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Mappy: Setting preferences?


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So I am turning to the community for a simple question, well...2 actually. First one is: Can you set preferences in Mappy? I find it much annoying to expand and play with my open window so I can see all the tiles to the right and the map to the left (please leave out the obvious -->maximize window. I don't want that) And 2, which could have answered number 1: The content, that sounds much like a help file to me, is apparently broken, or missing. Is that supposed to be so? Not that its a big deal. Problem solving is the way to go! biggrin.gif




Thank you,


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If there isn't, you could technically get one of those mouse-recording programs and record yourself resizing the window and setting up your hotkeys every time. You'd run the program and your recorded script, and then you'd at least have something do the clicking for you every time :P

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You can modify MAPWIN.INI and change the default screen size of the application, but you can't set the sizes of the inner windows with it. Also, even if you calculate the window size that it displays in when in fullscreen (compensating for the taskbar/superbar), the application still opens centered in the window and not maximized. As such, it's still better to just hit the Maximize button. (Note: This is also how to set Mappy up so that you can increase the zoom on the tileset area so that you can actually see the tiles...)

As for the Help Contents, mine isn't missing, though TBQH, the only time I used it was when I tried to find out why I couldn't import PNG files as tilesets when I was trying to test something. It's not necessary at all to make maps.

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