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[FE11&12] A wacky Archanea superdraft.

Wen Yang

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The dolphin...slam. He was my mvp in 2 runs, believe it or not. Hopefully, rng blesses me again. He goes merc/hero for me.

since I got dolph, take macellan.

And I take, for myself, Zerk Horace. I think his bases will suffice.

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My reclasses:

Astram gets to stay a Hero in both games.

Hardin, like mentioned (How the HECK did he stay unpicked THAT long anyway?) is a Cav/Pally.


We have a problem. You cannot have a third/fourth Sniper until AFTER you filled up the set a 2nd/3rd time, so you need new reclass choices starting from Sedgar.

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Lemme redo this. . .

Sedgar: Hero in both games

Vyland: Mage -> Sage in FE11 (because he sucks that much), General in FE12.

Radd: Cavalier -> Paladin, both games

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I reclass Darros to Mercenary/Hero.

I reclass Katarina to Falco.

I give Minerva to Vicious Sal.

I give Wolf to General Horace.

I draft Hunter/Horseman! Frey.

I draft Cav/SM! Matthis

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Curse you horace...making me look up elleran. I'll make her my archer/bishop

I pass off sheema. I hear mixed things about her.

And I take for me, since I have elleran, the mighty Windex. D.knight that bitch.

>>> ill pick classes in a second. Need to figure out how to open spoilers on my phone, and read what I have available.

*******thanks horace! I still dont know what to expect from elleran though.

Edited by Elieson
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Prologue 1:

Meet my MU: CAY4C.png

She murderizes one loldier, then did the same to Jagen.

This is the result: LQ3Cz.png

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		2	60	19	9	1	9	8	4	6	0

Prologue 2:

Luke and Rody got their asses kicked by Archers. Yes. Archers.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		3	40	20	10	1	10	9	5	6	0

Prologue 3:

The usual. All the enemies here are fed to Reinhilde.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		4	77	20	10	1	11	10	6	6	0

Prologue 4:

Caeda gets some kills, Reinhilde takes the rest.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		5	37	21	10	2	11	11	7	7	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	5	91	20	7	2	8	16	14	7	6

Prologue 5:

Reinhilde lures and kills one hunter, then lures and kills the rest together with Caeda.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		6	90	21	11	2	12	11	8	8	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	6	64	21	8	2	9	17	15	7	6

Prologue 6:

I went for Draug since he is better at weakening people at P-8. Caeda procced Str for the third time in a row. <3 you Caeda.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		7	37	22	12	2	12	12	8	8	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	7	60	22	9	2	10	18	15	7	6

Prologue 7:

Plenty of exp were had, and Caeda has yet to fail me. :3:

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Reinhilde	Archer		8	69	23	13	2	12	13	9	8	0
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	8	83	23	10	2	11	19	16	7	6

Prologue 8:

This chapter is dedicated to leveling Marth. The levels Reinhilde and Caeda got were from chipping enemies for Marth to kill (on the few occassions they managed that without ORKOing the enemy that is). Marth levelled well, which is good. I need him to be strong. Reinhilde is not as ridiculous as MUs usually are, but seeing how Caeda turned out, I could care less. Marth also turned out darned nasty. He's about as nasty as Reinhilde is!

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		10	56	30	12	0	11	14	11	8	0
Reinhilde	Archer		9	36	24	13	2	12	14	10	9	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	0	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	9	21	24	11	2	12	20	17	7	6

Edited by Kopfjager
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Made my picks, and editted my above post as such. Thanks to horace for posting the leftover list.

Also, we fuckdamnit missed the rules. On wildcard picks, we are not supposed to spit out a soyo unit, but we all did.

And horace, I was not upset about elleran, I just did not know her class, so I had to look it up on my phone, and phone webbrowsing blows chicken nuggets.

Edited by Elieson
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Elie, we didn't.

You all did not miss the rules.

Wild card picks is just that. One extra pick without SOYO. You still need to SOYO the regular pick where you use wild card.

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4/5 ain't bad.

Roger goes Hunter -> Warrior in both games.

I'm choosing Etzel and his amazing hips as a Sorcerer in both games.

Sal can figure out what he's gonna do with Yumina.

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Yumina Archer -> Sage (Wut), Norne Cav --> Falco, Minerva goes Bishop in FE11 cause useless, and SM in FE12, Midia can go Draco in Fe11, and Sniper in Fe12

And I give to KOT: Leiden, because you have bantu, and this is a ok unit that horace or kopf may not get! Also, I don't mind giving it to you anyway.

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First of all: Thank you Eclipse and POT, I have only one turncosting unit, and a lot of my favorite units to use, I hope I have helped you as well. :)

6. Vicious Sal:

Mage/Bishop!MU: Overpowered fast and deadly, will be trained more in staves this time for B staves, so again staff can be used better. Nosferatu to boot and plain gorgeous to look at. Sarah is rocking again.

Paladin!Jagen: I wasn't sure about Jagens class, but silver lance is still there, whereas he does not hog the more favorable Draco position. Jagen is still Jagen, and will carry this team for a little while and then support it a bit longer, and then he lets go and fades away.. way..ay...

Sorcerer!Arran: Shittiest class I could put him in, that gave him use. Hooray, staffbot, that means MU gets more attacking, and later he is replaced by everyone with a staff or something else.

Warrior!Lorenz: Lorenz doesn't cost turns, he is good for that, so thank you, also fills up a useless slot.

Knight/General!Draug: He is a general with low growths in everything, but hehas speed, low def and str, but speed. His move sucks, but he's usefull for a long time. He won't be Mvp though. He was drafted for fe12, bonus that he comes at chapter 1 in fe11.

Cavalier/Draco!Draug: Great stats, promotes soon, and stomps everything from begin to end. On equall level with luke and rody etc.

Merc/Hero!Ogma: He is a fantastic unit, and will perform well until the very end I hope. Ogma can do lots.

Merc/SM!Ogma: Even more ridiculous with better growths and better class. Will be awsm.

Cleric/Sage!Mallesia: The bad girl comes to town again! Maliesia will shave many turns, many more than she costs. She is divine. And hammerne will be used aplenty. I might even snatch the second one to repair shit in endgame and 1 turn it in a ridiculous way.

Julian Thief number two. I get treasure better, faster and wow, It doesn't cost me turns to get the extra stuff.

Sniper!Jake: Ballista in Fe11, ok, nice, um... Neat? Arrowspate is nice. However, Sniper is what it's about. A 100% growth auto silvers sniper in a time where you get 70 exp as a promoted unit from a wyvern? Hell yess. Potshotting away!

Peggy/Pally!Athena: Bases hold strong, Paladin will hopefully keep it up a little bit, she should be able to do some stuff, and she gets back her sword rank at least. She will have use, absolutely.

Myrm/Falco!Athena: I get the whip in 11, I can wait a little bit. Although Norne would like it as well. We will see who deserves it more. She still will perform well, silvers immediately, and a bit of base arena, she will be helpfull, I am sure of it. SHE'LL BE FUN TO TRY OUT ANYWAY.

Fighter/berserker!Caesar: Good growths, shaky start, I hope he will be as good as his Fe12 version. Axes own here anyway. Same growth rates as a pirate btw, for some reason, and well, fighter has + 1 speed over pirate.

Pirate/Draco!Caesar: New combination... Axe using Draco, Will be going for Lances after, cause the dragonpike is smexy, he has great growths and he will be a valuable asset to this team. Outclassed by draug probably, but great minidraug.

Bishop!Minerva: Healing finally arrives if I would need it, basically a filler slot.

SM!Minerva: Heyt wow, amazing growths, sadly, no hauteclere ownage for you. Mercurius should do. Auto Wyrmslayers is great as well.

Archer/Sage!Yumina: Wow, You mingle in between two other staff users, and a soon to be satff user, two own you, one is debatable. You then lose your staff rank and have 5 move and god affull growths. Go sit somewhere and let the WO!MANLY people take care of stuff.

Cav/Falco!Norne: You are a Second Falcoknight, that is awesome. Your wepon levels suck, you need training. But you join early so we can fix that all.

Draco!Midia: Hooray for a flier in fe11! Please rock your socks off midia!

Sniper!Midia: 18 Speed as a pally is wow, better than most people who join around that time. (Wolfguard), Sniper boosts speed a bit. YOU MIGHT sse a little bit of combat you know, if there is space, You might Killerbowchip something.

Unpromoted:			Promoted:

Female/Class A:			Female/Class A:
Archer:	Yumina			Sniper: Jake (FE12), Midia (FE12)
Cavalier: Draug	(FE12), Norne	Paladin: Jagen, Athena (FE11)
Pegasus Knight:	Athena (FE11)	Dracoknight: Draug (FE12), Caesar (FE12), Midia (FE11)
Mage: MU			Sage: Mallesia, Yumina
Cleric: Mallesia		Bishop: MU, Minerva (FE11)
Mrymidon: Athena (FE12)		Swordmaster: Ogma (FE12), Minerva (FE12)
			Falco Knight: Athena (FE12), Norne

Class B:			Female/Class B:
Fighter: Caesar (FE11)		Warrior: Lorenz
Pirate:	Caesar (FE12)		Berserker: Caesar (FE11)
Hunter:				Horseman:
Mercenary: Ogma			Hero: Ogma (FE11)
Knight: Draug (FE11)		General: Draug (FE11)
Dark Mage:			Sorcerer: Arran

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Team analysis time!

Marth: You're Marth. Do what you do. Please don't suck.

Archer/Sniper!MU: Your job is to ANNIHILATE whatever I set you on. Do not fail me.

Bishop!Jagen: Helps clear chapter 1-3 fast, then staffbots and chips for the rest of the game.

Draco!Arran: I'm gonna need you to get good earlygame turncounts. You're also good for catching thieves.

Sage!Jeorge: Chip and staffbot. likely to get benched.

Peggy/Paladin!Caeda: Grow your Str like you always do for me, and I'll love you eternally. Massacres crap with Win!Spear and flies and doubles everything. Loses flight later on but is still a nasty as hell 10-move unit.

Cleric/Bishop!Elice: 2-chapter Staffbot.

Mrym/SM/Cav/Falco!Palla: Going to be key in my early FE12 game, and might even be pretty good in my FE11 one. As long as she procs that speed often enough.

Mage/Cleric/Sage!Linde: Magical mayhem in FE12 should make up for her turn cost in FE11.

Peggy/Draco/Falco!Est: Needs babying and a Gaiden/heavy base arena usage, but turns into a ROFLSTOMP machine given those.

Mrym/Merc/SM/Horseman!Navarre: You're my early muscle in FE11, and you're even better in 12. Don't fail me.

Hero!Astram: Might see use in 11. Bench in 12.

Cav/Pally!Hardin: He's only in 11, but I expect to get a killing machine out of him.

Sniper!Sheema: If I have spare gold when I get you, I'll arena you and see how good you end up.

Fighter/Berserker!Warren: I'm betting on you proccing spd often enough to be usable dude. Don't fail me.

Warrior!Robert: Filler. Might get used, might get benched.

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Did the prologue of NM. You don't care how did the prologue chapters and I don't care about yours, so I'm not posting them.

Here's Chapter 1 Stats.

MARTH       08.04      28  08 00 11 12 11 10 00  D SWORD
HANNAH      06.91      24  05 07 10 11 06 03 03  C TOME
ARRAN    ??/03.00      32  11 01 10 08 04 17 03  B LANCE E BOW
LUKE        06.69      24  14 00 05 12 06 08 03  E AXE
RODY        06.64      27  10 00 09 11 08 06 00  E AXE
RYAN        06.55      24  12 00 10 11 04 05 00  C BOW

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Horace, out of curiosity, can you post a pic of your MU? :3:

Also, progress:

Chapter 1: 5/5 turns.

Arran clears the way for Marth, who charges straight to Lorenz. Reinhilde holds and murders the enemies chasing after them. Marth parks himself next to Lorenz on turn 4, and drops him to 1 HP on the EP, allowing Arran to murder him on the next turn and letting Marth seize at the same turn. Reinhilde shopped a bit.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		11	27	31	13	0	11	15	12	9	0
Reinhilde	Archer		10	26	25	14	2	12	15	11	9	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/3	96	24	11	1	12	11	4	12	3
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	9	21	24	11	2	12	20	17	7	6

Chapter 2: 6/11 turns.

Everyone charged straight north like madmen, massacring loldiers and hunters while Warren is recruited. Arran procced defense! Arran lured and weakened the first draco, while Marth lured Lumel and the 2nd, letting the others kill the with ease. Arran managed to go off and frag the Lady Sword thief just before he escaped. Warren gets fed three yummy dracos, and he levelled quite well.

Name		Class		Level	Exp	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res
Marth		Lord		11	81	31	13	0	11	15	12	9	0
Reinhilde	Archer		10	56	25	14	2	12	15	11	9	0
Arran		Dracoknight	??/4	66	25	11	1	13	11	4	13	3
Warren		Pirate		4	87	24	9	0	4	11	3	6	0
Linde		Cleric		4	0	20	0	2	5	8	8	1	9
Caeda		Pegasus Knight	9	21	24	11	2	12	20	17	7	6

Warren receives a +3 Mt +15 hit Iron Axe forge named Black Widow.

Elie, if you can't see the leftover list, what's left are:






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Elie, if you can't see the leftover list, what's left are:






Horace helped me with that earlier...and thanks~ There's no more picks though. I'm gonna start my run, on FE12 first

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