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i got the inserter already. If i make a map of the same size as the one i replace, can i put it at the same Offset as the one i want to replace without messing anything up?

And Why do you hate tiled, anyway? Im not trying to bait you into a flame war, i need to know why, so that i know its drawbacks.

No, it's never safe to replace data hoping it to be the same size unless you know for a fact it is(which is rarely the case).

I don't hate tiled, I'm just bored and a diehard mappy user. To the point where I refer to her as my wife/fiance/live in cook.

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ok. so i need to find someplace empty to put my new map?

And how do i put the picture of the map i made on here?

Yes. There are empty offsets somewhere in the data, way down. Put maps and events and animations there.

Imageshack, Gyazo, Photobucket. One of those.

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Yes. There are empty offsets somewhere in the data, way down. Put maps and events and animations there.

No, the far safer thing to do would be to expand the ROM so you know the space is safe. If no one's verified that space is dead space, it's trouble potentially waiting to happen.

Considering that you can double the size of the game with the free space, you're not going to run out. It's not only safer, but a bit more manageable just to expand the game and keep a running tab of what parts you've used for what.

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No, the far safer thing to do would be to expand the ROM so you know the space is safe. If no one's verified that space is dead space, it's trouble potentially waiting to happen.

It's really not ;/ but you can believe him anyway.

Expanding the rom is always fun though, yeah, might want to do that in the future.

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Wow, these are... :E

And you should probably open a thread in the spriting department if you plan to post more maps or sprite-related things.

Protip: there is an edit button, try that instead of double posting(especially if it's in the same hour)

Edited by Kitty of Time
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You can use a hex editor to expand your ROM, most of them have the option somewhere...

@Chapter 1 I take it you really like staircases

And I like Tiled, it does them map changes for you :3

Aaaaand yes a spriting topic for you.

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You can use a hex editor to expand your ROM, most of them have the option somewhere...

@Chapter 1 I take it you really like staircases

And I like Tiled, it does them map changes for you :3

Aaaaand yes a spriting topic for you.

Well, i dont hate stairs. They just seemed to fit.

And, while i do plan to post more Maps, i kinda want all the things related to this hack to kinda stay in one spot.

Just so i dont have to keep changing threads and stuff.

And i know about the edit button, but thanks for the tip

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Im working on my story while i make the maps. Im only up to Chapter 2, so, i dont have much of a story.

So, to that end, I am open to ideas and suggestions story-wise.

Also, i do have a couple of things i need to know (i figure that theres threads for these, but ive got to be somwhere later today)

1) Is it possible to take out the world map for FE8, and if so, how difficult would it be?

2) I tried to put Eliwoods facial sprite in FE8 using FEditor Adv (in place of Erika), but it freaked out. Why did it do that, and how can i fix it?

Heres a link to the Pic of Eliwood

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When you insert it in FEditor, move his mouth up, that specifies where his talking frame goes (just drag it up) and if you're going to take the world map OUT, you should probably just use FE7, tbh.

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Hey, it worked. thanks. i did not know you could/needed to do that.

Current Project: Changing summons from Phantoms to Zombies

Why? Cuz Zombies are cooler, and more Necromancer-y

Current Necromancer: Seth :lol:

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Yeah, i'll have a new cast for the most part. It might become a "self-insert" along with my friends, but i hope to avoid that, too.

However, im bad with naming people. I cannot name characters, so... no OC's. Maybe i'll get a few anime/other game chars in, too.

You know, like what Mageknight404 did.

Actually, this might become a lot like an FE8 version of MK404's FE7 hack.

With different characters, of course...

Sigh... Ive hit the Text-editing blues. Seriously, every time i try to edit the names of the characters, it screws up the ROM. well, guess its off to the forums. Anyway, I use FEditor Adv, so, if you guys answer before i find an answer elsewhere, that will be important info, i guess.

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You're using the latest FEditor ADV version? Older versions were known for corrupting the text, but the newer ones if I am not wrong don't have said mortal flaw anymore.

And to be fair OCs are easier to both write to, and create graphics to. It is easier to use characters from other franchises in the sense their characters are already developed by professional writters, so you don't feel bad about creating something for them. But honestly I enjoy the challenge of writing to OCs, and developing their personalities on my own, more than I do of writting for other people's characters. Of course, that is only me. :)

1) Is it possible to take out the world map for FE8, and if so, how difficult would it be?[/Quote]

Yes the world map can be taken off in FE8. It is also perfectly change-able, so with enough patience and time you could make your own custom world map. To skip the world map you will have to work with custom events or ASM, though.

And good luck with this project. ^_^

Edited by Ryrumeli
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For text editing issues like crashing on you or corrupting you save file, when you are mass replacing or saving DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING.

It causes the game to crash and if your saving it corrupts the file

Edited by fuzz94
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well, thats odd. My text editor randomly started to work correctly.

So (hopefully) that wont be a problem ever again.

Everything else is going fine...

Though i am running low on new characters, and i'm just to Chapter 2!

Even though this may cause a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth...unsure.gif

Any suggestions for characters?

Wow. Its been a little more than a day since i posted the request for ideas, and ive had a grand total of 0 responses for that.sad.gif

Anyway, i still have a list of other things i could use some help with, to be listed below:

1) Can you change the weapons that summons come with? (Fe8)

2) How do i edit events in FE8? Like the battle between Seth and Valter at the beginning.

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1) No. To this day no one has researched how to change those weapons, I am afraid. This is the main reason why most people don't bother changing which weapon comes with the summon.

2) With Nintenlord's event assembler, you can disassemble a chapter and alter things and reassemble. For more information, there is a tutorial in this site which should teach you how to do so. :)

Sorry for the negative on the first, and keep on having fun with hacking~!

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However, im bad with naming people. I cannot name characters

I've got a remedy for that! 3 words: Biographical Names Dictionary.

Just google that, find a good site, and scroll through the names. There are many interesting ones, I assure you.

Edited by Esme
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