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FE Voice Meme


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EDIT: And also, my webcam is from 2005 or osmethne so the quality is fairly piss. It also took me like four damn hours to figure out how to record this because the cam is only compatible with two of the lesser rigs in the house - and one is a netbook, so ain't recording shit for...

Dat moustache~

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What's better here for entering my recording? My mediafire download page? YouTube? Or this DropBox thing that I see Lumi and Charlie using?

I couldn't figure out how to get dropbox to work within 2 minutes, so I did youtube. I personally prefer not having to download a thing to see it, and would rather stream, but in the end, I guess it doesn't really matter.

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I couldn't figure out how to get dropbox to work within 2 minutes, so I did youtube. I personally prefer not having to download a thing to see it, and would rather stream, but in the end, I guess it doesn't really matter.

Just thought I'd ask. .wav format and all.

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EDIT: And also, my webcam is from 2005 or osmethne so the quality is fairly piss. It also took me like four damn hours to figure out how to record this because the cam is only compatible with two of the lesser rigs in the house - and one is a netbook, so ain't recording shit for video there.

[spoiler=but integrity i have patience akin to that of a mayfly]- broke into the series thanks to a used gba games sale, sacred stones didn't work, traded it in, wub.

- fe4 gen 2, but don't like gen 1; sacred stones is probably my real favorite because nostalgia and creature campaign and such; fe10 is making it up the list

- flying healers, or any healer with trucanto really; mentions to soldiers and bow knights but also only the kinds with trucanto like midir

- laura because because; honorable mentions to fee and karin

- trabant because killing ethlin is the most unforgivable sin, but he's still well-written; playable, I'm shallow, so probably oliver or gonzales

- noah/fir is the only really important one, but there are a few more like everything involving ephraim and a non-eirika woman; ephraim/innes and some others; friendship is golden and also totally separate

- laura marries tibarn and is actually 26 years old; fee and karin cannot be 14 artbooks; patricia I don't like so patty is short for patches

- li-lee-na, somewhere 'twixt dick and deck, e-li-wood, oo-ther, cay-nas, ah-thos, geye-ts (german ei), leye-nus (again), feh-ray, sa-say, re-nice, eph-raym, lie-on, innes, la-ra-shell, ew-an (dudes it's a common name), grail, ti-tay-nia, reese, z-hark, neph-en-ee (as in stef-en-ee), joff-ree, mwa-reem, ra-jhi-yon; midir as mi-dhair, nasir as nay-seer, probably said some others.

- - fistpump

- - reset

- - fistpump

- - sorrow

- one time patty saved my game by hitting ishtar with a 0% thanks to moonlight.

you are a hot beast and I want your dick

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EDIT: And also, my webcam is from 2005 or osmethne so the quality is fairly piss. It also took me like four damn hours to figure out how to record this because the cam is only compatible with two of the lesser rigs in the house - and one is a netbook, so ain't recording shit for video there.

[spoiler=but integrity i have patience akin to that of a mayfly]- broke into the series thanks to a used gba games sale, sacred stones didn't work, traded it in, wub.

- fe4 gen 2, but don't like gen 1; sacred stones is probably my real favorite because nostalgia and creature campaign and such; fe10 is making it up the list

- flying healers, or any healer with trucanto really; mentions to soldiers and bow knights but also only the kinds with trucanto like midir

- laura because because; honorable mentions to fee and karin

- trabant because killing ethlin is the most unforgivable sin, but he's still well-written; playable, I'm shallow, so probably oliver or gonzales

- noah/fir is the only really important one, but there are a few more like everything involving ephraim and a non-eirika woman; ephraim/innes and some others; friendship is golden and also totally separate

- laura marries tibarn and is actually 26 years old; fee and karin cannot be 14 artbooks; patricia I don't like so patty is short for patches

- li-lee-na, somewhere 'twixt dick and deck, e-li-wood, oo-ther, cay-nas, ah-thos, geye-ts (german ei), leye-nus (again), feh-ray, sa-say, re-nice, eph-raym, lie-on, innes, la-ra-shell, ew-an (dudes it's a common name), grail, ti-tay-nia, reese, z-hark, neph-en-ee (as in stef-en-ee), joff-ree, mwa-reem, ra-jhi-yon; midir as mi-dhair, nasir as nay-seer, probably said some others.

- - fistpump

- - reset

- - fistpump

- - sorrow

- one time patty saved my game by hitting ishtar with a 0% thanks to moonlight.

I wasn't aware a celebrity frequented this forum. (Pic is fucking huge.)


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EDIT: And also, my webcam is from 2005 or osmethne so the quality is fairly piss. It also took me like four damn hours to figure out how to record this because the cam is only compatible with two of the lesser rigs in the house - and one is a netbook, so ain't recording shit for video there.

[spoiler=but integrity i have patience akin to that of a mayfly]- broke into the series thanks to a used gba games sale, sacred stones didn't work, traded it in, wub.

- fe4 gen 2, but don't like gen 1; sacred stones is probably my real favorite because nostalgia and creature campaign and such; fe10 is making it up the list

- flying healers, or any healer with trucanto really; mentions to soldiers and bow knights but also only the kinds with trucanto like midir

- laura because because; honorable mentions to fee and karin

- trabant because killing ethlin is the most unforgivable sin, but he's still well-written; playable, I'm shallow, so probably oliver or gonzales

- noah/fir is the only really important one, but there are a few more like everything involving ephraim and a non-eirika woman; ephraim/innes and some others; friendship is golden and also totally separate

- laura marries tibarn and is actually 26 years old; fee and karin cannot be 14 artbooks; patricia I don't like so patty is short for patches

- li-lee-na, somewhere 'twixt dick and deck, e-li-wood, oo-ther, cay-nas, ah-thos, geye-ts (german ei), leye-nus (again), feh-ray, sa-say, re-nice, eph-raym, lie-on, innes, la-ra-shell, ew-an (dudes it's a common name), grail, ti-tay-nia, reese, z-hark, neph-en-ee (as in stef-en-ee), joff-ree, mwa-reem, ra-jhi-yon; midir as mi-dhair, nasir as nay-seer, probably said some others.

- - fistpump

- - reset

- - fistpump

- - sorrow

- one time patty saved my game by hitting ishtar with a 0% thanks to moonlight.

I watched it all. It was rater amusing.

I'm jealous of your (and Bal's) manly facial hair >:(

This. I don't want to shave every 3 days... eventhough i only shave on sunday evenings cuz screw getting up early to shave for the school week.

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Alright. I'm going to try to go back and comment on everyone who posted something that hasn't gotten a reply from me yet. Sorry if I missed anyone. I'm surprised by the turn out! I've listened to all of these at least once. XD It's definitely interesting to actually see and hear everyone talking about their favorite characters/etc. Something get's lost in the keyboard when you try to answer questions like this with text. Contingent on when/if I can get my roommate out of my dorm for a few hours, I'll try to record a video! ^__^


Haha! XD You sound so... eloquent. Like you prepared for this! I like it. XD


I LISTENED TO THE WHOLE THING. `All sixteen minutes. :D

Also, the meme actually belongs to someone by the name of code-rage on Tumblr. I just copy+pasted the questions. >w<


Your voice is deep/low! :o And you have... an accent? :D

Lux Aeterna

Lux, your voice is cute. I like it. XD


I was sad to see the video come to an end! You had interesting stuff to say and we like the same pairings, which is cool. :newyears:


Accent. :B):

Also, i didn't know it was pronounce meem or somtething... I always tought it was meh-meh :unsure: Its like fata/thata in math all over again :/

For the longest time, I didn't pronounce it "meem" either. I said "meh meh/mee mee".

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Haha! XD You sound so... eloquent. Like you prepared for this! I like it. XD

It is simply the luscious splendor of my voice soothing your ears and turning your knees to jelly~ Happens all the time.

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