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If characters in other FE's had the FE4 Holy Blood...

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This is just a fun topic, I guess. Might be interesting to think of. Here's some of my thoughts.


Nino would have Major blood in Tordo, Holsety, or Fala, in my eyes, because her family is a powerful sage family. If anything, they probably would be descendants from one of those three crusaders. I think she'd most likely have Major Fala, but that's just me.

Karel, Karla, and Fir would have Odo blood of some kind, not sure if they'd have Major or Minor. Not only do they bear a physical resemblance to the Odo line, they're also tribesmen like the Odo line.

Niime, Canas, and Hugh might have Minor Lopto blood, since the entire family is comprised of dark magic users, and Canas' brothers became possessed by the darkness.

Elbert, Eliwood, and Roy probably have Major Baldo for fairly obvious reasons. The Durandal and Sword of Seals resemble the Tyrfing more than the Mistolin anyway.

Jaffar might also have Minor Lopto blood mostly because of his nature.

If NinoxJaffar is canon and this holds, then that would probably make Lugh the one with the Major blood and Ray with the Minor blood.

Pent probably also has Major blood in one of the other magic crusaders. Since he starts with A Staves he might have Minor Blaggi.

Louise probably has Ulir blood. Not sure if she'd have Major or Minor. imagine if Pent and Louise both had Major of some blood, their kids would be sooo broken

Zephiel probably has Major Hezul. Whether or not Desmond or Hellene is the carrier, I'm not sure. Probably Desmond, because if Louise had Ulir, Hellene would possibly have it too.

I'm not sure if Lyn or Hector would have any Holy Blood or not. Hector might have Neir blood, but I don't think Lyn would have any.


Lute would have blood in one of the magics, most likely. Probably Minor, though.

L'Arachel would have either Narga or Blaggi blood in her. Probably Minor Narga.

Hayden and Innes would have Major Ulir. Tana would have Minor Ulir.

Joshua and Ismaire would have Odo blood. Probably Major Odo. Possibly Holsety blood as well, because of the Sacred Twins.


Micaiah would have Major Narga. That would make Sanaki have Minor Narga.

Shiraham and Jill might have either Dain or Neir blood.

Geoffrey and Lucia might have Noba blood.

Anyone else have thoughts?

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Keep in mind, I am basing this on class, rather than family, therefore, Boa and WINdell are both Blaggi, even if they're not related and so on.

Marth and Anri- Baldo

Navarre- if you don't know, I shall have to rage

Marich- Sety spaghetti

Lawrence and Midia- Noba

Minerva, Mishiel, Peg. Sisters - Dain

Windex and Boa- debating for Wendell whether he is Blaggi, seeing as he's an Arch Bishop, or some other magic bloodline.

George- Ullr

Linda and Gato- Narga

Hardin, Astria and Samson- possibly Baldo, maybe Hezul, as Baldo is reserved for Anri in my interpretation.

Garnef- Lopto (Mediuth BEING the dark dragon Lopto?)

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Remember, Louise is the sister of Zephiel's mother. And I think Pent's position is earned by skill, not blood, because Erk was asked to succeed him.

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This is just a fun topic, I guess. Might be interesting to think of. Here's some of my thoughts.


Nino would have Major blood in Tordo, Holsety, or Fala, in my eyes, because her family is a powerful sage family. If anything, they probably would be descendants from one of those three crusaders. I think she'd most likely have Major Fala, but that's just me.

Karel, Karla, and Fir would have Odo blood of some kind, not sure if they'd have Major or Minor. Not only do they bear a physical resemblance to the Odo line, they're also tribesmen like the Odo line.

Niime, Canas, and Hugh might have Minor Lopto blood, since the entire family is comprised of dark magic users, and Canas' brothers became possessed by the darkness.

Canas is also Nino's uncle (through his wife), so if she has any major holy blood, it's likely that Hugh would at least have the minor equivalent.

Navarre- if you don't know, I shall have to rage

Pretty sure that Navarre is just a random mercenary, without any noble lineage.

Remember, Louise is the sister of Zephiel's mother. And I think Pent's position is earned by skill, not blood, because Erk was asked to succeed him.

Didn't Pent become Mage General? In that case, it's definitely not blood since Cecilia succeeded him.

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@Ethlin: Considering Minerva can use Axes, I'd say she have Neir blood. Plus Michalis has B in lances and axes.

Hardin should aslo be Dain/Noba. He wields the gravidus in fe12, although you could argue that Camus can wield it too. I wonder if Camus had a noble lineage.

Astram would have Hezul blood simply because he can wield mercurius. Dunno who would have Odo blood.

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Pretty sure that Navarre is just a random mercenary, without any noble lineage.

Keep in mind, I am basing this on class, rather than family, therefore, Boa and WINdell are both Blaggi, even if they're not related and so on.

@ Marth- interesting observations, I must agree with you on them, especially Hardin, as now that I think about it, he had a better rank in lances, I'm guessing Noba for him?

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I'd probably give Lyn minor Odo if only because of the Kattis. Hector with Neir could work too. Which would mean Lilina has minor Neir and minor Odo.

It's Ayra X Lex all over again! Hector even kinda looks like a bulkier Lex...

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Hector's hairstyle is a throwback in ways to Lex. It's possible, especially since he wields Armads. But, of course, he's descended from Roland, who's more of a Baldo-type if anything. I mean, there were probably intermarriages but he may have more than one.

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Basically most of what they said.

Matthew: You know... I’ve been wondering about this for a while... But...are you really one of Elimine’s clerics? Are you sure you’re not actually the follower of some dark, evil god?

Serra easily has minor Loputousu blood.

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I doubt that Hector has Neir: I mean, just look at Lilina's defense growth!

He declined the positions to continue the archsage's work I think is what his ending says.

Oh, okay. But he /could/ have been Mage General, so it's not based on blood.

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