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Show me the proof of IS's love for the colour blue.

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Alright, I don't trust my sense of colours, so I'd like feedback on who are the 'blue' Playable units(Character Portraitwise) in the mainstory of FE12.

Filtered in categories of(if a character has multiple of the 3 qualities, their names are placed in each section):

1) Has Blue Hair: Marth, Catria...and so fort

2) Has Blue Clothing/Armour: Marth, Luke...and so fort(The little blue patch on Radd's left shoulder doesn't count for this...but I feel like including Samto to this section because I can see those very blue shirt underneath the armour ^^)

3) Has Blue Eyes...: Erm...(has sucky eyesight when it comes to colours)

I appreciate all the help i can get for those who help me indulge in this pointless activity...

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Category 1: Marth, Draug (Bluish-green to be precise), Mallesia (almost purple, but still blue), Catria, Castor, Sheeda, Barst, Rickard, Frey, Horace, Samson, Midia, Elice

Category 2: Marth, Male!MU, Luke, Draug, Matthis, Wrys, Yubello?, Barst, Samto, Wendell, Roger, Merric, Horace?, Darros?, Tomas?, Samson, Vyland, Sedgar

Eyes: Didn't bother checking.

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Castor, Horace, Samson, and Barst are "True Blue", fitting into all the categories. Arguably Frey as well.

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And how is that "proof of IS's love for the colour blue." There's 12 shades of colors other than 'blue.' All are available to use--it's not like choosing blue suddenly stops any other color from being available for use.

(and there could have been more, but for some reason Nintendo wasted nine color slots...)

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