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Least favorite FE?



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  1. 1. Which FE is your least favorite?

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But considering that FE11 was essentially Nintendo's second attempt at remaking the same game (for a grand total of three iterations), you'd think they would have really gone all out to make sure that it was the best it could be. Given the time they had, current technology, and interest in Marth/his games, it's inexcusable that they dropped the ball so thoroughly, at least in my book.

The problem is that they stayed too faithful to the shitty original. If they had introduced more mechanics from later games, like the better hit/avoid calculations, Rescue, Shove, Canto, and non-ridiculous warp staves, then the game would have been better.

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I also find FE11 to be the worst of the series. I thought that they had really missed a golden opportunity to improve on FE1 in terms of at the very least character development and plot. I didn't really mind the game mechanics too much, neither adoring it or outright hating it, but I never felt involved with the story and I didn't care about the characters.

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Well we do all have our oppions and I can respect yours

and yes, FE4 will forever be a terribly unbalanced game especially the Holy weapons *Coughholsety*

Well, considering that every boss is OPed... Try the second generation: We've got Ishtor, who pretty much pwns any unit from affar; we've got Ishtar, the damn goddess of thunder that can OHKO anything at this point; we've got Blume with Thorhammer; Areonne with Gungnir etc. Not to mention that we need to deal with at least 4 armies in an entire chapter.

Holy weapons make every user an ace, but they doesn't make them one-army men.

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