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Favorite Video Game Soundtrack?

Original Alear

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For me it’s all of these: Total War series, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War series, Ace Attorney series, Fire Emblem 4,5,9,12 and Super Robot Wars Original Generations.

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Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Zelda: The Wind Waker, Suikoden II, Final Fantasy 6-9 (and also 4), Terranigma, Earthbound, Mother 3, Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. FE music is pretty good too, particularly in 7 and 8.

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All the Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre soundtracks are my favorite.

Honorable Mentions

Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross (The Chrono Trigger orchestral pieces are amazing)

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn soundtracks

Castleavnia Symphony of the Night

Persona 3 and 4

Valkyrie Profile

Baldur's Gate 2

Jade Empire

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I'm offended that eclipse has posted in this thread, yet she mutes Yuzo Koshiro.

I'm reading this thread for the first time. I had so much love in my heart when someone mentioned The Lost Age... and then you go and break it by saying horrible things like this. Why? Why would you do this to me?


But... yes, either Xenoblade Chronicles or Golden Sun: The Lost Age, with my choice depending on how much I'm feeling the semi-retro soundcard of the GBA at any given time.

~edit: I scrolled up and saw multiple Unwound Futures. Love restored. Merry Christmas, everyone.

Edited by Iridium
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I'm reading this thread for the first time. I had so much love in my heart when someone mentioned The Lost Age... and then you go and break it by saying horrible things like this. Why? Why would you do this to me?

Sorry, I can't help it. That bit of rage always boils unrelentingly in my heart of hearts. I hope you understand.

Since I'm here,

. I loved 999's soundtrack in general. I have a certain fondness for futuristic sounding music like this.

And something radically different. Demon's Souls has a great soundtrack as well.

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Sorry, I can't help it. That bit of rage always boils unrelentingly in my heart of hearts. I hope you understand.

Since I'm here,

. I loved 999's soundtrack in general. I have a certain fondness for futuristic sounding music like this.

It's okay. You mention 999, and so I can feel love again.

It's not as popular a track as I'd like, I think, but when 999 comes up I have to plug

. One of my favorite songs from last generation.
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It's impossible to just choose one, seriously.

- Castlevania (any, they all have great music, although Aria of Sorrow, Symphony of the Night and that-game-with-Richter-which-name-I-forgot have the best ones imo)

- Sonic the Hedgehog (all the games have great music, Sonic (1), Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Adventure 1&2 (GET A LOAD OF THIS), Unleashed, Colors, Generations...)

- Golden Sun: The Lost Age

- Fire Emblem (PoR, Genealogy of the Holy War and RD come into mind. FE12 has some great music too)

- The classic Megamen (they all have great music, except maybe 5 and 6)

- Megaman X (X2, X3, X4, X5, X6... even X8 comes into mind. The first game is also good, but doesn't impress me much)

- Megaman Zero, all of them.

- Streets of Rage (the first game)

- Cave Story (oh yes, yes)

- Mother 2 and 3

- Chrono Trigger

- Final Fantasy VI

I think I may be forgetting something here...

Suuuuuuperrrrr Robooooooot Waaaaaaaars Original Generations.

Pretty much all the SRW games have really great music, tbh.

Yeah, too bad all of them are in japanese and I can't play them. The GBA ones are in english but I'm too stupid to learn the mechanics and now screw up without tutorials/a guide or a manual.

Edited by Rapier
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