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Characters You're Sick of Hearing Praise About


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How many people QQed again when Sheeda jumped to Top Tier...? How many people still don't believe the debating community about Mia's worth in FE9 and FE10? And just how many people outside of SF really believe that Levin!Arthur>Levin!Sety?

I've never played FE4 and I don't follow the FEDS tiering scene, but Mia is a really bad example because the casual community loves her no matter what. FE10 Sothe or maybe Thany would be better examples; units that used to be ranked poorly (or somewhat poorly) but shot up in popularity because of the debaters.

Edited by smash fanatic
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The only things that comes to mind which Sothe has over Volug is three chapters of availability, 1-2 range and the beastkiller knife. Oh and not having to rely on transform gauge for best stats. Which if you ask me isn't enough to beat out higher move, durability, offense (especially with S strike and/or an energy drop) without beast killer, earth affin and being a wolfy :wub:. But I don't play FE seriously soo....

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I think Sothe was put in the same slot as Heather way back when FE10 debating just started.

Now Sothe is so overhyped some people try to argue him over Volug.

If anything, I find Ike overhyped. He spends a lot of his time in Part 3 either in Haar's/Titania's/Oscar's saddlebags or he's yet another unit that mauls face but has a terrible 1-2 range option. I could probably make an argument that Sothe is better than Ike (but that requires extensive research so screw that).

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Jeigan syndrome. He sucks in part 4, so clearly he's a bad character.

I guess it never occurred to these people that sucking in the company of a bunch of nonsucking characters late game is more than counterbalanced by not sucking in the presence of a bunch of suck characters early-game.

And he also lets you get a white gem and a laguz gem in the desert chapter.

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If anything, I find Ike overhyped. He spends a lot of his time in Part 3 either in Haar's/Titania's/Oscar's saddlebags or he's yet another unit that mauls face but has a terrible 1-2 range option. I could probably make an argument that Sothe is better than Ike (but that requires extensive research so screw that).

Then we have 3-11 when he gets Ragnell and Part 4 where he promotes. That's hardly being in someone's saddlebags, since he's only in rout maps in Part 4 which could use every bit of combat they could get (especially since he technically has better move than Tits in 4-4).

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And he also lets you get a white gem and a laguz gem in the desert chapter.

Yep. Sothe definitely has his uses. Early on, hes a decent-to-really good combat unit. But then part 3 rolls around and things can get a little sticky. Good thing theres beast killer knives! Part 4, his combat is ass but luckily, hes also a utility unit. Sothe can grab some cool swag along the way. I think his placement is very fair. (i personally am not the biggest fan of Sothe but yeah)

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Snip out that middle line real quick and you have a post that may as well have been made by me.

EDIT: Wait, no, actually, there's one. I hate hearing about how Soren has a personality. That's it.

He's the only character in any fe game that actually utilizes any sort of strategy with a realistic basis. He's obviously quite clever and fairly cynical. I think that counts for something; it's certainly a lot more than you can say for some people *cough* Seth *cough*.

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He's the only character in any fe game that actually utilizes any sort of strategy with a realistic basis. He's obviously quite clever and fairly cynical. I think that counts for something; it's certainly a lot more than you can say for some people *cough* Seth *cough*.

Uh, are you kidding? Seth's the guy who figures out that Orson is the traitor. He also stops Eirika from surrendering her weapons to Novala and he gives realistic, helpful (and yet somewhat cold-hearted) advice to both Eirika and Ephraim throughout the game.

Soren is just one in a series of cynical bastards, the first being Malledus from FE1. Soren's only true distinction is that he's the only one who looks like a goth and has severe angst problems, which is at times nauseating.

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Micaiah is the only one who comes to mind...

So, our noting that Micaiah isn't "Failcaiah" as you're so fond of calling her counts as praise all of a sudden? Okay...

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While I don't like Micaiah, I will admit it is very nice to have a forced, reliable healer (once she promotes).

On topic, Mist and non-Tellius pegasus knights. Why yes I am a very slow player, how did you know?

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Micaiah is the only one who comes to mind...

Are you sure you aren't referring to her in-game character that gets thought of as a "goddess" at some point. Because, honestly, no one is praising her in the fanbase a good unit.

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