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[FE11&12] A wacky Archanea superdraft.

Wen Yang

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1. This draft is for 6 players.

2.Units free for everyone: Marth, Jeigan, Feena, Arran (FE12 only), MU(See Twist, point 4), Xane, Rickard, Nagi. Julian is free for Chapter 6 FE11 for the purpose of unlocking rickard's Door ONLY. Palla is free for Chapter 3 FE12. Ogma/Sirius/Yubello/Yumina are free for Chapter 4 FE12. Navarre is free for Chapter 7 FE12. Merric is free for Chapter 10 FE12. Sisters are free for Chapter 24 FE12, Julian/Minerva/Merric/Sirius are free for Chapter 24 ONLY for recruiting the sisters. You can use whoever you want in the Prologue, but if you drafted any usable prologue units, you MUST use them.

3. The game will be played on Hard (H1) in both games.


1. Undrafted units may recruit characters, visit houses, trade, find hidden items, and shop. (FE11 only) They may also meatshield without weapons and die.

2. Undrafted units may not do anything not listed above, including but not limited to opening chests/doors.

3. True ending must be acquired.

4. You are free to reclass undrafted units to whatever you want.

5. Prologue Turn counts do not count into your total turn count.

6. All Gaidens are mandatory. (FE11) Gaiden turn count is free up to 20 turns. (FE12) Gaiden turn counts are counted.

7. Usage of Base Arena is ALLOWED... as long as your money holds that is.


1. Wi-Fi Shop/Rainbow Potions/Clock Bonus/Lunatic Stat Boosters are strictly prohibited.

2. Forges are only allowed of Iron weapons, throwing weapons (FE12 only) and the Fire and Thunder tome and to +/- 3 MT, +/-15 Hit , +/- Wt, and +/-9 Crit. Please indicate when and how much you forge a weapon (Ex. Forged a lance for Vyland called Awful with +3 MT and -3 WT).

3. If you cannot reclass to your chosen class because that spot is being taken by an undrafted or generic unit, you must reclass the undrafted or generic unit to something else to allow your drafted unit to use that class (so you can't weasel your way out of having a dark mage).


1. Undrafted units have a 4 turn penalty, per unit per chapter.

2. Using a unit in a class other than its Chosen class (after reclassing is available for that unit) has a 44 turn penalty (as in, don't do it).

3. NOT recruiting a drafted unit has a 44 turn penalty (as in, get them all). Free units are considered drafted for these rules.

4. Losing drafted unit (death in combat) has a 22 turn penalty. You may however keep undesired drafted units on the bench. Free units are considered drafted for these rules.

5. Warp-Skipping is NOT allowed. The Warp staff may be used for other purposes though. This means that the Warp staff may not be used for: 1. Warping Marth. 2. Warping a unit that can use Rescue Staff to rescue Marth. 3. Be used as part of a Rescue-chain. 4. Warping Feena to Dance Marth/a Rescue staff user who will rescue Marth. 5. Warping ANYONE in FE11 Endgame. Break this rule and take a 400 turn penalty.

6. The Again Staff may not be used on Marth. Break this rule and take a 400 turn penalty.


1. When you get a turn to pick, you will first pick a unit for yourself, and then pick a second unit for the person next in line. In essence, half of each person's team will be determined by SOYO-style drafts while the other half are that person's own picks. (Since we use the usual snake-style 1234554321 picking order, the people who picks twice in a row will first pick a unit for the person on the other end of the order, then the one going after them. So for example player 5 will first pick a unit for him/herself, then a unit for player 1, then another for him/herself, then another for player 4.) The last round of picks will be a regular draft however, due to the number of draftable characters available. *The order for the SOYO picks is 23451 and then 43215 on the other direction. The drafting is the usual snake style of 1234554321.

2. When you choose/are given a unit, you must decide which unpromoted class they will have, and which promoted class they will have. The Unit may not be reclassed into any other class than the chosen classes. You may choose a different class set for each game if the character shows up in both games.

3. Each player has a Wild Card. The Effect of the wild card allows the player to make an extra round of picks right then and there. This Wild card can only be used after a player has made their SECOND pick. When you use a wild card, you do not get a SOYO pick.

4. MU is allowed for use, but is limited to Curate/Cleric/Bishop/Mage/Sage/Archer/Sniper classes only.

5. Samson and Arran may not be in the same team.


So to be more specific each player may have at most one of each of:


Female/Class A:



Pegasus Knight:




Class B:






Dark Mage:


Female/Class A:


Falco Knight:






Female/Class B:







If someone has one of each of a class-set you may begin anew on that set. Thiefs, Manaketes and Marth are obviously not reclassed. Because of this, you may not have two of these classes, nor give people another unit of these classes if they already have one picked. Free units do not count for this rule.

In case you are still confused by the rules, here is a sample round of drafting in this method:

P1 picks Peg/Falco!Catria, gives P2 Michalis

P2 makes Michalis a Draco, picks Peg/Falco!Palla, gives P3 Ymir

P3 makes Ymir a berserker, picks Cav/Pally Luke, Gives P4 Sheema

P4 keeps Sheema as a General, picks Cav/Pally Rody, gives P5 Bantu

P5 picks Cav/Pally!Caeda, gives P1 Leiden, picks Peg/Falco!Cecil, gives P4 Belf.

P5 chooses to use their wild card. P5 chooses Cleric/Sage!Malicia.

Player List:

1. Kopfjager

2. Vicious Sal

3. Elieson

4. Eclipse

5. General_Horace

6. Kngt_of_Titania

Randomized Draft order:

1. Kngt_of_Titania: Archer/Sniper!MU, Dracoknight!Jagen, Paladin!Arran, Fighter/Berserker!Barst, Pirate/Warrior!Bord, Bantu, Mage/Sage!Merric, Cleric/Bishop!Lena, Falco!Katarina, Merc/Hero!Darros, Hunter/Horseman!Frey, Cav/SM!Matthis, Dark Mage/Sorcerer!Samto, Mrym/SM!Leiden, General!Ymir, Sorcerer!Beck.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer:	MU			Sniper: MU
Cavalier: Matthis		Paladin: Arran
Pegasus Knight:			Dracoknight: Jagen
Mage: Merric			Sage: Merric
Cleric:	Lena			Bishop: Lena
Mrymidon: Leiden		Swordmaster: Matthis, Leiden
			Falco Knight: Katarina

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Barst			Warrior: Bord
Pirate:	Bord			Berserker: Barst
Hunter: Frey			Horseman: Frey
Mercenary: Darros		Hero: Darros
Knight:				General: Ymir
Dark Mage:			Sorcerer: Beck

2. General_Horace: Mage/Bishop!MU, SM!Jagen, General!Arran,Sage!Boah, Cavalier/Paladin!Cain, Warrior!Samson, Pirate/Draco!Luke, Hunter/Horseman!Ryan, Archer/Sniper!Maria, Fighter/Berserker!Rody, DM/Sorc/Hero!Macellan, Peggy/Falco!Malice, Hero!Wolf, Draco!Sirius, Bishop!Frost, Warrior/Sorcerer!Ymir, Sniper!Beck.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer:	Maria			Sniper: Maria, Beck
Cavalier: Cain			Paladin: Cain 
Pegasus Knight: Malice		Dracoknight: Luke, Sirius
Mage: MU			Sage: Boah
Cleric:				Bishop: MU, Frost
Mrymidon:			Swordmaster: Jagen
			Falco Knight: Malice

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Rody			Warrior: Samson, Ymir (FE11)
Pirate:	Luke			Berserker: Rody
Hunter:	Ryan			Horseman: Ryan
Mercenary:			Hero: Macellan (FE12), Wolf
Knight:				General: Arran
Dark Mage: Macellan (FE11)	Sorcerer: Macellan (FE11), Ymir (FE12)

3. Elieson: Mage/Bishop!MU, Paladin!Jagen, SM!Arran, Tiki, Cavalier/Draco!Abel, Sniper!Michalis, Peggy/Falco!Cecille, Hunter/Horseman!Castor, Sage!Arran, Cleric/Sage!Yubello, Merc/Hero!Dolph, Berserker!Horace, Archer/Bishop!Ellerean, Draco!Wendell, Fighter/Warrior!Dice, General!Ymir, Sorcerer!Beck.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer:	Ellerean		Sniper: Michalis
Cavalier: Abel			Paladin: Jagen
Pegasus Knight:	Cecille		Dracoknight: Abel, Wendell
Mage: MU			Sage: Arran (FE11), Yubello
Cleric:	Yubello			Bishop: MU, Ellerean
Mrymidon:			Swordmaster: Arran (FE12)
			Falco Knight: Cecille

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Dice			Warrior: Dice
Pirate:				Berserker: Horace
Hunter:	Castor			Horseman: Castor
Mercenary: Dolph		Hero: Dolph
Knight:				General: Ymir
Dark Mage:			Sorcerer: Beck

4. Kopfjager: Archer/Sniper!Mu, Bishop!Jagen, Draco!Arran, Sage!Jeorge, Peggy/Paladin!Caeda, Cleric/Bishop!Elice, Mrym/SM/Cav/Falco!Palla, Mage/Cleric/Sage!Linde, Peggy/Draco/Falco!Est, Mrym/Merc/SM/Horseman!Navarre, Hero!Astram, Cav/Pally!Hardin, Sniper!Sheema, Pirate/Berserker!Warren, Warrior!Robert, General!Ymir, Sorcerer!Beck.

Unpromoted:				Promoted:

Female/Class A:
Archer: MU				Sniper: MU, Sheema
Cavalier: Palla (FE12), Hardin		Paladin: Caeda, Hardin
Pegasus Knight: Caeda, Est		Dracoknight: Arran, Est (FE11)
Mage: Linde (FE11)			Sage: Jeorge, Linde
Cleric:	Elice, Linde (FE12)		Bishop: Jagen, Elice
Mrymidon: Palla	(FE11), Navarre (FE11)	Swordmaster: Palla (FE11), Navarre (FE11)
				Falco Knight: Palla (FE12), Est (FE12)

Class B:				Female/Class B:
Fighter:				Warrior: Robert
Pirate: Warren				Berserker: Warren
Hunter:					Horseman: Navarre (FE12)
Mercenary: Navarre (FE12)		Hero: Astram
Knight:					General: Ymir
Dark Mage:				Sorcerer: Beck

5. Eclipse: Archer/Sniper!MU, Paladin!Jagen, SM!Arran, Mage/Bishop!Tomas, Cavalier/Draco!Gordin, Curate/Sage!Wrys, Pirate/Berserker!Cord, Mrym/Peggy/Falco/SM!Catria, Archer/Sniper!Roshea, Hero!Sedgar, Cav/Pally!Radd, Mage/Sage/General!Vyland, Hunter/Warrior!Roger, Sorcerer!Etzel, Fighter/Draco!Belf, Hero!Ymir, Horseman!Beck.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer: MU, Roshea		Sniper: MU, Roshea (FE11)
Cavalier: Gordin, Radd		Paladin: Jagen, Radd
Pegasus Knight:	Catria (FE12)	Dracoknight: Gordin, Belf
Mage: Tomas, Vyland (FE11)	Sage: Wrys, Vyland (FE11)
Cleric:	Wrys			Bishop: Tomas
Mrymidon: Catria (FE11)		Swordmaster: Arran, Catria (FE11)
			Falco Knight: Catria (FE12)

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Belf			Warrior: Roger
Pirate:	Cord			Berserker: Cord
Hunter:	Roger			Horseman: Roshea (FE12), Beck
Mercenary:			Hero: Sedgar, Ymir
Knight:				General: Vyland (FE12)
Dark Mage:			Sorcerer: Etzel

6. Vicious Sal: Mage/Bishop!MU, Paladin!Jagen, Sorcerer!Arran, Warrior!Lorenz, Knight/Cavalier/General/Draco!Draug, Merc/Hero/SM!Ogma, Cleric/Sage!Mallesia, Julian, Sniper!Jake, Peggy/Mrym/Pally/Falco!Athena, Fighter/Pirate/Berserker/Draco!Caesar, Bishop/SM!Minerva, Archer/Sage!Yumina, Cav/Falco!Norne, Draco/Sniper!Midia, Horseman/Sorcerer!Ymir, Warrior!Beck.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer:	Yumina			Sniper: Jake (FE12), Midia (FE12)
Cavalier: Draug	(FE12), Norne	Paladin: Jagen, Athena (FE11)
Pegasus Knight:	Athena (FE11)	Dracoknight: Draug (FE12), Caesar (FE12), Midia (FE11)
Mage: MU			Sage: Mallesia, Yumina
Cleric: Mallesia		Bishop: MU, Minerva (FE11)
Mrymidon: Athena (FE12)		Swordmaster: Ogma (FE12), Minerva (FE12)
			Falco Knight: Athena (FE12), Norne

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Caesar (FE11)		Warrior: Lorenz, Beck
Pirate:	Caesar (FE12)		Berserker: Caesar (FE11)
Hunter:				Horseman: Ymir (FE11)
Mercenary: Ogma			Hero: Ogma (FE11)
Knight: Draug (FE11)		General: Draug (FE11)
Dark Mage:			Sorcerer: Arran, Ymir (FE12)

Unit List:



Edited by Kopfjager
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You're the final person, I'm not on the master list yet. This means we are full. This should be a good one.

Maybe i'll actually lose a draft

I am going to do everything in my power to win from you. Right now the two turncounts to beat are:

132 for FESD

140 for FENM


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Without the Again staff on Marth, the NM turncount might be a bit higher. And the SD one can't reach 132 since we have discovered the glitch. 133 is the absolute minimum, so all you need to do is beat me in New Mystery... which shouldn't be too overwhelming, I'm not as familiar with it as SD.

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This is a draft though...and we get to pick teams that will screw you over. I'm thinking a Myrmidon/Paladin Linde might slow you down.

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Maybe i'll actually lose a draft

If this wasn't my first draft maybe you would. Or technically my first run through both FE11 or FE12.

Archer MU and I can guarantee that I draft a sniper? Hell yeah.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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I'm gonna do my best, because this is my first draft on FE12

but to my surprise, I did really well in my first FE11 draft, so I dunno what to expect.

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Without the Again staff on Marth, the NM turncount might be a bit higher. And the SD one can't reach 132 since we have discovered the glitch. 133 is the absolute minimum, so all you need to do is beat me in New Mystery... which shouldn't be too overwhelming, I'm not as familiar with it as SD.

So you are saying that you will get a 133 TC again, and I will as well, and then we death race to the finish on FENM? :O

It's a deal.

*Is also working on an absolute minimum TC for FENM*

^ That's harder, since... well, so much more versatility.

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I never miss on Archanean drafts since they're awesome, and this one's no exception. Count me in.

EDIT: Oh crap, I'm late, again. >.<

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Ladies and Gentlemen, the Randomization is in.

1. Kngt_of_Titania

2. General_Horace

3. Elieson

4. Kopfjager

5. Eclipse

6. Vicious Sal

Please make your pick, Kngt.

Also, please state what class MU, Arran, and Jeigan will be locked in with your first pick.

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Boah. Manly.

Sage Boah

Arran goes General

Jeigan goes Swordmaster

MU goes Mage --> Bishop

I choose Cain, he's going Cavalier --> Paladin

I bestow Tiki upon Elieson.



Female/Class A:


Cavalier: Cain

Pegasus Knight:

Mage: MU



Class B:






Dark Mage:


Female/Class A:


Falco Knight:

Swordmaster: Jeigan


Sage: Boah

Bishop: MU

Paladin: Cain

Female/Class B:

General: Arran






Edited by General Horace
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I take that Tiki, and change her class from Manakete to....err, Manakete.

I proudly name my Mage -> Bishop !MU

I pick, for myself, a hearty Abel, Cavalier -> Dracoknight

I consider Jagen Paladin. Good classic standard

I consider Aaran to be a Swordmaster (See what I did there?)

and for my good friend Kopf, I hand thee, Jeorge. Have fun~


Female/Class A:


Cavalier: Abel

Pegasus Knight:

Mage: MU



Class B:






Dark Mage:


Female/Class A:

Dracoknight: Abel

Falco Knight:

Swordmaster: Arran



Bishop: MU

Paladin: Jagen

Female/Class B:







Other: Tiki

Edited by Elieson
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Jeorge can go Sage.

MU will be an Archer/Sniper.

Jagen is a Bishop

Arran is a Dracoknight.

My first pick is my favorite: Caeda, as a Pegasus/Paladin.

Eclipse, you get the Green Skittle!

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Tomas can go Mage -> Bishop (which he does surprisingly well in). I'm grabbing Cavalier -> Dracoknight Gordin, and Sal below me can deal with Lorenz.

My unit: Archer/Sniper

Jagen: Paladin

Arran: Swordmaster

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Here's what you need to do in case the example in the OP or your experience in my other FE12 draft isn't clear enough:

1. Decide a class for MU, Jeigan, and Arran to be stuck in.

2. Pick one guy for yourself w/ classes, pick one guy for KoT.

3. Pick another guy for yourself w/ classes, pick one guy for clipse.

4. Use wild card if you want, in which case you pick a third guy for yourself w/class.

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