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ITT: Tier List of the Kongs


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Barrel Throwing God Tier

Cranky Kong

Required Tier

Wrinkly Kong

Candy Kong

Funky Kong

Top Tier

Diddy Kong

Dixie Kong

Cool Tier

Swanky Kong

Doesn't Fit With the Cool Kids, but Most Certainly Isn't Low Material Tier

Donkey Kong

Trombone Tier

Lanky Kong

Meh Tier

Chunky Kong

Tiny Kong

Kiddy Kong

Who? Tier:

Every other Kong, I don't even know everyone else, like I went on Wikipedia for a list, and was like "who the fuck is Karate Kong? Is Rare running out of ide- HA, KONG FU!"


1.) Cranky moved up due to my total failure to realize that he was the original barrel throwing Donkey Kong. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

2.) Welcome to the Gods, Cranky, and mass edit. Gameplay DK tier, GO!

3.) Donkey Kong Jr. removed from tier on the account that HE IS DONKEY KONG (modern one)!

4.) Lanky and Kiddy moved down, dat availability.

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Dixie Kong should be higher than Diddy Kong - she's clearly way better than him, and is the best Kong in the Donkey Kong Country series due to her slow-fall ability.

This. Dixie should be > everybody except good old DK - and not over him because availability.

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This isn't a gameplay tier or Diddy would be boss, thanks to him saving ass in the first Donkey Kong Country, and being available in 64, where his speed is a welcome attribute as usual. If you insist, I think it'd be interesting to see where a gameplay tier will turn out. I will mass rearrange the tier.

Edit: Mass edit, gameplay tier, hello Dixie and Diddy spammage!

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