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Christmas needs to come sooner.


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Gah. I cannot wait for Christmas. I'm fairly certain I'm getting a 3DS, and if I don't, I can buy one. And 3DS means... Sonic Generations!

Which I have an undying need for.




Yeah I really like game music gtfo

Or you know, a laptop would be nice, but I highly doubt I'm getting one of those.

I just need to get the next two days done so I can finish schoolwork, see my dad come home, and present my math project, and then I need a time machine to skip to the 24th. Anyone willing to lend me theirs?

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Christmas has lost so much of its magic for me. I second Fox's mention. I remember waking up when I was ten, and I didn't care what gifts I got; I was so happy that it was Christmas, and I could spend a joyful morning with my parents.

Now, it's just another day of the week.

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You people sadden me. You might need time machines too.

The guy in my sig can give you a time machine. Although it only transfers thoughts and text. And only into the past. And only up to two days at maximum.

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The guy in my sig can give you a time machine. Although it only transfers thoughts and text. And only into the past. And only up to two days at maximum.

Well, that means I could do better on my chem test...

Stupid hybrid orbitals...

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Because of my nostalgia, I will most likely always prefer the original

As people can most likely tell, I'm still quite childish for an 18 year old.

Christmas has lost some of its charm for me (I guess I can word it like that? =3), but I still do look forward to it for hanging out with my family and because I still have 2 younger brothers who can really enjoy it still ^~^

Oh and my avi and sig show that I'm trying to get more in the mood XD

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In 18 hours and 30 minutes, it will be exactly five years ago my Great-Grandfather died. That Christmas five years ago was anything but festive and fun and joyous and all those other good feelings you would normally feel. Although I don't show it or even talk about it to anyone, every other Christmas since then has been a pretty dismal time since it just makes me miss him. I like to think it's just because I've gotten older. I suppose that is a good cover-up excuse for my lack of enthusiasm during the Christmas holidays.

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Christmas needs to come so it can be over and people can stop shopping and buying excessive amounts of coffee while they shop and bitch and moan about every little thing to the poor coffee shop guy.

Seriously. Why am I expected to care about your shopping woes? Atleast you can shop for people without having to choose between food and rent.

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In 18 hours and 30 minutes, it will be exactly five years ago my Great-Grandfather died. That Christmas five years ago was anything but festive and fun and joyous and all those other good feelings you would normally feel. Although I don't show it or even talk about it to anyone, every other Christmas since then has been a pretty dismal time since it just makes me miss him. I like to think it's just because I've gotten older. I suppose that is a good cover-up excuse for my lack of enthusiasm during the Christmas holidays.

=[ I can understand the feeling. Sorry that this happened to you

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=[ I can understand the feeling. Sorry that this happened to you

No need to apologise (I know it's just a figure of speech lol). Everyone experiences death of loved ones, unless you're unlucky enough to die before anyone else in your family. Which was the case with my 4 month old cousin back over 10 years ago. Cot death syndrome.

My grandmother likes to think that my Great-Grandfather is up in heaven, looking after my cousin. But I went the opposite way: Since her (my cousin's) death, I disregarded any and all things religious. If there is a place such as this 'heaven' so many believe in, then spiffing. Hope everyone's having a whale of a time and are patiently waiting for us to join them. If there is such an existence or thing we call 'god', then he is a bastard, and I have already justified why I state this so. I am an agnostic of sorts, so I do not know of, and don't particularly care about, such unworldly things.

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=o I became agnostic, but not immediately after someone I knew died. I don't remember if that influenced my beliefs or not... But my reason for becoming agnostic is probably different...

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I think I remember you told me why a while back, but I think I forgot. I was 12 when I made my decision. Still young and still easily mouldable, for lack of a better word.

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While I haven't yet failed to get excited about Christmas day, I can feel my pre-event cynicism and apathy getting heavier each year. The spark may not die this year but it will be fucking soon.

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Christmas means chinese food and/or a movie to me. I'm Jewish. Though this year I am going to a Christmas party that should be fun.

I like lighting Hannukah candles sometimes but it's not really anything special to me. I believe in "god(s)" but I don't know anything about them. We don't seem to have a relationship of trust, which might be my fault.

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