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FE Voice Meme


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Popoooooo, here you go.

You should really get this moved to general, it's too cool for FFtF.

I realized that just as I was making the topic, sadly. If only I still had my moderator-pants, but alas. XD I'll ask Charlie or Tangerine or someone to move it. :3

Also, will be watching your upload shortly! ^__^

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I'll move it, but I'm not sure if it should go to general or general Fire Emblem. I guess I'll put it in general Fire Emblem for now. Another mod can move it if they think it belongs elsewhere.

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I was thinking that General FE was most appropriate. :3


Popoooooo, here you go.

You should really get this moved to general, it's too cool for FFtF.

1. I was super impressed with Elfire too! I thought Pent was the sexiest thing EVER.

2. Farina/Hector, yay~! XD

3. Headcanons. Lovely. XD

4. I didn't write the meme, so names I personally am interested in hearing pronounced that aren't on the master list are: Karel, Bartre, Ninian, Nils, Dorcas, Guy.

5. I like the save the country/world cliche, but I also like your idea aboot a scenario centered purely around winning a war.

6. I make up lyrics to the background music as well. (I'm particularly guilty of doing this for Mario Party.) XD

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Someone remind me to do this when I finally get a working mic.

Some more names for the list that seem relevant (mostly ones that I've heard people pronounce differently from me):








Malte(t), Miugre/Murgleis, Eckesachs/Exacuus, Sigune/Sigurney/some other spellings?, Sigurd/Siglud (I mean, if we can't even agree on the spelling...)





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4. I didn't write the meme, so names I personally am interested in hearing pronounced that aren't on the master list are: Karel, Bartre, Ninian, Nils, Dorcas, Guy.

5. I like the save the country/world cliche, but I also like your idea aboot a scenario centered purely around winning a war.

6. I make up lyrics to the background music as well. (I'm particularly guilty of doing this for Mario Party.) XD

Car-elle, Bar-truh, Nin-E-uhn, Nills (like Bills) Door-kahs, and Guy. I don't say Gee, like some people.

And my Canadian accent can't be that obvious D:

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Oh yeah I know that Lyon and Guy are french names and are supposed to be pronounced Lee-ohn and Gee, but I never go by those XD

Oh and I say Karel like Carol, Bar-ter, Ni-nee-en, Nilz (though for him I always mix it up a bunch, like between "Nilz" and just "Nils"), Dor-cus, Guy

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Popoooooo, here you go.

You should really get this moved to general, it's too cool for FFtF.

That...was really entertaining. I should try Farina/Hector next time. Also yay for music and singing along with it! I do that sometimes. Especially with Wheeling Corby.

Bar-truh? Really? I always said it Bar-tray.
















(Lumi's pronunciation of this threw me off) THRA-SEE-A



(this one is easy and i dont know why people have issues with it) FIM-BULL-VET-UR


Karel, Bartre, Ninian, Nils, Dorcas, Guy.

Carl, BAR-TRAY, Nin-ee-an, Nil with an s(its a British name i believe), DORK-ASS (lol), Guy as in "hey its that guy!" Lyon i pronounce like Lee-on.


Maybe when i work up enough nerve, ill do a short one on vocaroo or something.

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(Lumi's pronunciation of this threw me off) THRA-SEE-A



(this one is easy and i dont know why people have issues with it) FIM-BULL-VET-UR



=o Let's see out of those the ones I say differently are Aureola (just... ar-ee-oh-luh, almost literally what it looks like XD), Thracia (Thray-shuh), and Idoun (I-dune)


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And my Canadian accent can't be that obvious D:

Well you sure as hell don't have a Francophone accent. To be honest you wouldn't sound far out of place here in Toronto :)

(You know, ignoring the part where we have so much multiculturalism that nobody really sounds out of place in Toronto... trufax: anglos from Montreal sound way more like Torontonians than random hosers from the Ottawa area.)

6. I make up lyrics to the background music as well. (I'm particularly guilty of doing this for Mario Party.) XD

When I listen to the Fire Emblem main theme, I picture a pokemon named "fireemblem" singing it, with all the lyrics being "fire emblem" or portions thereof. It can be quite maddening >_<

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I was sad to see the video come to an end! You had interesting stuff to say and we like the same pairings, which is cool. :newyears:

Haha, well, I did skip a few questions and didn't have anything really prepared, so maybe I'll record an addendum sometime later.

Some more names for the list that seem relevant (mostly ones that I've heard people pronounce differently from me):








Malte(t), Miugre/Murgleis, Eckesachs/Exacuus, Sigune/Sigurney/some other spellings?, Sigurd/Siglud (I mean, if we can't even agree on the spelling...)





Good choices. I should find more.

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http://s000.tinyuplo...153858426497824 (download)

Alright, I did it too.

EDIT: New link. Edited by Sirius
Providing a media stream so download isn't necessary
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That...was really entertaining. I should try Farina/Hector next time. Also yay for music and singing along with it! I do that sometimes. Especially with Wheeling Corby.

Thank youuuuuuu ' x'

Well you sure as hell don't have a Francophone accent. To be honest you wouldn't sound far out of place here in Toronto :)

That's probably because I'm not native to Quebec, and have been living in English Canada my entire life and maybe because I was born in Ontario

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Well, here it is. The first video recording of me, ever (well, that I made of myself).

View My Apparently Long Video

[spoiler=Most of what I talked about, in case you couldn't understand me clearly]How did you first break into the series? What was your first FE title?

Fire Emblem, which I began playing back when it came out. I actually found it in a movie theatre, under my seat. I had my GBA on me, and I ended up playing it for the latter half of whatever movie was playing at the time. I honestly don't even remember what the movie was. (Lord of the rings, Return of the King)

Which FE title is your favorite and why?

Favorite title is the one that got me into the game to begin with. My favorite fire emblem is Fire Emblem...Blazing Sword.

What's your favorite class or class tree? Why?

Gonna hafta go with Pegasus Knight, only because stats are overall badass, and flying range that can rescue...I can't think of any cons at all.

Who's your favorite character and why?

Favorite player-character? Could I pick Florina? Her fluffy, flowy, lavender cloud of hair. Her beautiful blue eyes. That cute little nervous "umm" thing, she does with her fingers. Her fear of men in general (yet all her supports with Hector, etc) as she develops out of her fear. I just want her to be mine!

Favorite NPC? Honestly, Gheb. He's such a profound blob of girth, I just can't fathom how a man of his stature and personality ever became a general of any army in any country...but there he is, too fat to bend his knees and climb out of the throne that was built around his gargantuan torso.

Now what about your least favorite character? Why?

Least Favorite character? C'mon, it's gotta be a tie between Dorcas and Meg. I have yet to find a time for Dorcas to honestly provide any real assistance, even in my drafts. He's just too poorly growth-born. Meg...a Sword General. The whole concept irks me. Let's take the class with one of the highest Def and str growths, and give it a sword, because that makes sense, right?

Any pairings you like? Dislike? What about friendships?

Jaffar/Matthew/Leila. Death on the job, it's the most respectful thing ever. And there was actually a love story. Matthew finds her dead, http://www.serenesfo...pport/099.html. It's Matt/Jaffar's support conversation. Read it...it's truly a mind-blowing support.

Seth/Eirika, seriously. It's just so arg, expected.

Talk about some of your favorite Fire Emblem headcanons.

Edward/Leonardo...the nearly Gay duo. It's totally fitting, and they look so good together!

Raven/Lucius, because we can all see Raven carrying Lucius down the wedding aisle...can't we?

Gheb/Amelia, because Gheb.

Say these names:

Lilina (Lil-een-a)

Dieck (Deek)

Eliwood (E-lie-wood)



Athos (Ah-thos)

Geitz (Geet-z)

Linus (Lie-nis)

Pherae (Fair-ay)

Sacae (Like Sah-Kay)

Renais (Ren-aye-es I know it's entirely wrong!)

Ephraim, Lyon (Lion)

Innes (Eye-ns)

L'Arachel (La-Rah-shell)

Ewan (Eww-in)

Greil (Gree-el)

Titania (Titania, like, Titanic- but a instead of c)

Rhys (Ree-s)

Zihark (Zee-Har-k)

Nephenee (Neh-fee-nee)


Muarim (Maw-rim)

Rajaion (Rah-jay-on)

along with any others you feel that you pronounce differently than most people.

Others, you ask??

Thracia (Thra-see-ah)

Sieglinde (Seeg-lyn-day)

Gheb (G-ebb)

Vidofnir (Vee-Doph-nir)

Vaida (Vay-dah)

Rienfleche (Reen-fleh-k)

Luce (Loose)

Hammerne (Hammer-Nay)

Hauteclere (Haw-t-claire)

Macellan (Mah-chell-in)

lughnasadh (Lug-nah-sahd)

Is there anything you would change about the series or about any game in particular?

Yep. I'd make support conversations easier to get. Working for 100+ turns or 30+ chapters to get 1 character to complete support conversations...by then, they usually don't even need the damn support.

Describe your reaction in each of the following situations:

-when a character gets a perfect level up


-when a character you really like/really hate dies

Are you fricken kidding me? Final turn, and they fucking die? I always restart, and unload that character's inventory, then reitemize them, in hopes that altering their inventory will aid in their survival (which sucks, because it's always the same stuff I gave them in the first place)

-when a character misses an attack with over 90% chance to hit

if I could pronounce lasdhfkmjstnfwael rnlsk,dfndklfgbdljshgf, That's what I say. My eyes bug out, and I think my moustache senses it, and twitches or something too.

And finally, tell us a story about something cool/funny/infuriating that happened to you while playing Fire Emblem.

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