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Request: Short Hair Myrmidon


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Hey guys,

I'm working on a FE8 hack for as a Christmas present (if I can finish in time) for my girlfriend, who also happens to be a die hard fire emblem fan (What a plus!).

I have most of it completed, but being a perfectionist, I've spent a lot of time tweaking the little details as well.

I don't plan to release this hack anywhere publicly, since storywise, it contains a lot of inside jokes between her and my IRL friends, which 99.9% of you will find utterly uninteresting.

That being said, I am pretty bad at spriting when it comes to making chibis, animations, etc. (though fairly decent at splicing).

I need help making a short haired myrmidon animation (I don't understand why every myrmidon in the GBA series has to have long hair).

A sprite sheet would be nice, but if you could have it all set to be imported through FEditor, that would be even more amazing :)

Credits will be given if you want, but like I said, it won't be released anywhere.

Greatly appreciated if anyone could help me do this. Thanks!

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