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What's too much to pay for Skies of Arcadia?


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Gamecube or Dreamcast version, doesn't matter, unless one has exclusives that are better than the other or something. Right now, it looks like around $40-45 is the going price on ebay for either version, but is that too much? Is there anything in particular I should be looking for before attempting to buy this game?

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Gamecube or Dreamcast version, doesn't matter, unless one has exclusives that are better than the other or something. Right now, it looks like around $40-45 is the going price on ebay for either version, but is that too much? Is there anything in particular I should be looking for before attempting to buy this game?

The Gamecube version has additional content (dubbed the Director's Cut) beyond the main content of the Dreamcast version. It also features a reduced encounter rate (which is both a blessing and a curse as the Dreamcast's encounter rate was pretty annoying, but you have to spend more time flying/running around if you want to grind). Legends also was fit onto a single Gamecube disc, which had the negative effect of lessening the audio quality of the game.

Also, I'm not sure where you're looking on eBay, since I see two listing less than $40 just looking at Buy it Now options; there are several others that are much cheaper at the moment but must be bid on and could potentially run higher. I'd also check Amazon as, at a cursory glance, there are listings cheaper than $40 there too. I bought both my DC and GCN copies for around $18 each years ago used, so given the amount of time that's passed, I'd probably guess that $35 would be about the average price that you'd find it for in used condition these days.

(And, if I might make a suggestion: If you happen to enjoy Skies of Arcadia, I'd suggest taking a look at its Dreamcast RPG Heavyweight counterpart, Grandia II (or other entries in the series - most fans seem to suggest that the original is the best, but I've yet to play it myself). The battle system DEFINITELY makes up for the fairly standard RPG plot.)

Edited by Lord Glenn
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YOUR VERY SOUL IS NOT ENOUGH/huge fan (edit: goddamnit why you gotta make my post look redundant Lord Glenn)

Good to hear somebody's still interested in trying it! The gamecube version probably has more overall stuff- an extra line of optional boss fights are added, as well as (I think) a collection sidequest that wasn't in the original, both of which give some extra backstory to important characters and are overall intriguing. IIRC optional bounty hunting quests weren't in the dreamcast version either. Plus probably some extra bells and whistles like titles and more treasures.

Downsides to the GC version: since it's on 1 disc instead of 2, the sound is a little bit compressed compared to the original, but the soundtrack is still beautiful. There's also a minigame that you can only play using the dreamcast controller, but I'm not entirely sure that's in the American version anyway and IIRC it didn't have anywhere near the meaty story goodness that the GC additions have.

Nostalgia probably inflates what I would pay for it today, but I don't think I would consider myself completely ripped off for a ~$40 purchase- it's not as modernized as current-gen games, of course, but it is probably the biggest friggin game I've ever played, running well over 100 hours to get it all (most of which I actually enjoyed).

I wish I could think of something else to say about what to look for but I just HNNG over Arcadia so easily I can't think straight.

Edited by Rehab
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