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Apollocles' First Steps


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I love so much Fire Emblem than I try to make a Sprite.

This is the result of my first try:

1st Sprite

What do you think of it? Can you give me some advice?

It suppose to looks like some Fire Emblem Character, can you guess who?

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First off, don't save in JPEG. You've literally ruined the sprite because of all the JPEG artifacts hanging around in it :<

I hope you made a backup. Try to save things as PNG in the future, as it won't ruin the image.

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I made a new one (now in PNG thanks to seph1212)<br><br>It suppose to be young Vylon (Sigurd's father in FE4) and Sigyn

Vylon: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=38930244V.png

Sigyn: http://www.hostingpics.net/viewer.php?id=80680971S.png

What do you think? Thanks for sharing your opinion.

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1. You can upload your images to something like imgur, if minus doesn't support embedding pictures.

2. Pictures can be embedded via the image tags (just to the left of the smilies and links buttons).

3. Is Lachesis known for big boobs?

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1. You can upload your images to something like imgur, if minus doesn't support embedding pictures.

2. Pictures can be embedded via the image tags (just to the left of the smilies and links buttons).

3. Is Lachesis known for big boobs?

3. I think she is. At least in my interpretation of original sprite / art.

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Thanks Seph1212 for your advice (et Merci d'avoir parler en français)

This is the revised version of Vylon and Sigyn (I change Sigyn colors to look like her daughter's)

Vylon: 94685212V.png

Sigyn: 17738061S3.png

And this is two new characters:

Hydra: 38060580H.png

Hydra is an Axe Knight from Dozel. Some years ago, she became Sigyn's maid and body guard. When Sigyn came to Chalphy to request Vylon's help, Hydra naturally came with her.

Judith: 72530827J.png

Judith is a Social Knight of Chalphy and Vylon's vassel. She is also the daughter of Lord Sesar, the great tactician and Vylon's uncle.

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Three new sprites:

Anita: 68731483A.png

Armor Knight from Lenster, in formation in Chalphy's Knight. She is a "long-distance" relative of Prince Calf of Lenster.

Ling of Jungby: 97699536L.png

Tamara: 876254Tamara.png

She is Prince Ling's milk sister. She came with him to help Vylon.

Moreover I recolored one more time Sigyn's Sprite. It's better isn't it?

Sigyn: 89593343S4.png

Now I have all the characters of the Prologue of my "Fantasmique Generation 0":


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4 new sprites: Some look decent and other are horrible:


from left to right:

Prince Kult, Reptor of Freege, Langobalt of Dozel, Stella (a priest who take care of an orphanage in Freege territory)

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You need to shade when you paste hair onto a head. The hai causes shadows. For example, on the second one you pasted Klein's hair on a different face, so you need to shade around the hair the way it is on Klein's face.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is all the sprites i made.


Vylon, Sigyn, Hydra, Judith, Anita, Ling, Tamara, Kult

Reptor, Langobalt, Stella, Sirona, Maeve, Yvain, Itzamna, Cyane

Esus, Flidais, Batou, Hyade, Grume, Mathilde, Cowen, Ordal.

Some advise to give me? I would like some help on Ordal... her mask doesn't fit...

There's a Pegasus Knight... Can you guess who?

@Anouleth: that's right, Hydra and Judith have the same amour but is not by laziness, it's because there will be a LOT of girls in the army and I haven't enought girl armour... Since Hydra and Judith are the Abel/Cain i think it could fit... (by the way, Sirona and Maeve are twins, that's way they're the same face and hair)

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I don't like the colors a lot of the time, but the splicing seems solid. Where do you get the colors from?

I get them from other FE6/FE7 characters

for exemple: Mathilde skin was FE7 Guinevere's, her hair color is Igrene's and her clothes colors are Ninian's.

I don't use FE8 colors except sometimes for the eyes (it make nice glowing eyes like Mathilde's)

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Please don't mix FE6/7 colors with 8. Things get weird, otherwise.

The color on Ordal's face and bust do not match.

Maeve has a huge mouth.

That's what I see at first glance.

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I know it. Thats why I use FE8 colors only for some eyes (this far, only Mathilde and Hydra have Fe8 eyes, and I like the result)

Ordal face and bust don't have the same color because she wear a mask (you can see some skin around her eyes), but I agree with the fact that something look weird with that mask.

Maeve's mouth look huge because she have lipstick, in fact It's exactly the same mouth than FE7Vaida but I could try to reduce it. I'll try...

There's the result: Better?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, those are all great. Keep going, I'd love to see many more!

All I can say as for improvement is the same as most others'; the color scheme is a bit odd, but other than that, everything's great.

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  • 2 months later...

Some new faces in Vylon's army:


Last line (from left to right): Therpsichore (Dancer), Salamander (Fire Mage), Ayami (Wyvern Knight), Damas (Free Knight), Godiva (Troubadour), Wazn (White Shaman), Rahna (Pegasus Knight), Cnossos (Wind Mage)

For the one who know FE4/5 Therpsichore is Trabant's aunt, Salamander is Alvis older half-brother and Hilda's father, Godiva is the twin sister of Elthosian's mother, Wazn is Linoan's grandmother and Rahna & Cnossos are Levin's parents (Rahna actually appears in FE4).

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I really like your Neimi Echidna splice, I think it's your one that look the best. From what i see, I think you could start making some more complicated splice (mixing many character's hair, same for clothes).

As for your new mugs, I'll critique in french, will be easier that way:

- Therpsichore a le visage trop bas. Je te suggère d'essayer de le monter d'un pixel ou deux et il manque l'ombrage des cheveux sur la peau.

- Salamander : J'aime bien le splice, mais il manque l'ombre des cheveux (tu peut quasiment copié celle de Nils, comme ca ce sera plus facile et donera probablement un meilleur résultat. Le cou est aussi croche alors qu'il devrait être droit.

- Ayami : commentaire complètement personnel, le teint du visage est trop pale et les couleur ne s'agence pas très bien ensemble. Avis perso hein!

- Damas a un trop long cou, je te suggère de baisser la tête de quelques pixel pour que ce soit plus harmonieux.

- Godiva aurait juste besoin d'un petit nettoyage. Il y a quelques pixels ici et là (ex: la machoire, dans la zone du cou) que tu devrait arrangé pour que le mug soit plus clean.

- Wazn : le cou est pillowshade (on ne peut pas déterminer la source de lumière) et semble un peu trop étroit

- Rahna : j'ai rien a dire sur ce mug autre que les couleurs sont un peu flashy

- Cnossos : On dirait qu'on lui a surligner les cheveux xD, sinon, il est bien.

Finalement, verifie les contours, FE6 et FE7 n'ont pas la même couleur, j'ai l'impression de voir deux couleurs de contour différentes dans certains mugs.

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