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Generic Palette Nonsense


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Hey everybody, I may or may not be implementing a few tier 0 classes in my hack, but since it's in FE7, it doesn't have a tier 0 palette, of course. Thus, I've been changing the generic class palette to the colours I want, and then just using the generic palette, and treating the tier 0 as an unpromoted class. However, I have an animation that I inserted with FEditor, and it's already all inserted.

Usenti is being dumb so it would take a really long time to edit each frame. Is there any way to edit either the FEditor processed animation files' generic palette, or the generic palette once it's inserted with FEditor?

I think this was touched upon before but for the life of me I can't find the damn thread :/

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Tier 0? If it's unpromoted then the palette would be the same as the unrpomoted palette in Nightmare. This does complicate things since not all palettes work with all sprites. If you saw the trailer of FE6.5 You would have noticed that when the sage upgraded the palette looked like a mess. There really isn't anything, to my knowledge, that can change that. Changing the palette with FEditor doesn't work, for me at least. If you want to save time from changing each frame, and avoid the possibility of error, you could put all the frames in one image and change the colors of that then "re-frame" them.

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It does use the same unpromoted palette as Tier 1. So I changed the character's palette to the generic palette, that way it uses (For this example it's a mercenary & merc prepromote) the merc's generic palette, which I've already edited, and the generic palette of the prepromote. It's the only way (barring ASM) that I can think of to use two individual palettes for classes which are both unpromoted.

Buuuuut, I can't seem to find the prepromote's generic palette with a normal hex search, so I'll probably have to figure out how to do a memory dump or something :/

EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. It uses separators every 4 colours :P

Edited by Jubby
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