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Locate some ASM for me plz?


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As many of you know, I'm a programmer, but I don't really have meaningful experience with reversing ASM.

Anyone happen to know offhand where the routines are for damage calculations? I have no doubt about my ability to determine what they do currently or how to alter them (I have an idea for a hack) but I also have no real idea of how to go about locating them in order to make the changes. Ideally I'd like to replicate this for 6, 7 and 8.


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I have some notes on battle calculations in my doc (I'm not going to tell you read it). Here's a copy-paste from it:


-sub 08028f84 prepares the place for battle data

-sub 08029028 stores battle unit to r0 and r1

-sub 080290b8 (makes attack data)

-sub 0802903c (r0=ptr to attacker,r1=ptr to defender) returns 1 if weapon effect is 3

--08017424: loads weapon effect

--080290b8(r0 = attacker, r1 = defender)

---08029114(returns 2 if hero, else 1)

----08029128 flags battle data and returns 1 if hero, else returns 0

---080294d8(r0 = attacker, r1 = defender)

----080294e4-ee flags attack data if defender counter attacks

08029234 r0 = PtA, r1 = PtD

stores attack related data to 0203a3d8

08029324 r0 = PtA, r1 = PtD

checks for triangle attack

08029264 r0 = PtA

determines chances?

080285a8 r0 = hit, r1 = 1

return 1 if hit, else 0




0802857c r0 = crit, r1 = 0



0802939c r0 = PtA -> r5, r1 = PtD -> r7

does weapon effects

08017424 loads weapon effect to r0


08016730 lessens weapon uses

returns 0 or 1 in r0

0203a50c read before, in and after normal battle by

-08028fc4<- 08029024

-08028fdc<- 08029024

-08029012<- 08029024

-080290d2<- 08029110

-080290e6<- 08029110

-080292d6<- 0802931c

-080293ae<- 080293d0

-08029490<- 080294d4

-08029498<- 080294d4

-080294e6<- 08029554

-0802952a<- 08029554

-0802953c<- 08029554

-08029546<- 08029554

-0802955a<- 08029568

-0802955e<- 08029568

And writes:

-08028fa0 <- 08028fac

-0802955e <- 08029568

-0802954a only if enemy dies <- 08029554

found with searching:


--used in sub 0800e948


--used in sub 08029128

---used before(when battle stats appear) and during battle, for each attack


--used in sub 08029264

---used before(when battle stats appear) and during battle, for each attack


--used in sub 08029264

---used before(when battle stats appear) and during battle, for each attack


--used in sub 08029324

---used before(when battle stats appear) and during battle, for each attack


--used in sub 0802939c

---used before(when battle stats appear) and during battle, for each attack


--used in sub 0802a5ec

---used before healing, both items and staves


--used in sub 0802a83c


--used in sub 0802a8a8


--used in sub 0802a8a8


--used in sub 0802ab90


--used in sub 0802aba0

---used in the begging of the phase if unit heals on fortress


--used in sub 0802c324

---used when healing with physic


--used in sub 0802c76c

---used when unit get's hit by stat staff


--used in sub 0802c994


--used in sub 0802c9f8

---used when healing with elixir


--used in sub 08032858


--used in sub 080328a0

---used in the beginning of the turn, if unit is poisoned


--used in sub 08032904











--loads 0203a50c


















0203a4f0 found in:


--used in sub 08028f84


--used in sub 08029e30


--used in sub 08029ff8


--used in sub 0802a494


--used in sub 0802a810


--used in sub 0802a8a8


--used in sub 0802cbac


--used in sub 0802cc88


--used in sub 08052c9c


--used in sub 08053216


--used in sub 08053216


--used in sub 0806ed28


--used in sub 0806edac


--used in sub 0806efc4


--used in sub 0806f050


--used in sub 0806f0dc


--used in sub 0806f190


--used in sub 0806f23c


--used in sub 0806f30c


--used in sub 08071174


It doesn't directly tell the offset you are looking for, but since it's in a file labeled "makes battle data.txt", I'd assume it's there somewhere.

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Those are for FE7? (I'm guessing that a lot of the code will be shared, at least between 7 and 6, so I can search for it once I've found some reasonably unique patterns of opcodes)

Edited by zahlman
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