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[FE10] An NM Radiant Dawn draft.


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Silver, you should reorder the OP with the drafting order.

Also, make sure to actually post when you pick- just because you know you picked doesn't mean me or Slayer X do, so we might be on but not think it's our turn, which would slow down the draft.

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It's no coincidence, considering they're also one of the best draftees:






And Kieran is useable, as well as one of the best in the CRK chapters.

(If phokingbeast doesn't reply by tommorrow late morning, he's auto-getting Titania/Volug/Edward)

Edited by Silver Harpoon
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And Kieran is useable, as well as one of the best in the CRK chapters.

(If phokingbeast doesn't reply by tommorrow late morning, he's auto-getting Titania/Volug/Edward)

Kieran is so redundant when you have Geoffrey. I'm not kidding when I say I'd rather take any other CRK over him. Yes, even Astrid.

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(If phokingbeast doesn't reply by tommorrow late morning, he's auto-getting Titania/Volug/Edward)

If you're going to impose deadlines, I strongly recommend you modify the OP to reflect this. Otherwise, I will be very cross with you.

I don't think I can stress this enough.

EDIT: Also, your units remaining spoiler is broken.

Edited by Integrity
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If you're going to impose deadlines, I strongly recommend you modify the OP to reflect this. Otherwise, I will be very cross with you.

I don't think I can stress this enough.

EDIT: Also, your units remaining spoiler is broken.

I just fixed it.

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The spoiler's still broken, and you didn't actually fix anything. Sending a list of units to somebody is standard-issue in DTE. What you did (if he hasn't picked by X fuck him we're picking for him) is not standard, and needs to be provided for explicitly.

Else I will be very cross.

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The spoiler's still broken, and you didn't actually fix anything. Sending a list of units to somebody is standard-issue in DTE. What you did (if he hasn't picked by X fuck him we're picking for him) is not standard, and needs to be provided for explicitly.

Else I will be very cross.

How do I fix it then??

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The problem with the spoiler is you have bold tags around the opening spoiler tag. Kill those and that will be fine.

For the second just put a line saying "if you don't pick within 48 hours I get to pick for you" or something. It just has to be there - and it should have been there from the beginning if you were planning to do it, to avoid making me cross.

Alternately, just don't impose deadlines on people's picks before a stupid long time (like multiple days).

(also, these formatting shenanigans are part of why the generic rulesets exist. :P)

Edited by Integrity
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Why did you ignore my post?

I read it and am a bit curioyus as to why Kieran is redundant.

Did you guys just really gave me Titania? woohooo :newyears: First time I get her in a draft. Lets :newyears: .

I was considering her, but Jill was too good to pass up.

(Is hoping for Boyd/Mia/Gatrie next round)

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Kieran can net you a Speedwing in the CRK Chapters I guess. But other than that, hes not that good. He has trouble in part 4 and his skl/spd are always problematic.

Hmm, good point.

I'm curiuos as to the rest of the crks performance.

I am beginning to think Astrid,Makalov and Danved are a wee bit underrated in drafts.

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Astrid is good in part 4. But her performance in the CRK chapters is terrible. Danved is meh, bad move in chapters where everyone has 9 move. Makalov has weird stats, is mediocre in the CRK and like the other paladins, he can only go to the Greil Army or MAYBE Hawk army due to how bad he is in some chapters. (4-5, 4-3 and kinda 4-4)

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Astrid can help in 3-9 because BEXP, but she's basically non-existent in 2-3 and she's still not precisely optimal for 3-9. I don't know if I'd take her over any of the other CRKs, including Danved. He's a tossup.

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