelda for the entirety of the game, just like a certain villain is, but she can't do anything! She has no combat abilities to speak of despite her character existing for 25 years, yes TWENTY FIVE YEARS. And...enough of the rants, this is where I talk about her damsel side. Near the end of the game, Zelda gets captured yet again in a bittersweet moment (oh boo hoo, it happens like that all the time). The problem I have with her being captured is the fact that she has been being captured for twenty five years. Nintendo promised us another side to her character, but I've yet to see it. Sure, she's made sacrifices, but she's also done THAT for twenty five years. We know Zelda in Skyward Sword to be a student of the Knight Academy, so why is it that she cannot defend herself? Why is she so weak, so helpless, so utterly needy of her hero? I don't ever want Nintendo to force Zelda to be her usual self ever again, especially with the role she plays in THIS story. Huge disappointment. After that...rant, I think it's safe to say that the meaningful protagonists of this game are pulled off well enough to force a player to completely ignore the several useless NPCs riddled throughout the game. Yes, that includes Fi. Discussing NPCs, including Fi, the villains and the like...I'd say that they [Nintendo] were trying to aim for Majora's Mask quality, but it wasn't allowed because the characters are only seen for so long and in only one area. Fi and Ghirahim are intriguing characters and you really do grow on them, but the fact that Fi is too dull and boring and Ghirahim is...well, Fabulous some'd say, just drives them apart from being included in the important cast (trying to avoid story spoilers). All of the other NPCs have great one timer dialogue and it's fitting for them, if you think about it.

The Characters, despite my complaints, rants and fanboyism get a solid 9.5/10.


The gameplay of Skyward Sword utilizes the WiiMotion Plus and the Nunchuck attachments, alongside the Wii Remote. Without exaggerating anything, the gameplay is the best ever seen in the series thus far. Link isn't entirely 1:1 with your movements, but he definitely feels that way as every single puzzle, every single boss battle...every single encounter you have to use the environment almost in real life just as you do on screen. Swinging the sword is as natural as natural can be – you take a swing to the left and Link will most definitely swing in that same motion you did. Swing both the nunchuck and the Wiimote to the left, right, up or down and expect to see Link do a horizontal or vertical spin attack in earnest! The great gameplay doesn't stop with the sword, however. Nintendo really pulled off great items even if they were not many – from the Slingshot to the Gust Bellows and beyond, take aim with the Wiimote as you traverse gruesome dungeons and deal with the most intuitive puzzles the series has ever seen! Aiming is relatively simple as is using the item in question, and they're used in several situations which, despite being classic to the Zelda formula, seem to give off a fresh, new vibe. Items get a solid 10/10.


Sad to say, Skyward Sword doesn't boast the difficulty that it would ideally have. While gameplay at first is a hard learning experience, once you get the hangs of things you will notice that with every standing moment there is the ability to strike clean and true...but this isn't true of the enemies. The enemies of Skyward Sword are almost sitting ducks except for the fact that they will block nearly every single swing of your blade. Yes, you have to make precise swings, but once you do that, you enter Hack and Slash mode. Bokoblins may look intimidating with their...scrawnchy laugh and devilish looks, and the fact that they carry what appear to be machetes around...but they do very little with them. They can block and will take the OCCASIONAL chance to attack, but that's it. All one needs to do is shield bash, then proceed with a counterattack, sadly it doesn't work this way with common enemies...and only a few bosses seem to posess the ability. If your shield breaks, no matter! Dodging is too easy to pull off with the speed of every enemy of the game. Yes, you will take bruises, but bruises are it! Game overs come from petty mistakes with the environment, not from the enemies actually hurting you. Difficulty suffers quite a lot, though it doesn't seem to initially. 7/10.


Skyward Sword's graphics are the most beautiful and vivid that Zelda has ever seen...ever. Not quite like the painting feel that Nintendo was amazing for, SS pulled off more realism than Twilight Princess could ever hope for. In fact, the graphics lent themselves so well to the game that one could argue that Skyward Sword's graphics are the best the series have ever seen and the defining style of Zelda.

While I have been using the term Graphics incorrectly, as far as graphics go...Skyward Sword is quite weak due to being on the Nintendo Wii. The Wii is not at all an HD console, but SS has problems with simple anti-aliasing (i.e there are jagged edges present everywhere). This isn't something you have to pierce to see, it's everywhere. In the sword you angle, in the character animations, in the moving environment...it's everywhere. Still, despite the shortcomings, the game is absolutely beautiful so 10/10


Skyward Sword was meant to please everyone, but it sadly doesn't. It is certainly a great game, but as with every great game come flaws. SS is one that has more noticeable flaws, and as such I have to give a due score. Final verdict: 9.3/10

Sorry members, mods, guests etc for my poor writing. I'm in a hurry to get this in.

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Suddenly because one is a damsel for a small fraction of the game they are a damsel throughout the game? smh.. Furthermore, Zelda isn't much of a damsel in distress in TP. She's the ruler of Hyrule, and she makes her own decisions; she's not even present in spirit when Ganondorf takes over her body, and there's honestly no "damsel in distress" nonsense going on in TP either... -_-

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It is certainly a great game, but as with every great game come flaws. SS is one that has more noticeable flaws, and as such I have to give a due score. Final verdict: 9.3/10

I have not read practically any of the actual review, but that's a damn high score for a game with "more noticeable flaws." I'd give it around 8-9 myself and I think it's really good with mostly only minor flaws.

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She has no combat abilities to speak of despite her character existing for 25 years, yes TWENTY FIVE YEARS.

I've been alive for 22 years and I have no combat abilities to speak of, so I don't see why this is that surprising...but is Zelda in SS really supposed to be 25? She looks like a teenager to me...weird.

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From what I've seen it basically means you save the knights in training from dropping off of Skyloft... and that's basically it.

Those are Rescue Knights. According to the old guy at the bazaar, they're the most experienced knights, but not all of them.

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