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Rate the unit, Day 2: Matthew


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Only thief until Legault. Steals valuable promotion items, and stat boosters. Super late promotion. poor sword locked combat.

My rating, 5/10.

Disclaimer: all ratings should be based on the assumption that the game is being played on HHM. Also, unit rating is based on availability starting at their first available playable chapter.

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Lessee. . .as much as I like his personality, his combat and durability are questionable. He does pick locks and acquire treasure, so yay. However, his affinity does him no favors in the evasion category, so unless you feed him a lot of kills, he'll probably stay a thief forever.

4/10 (if he were a pure combat unit, he'd be way lower)

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7/10. He gets some pretty cool stuff, including promotion items, Silver Card, and potentially some good weapons like the Ch 15 Silver Axe. He's also good at helping with kills early on since he doubles a lot and can dodge Axe-wielding enemies but otherwise his combat is balls and his usefulness slips the further the game goes.

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7/10. He can help you get some cool stuff and he can potentially dodgetank some stuff, but he's a rather bad combatant.

so overall we did Hector as an 8.3 unit

are we going to like compile how people ranked units and shit because that was what I thought the point of this is.

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Pros: Stealing shit is awesome.

Cons: Shitty combat/durability etc, doesn't even make that great of an assassin due to low skill=lower critrates=lower chances for Silencer provided that he even gets that far.


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so overall we did Hector as an 8.3 unit

are we going to like compile how people ranked units and shit because that was what I thought the point of this is.

Yea. I posted this from my phone, at work, but I'm cataloging all the ratings and I'll be posting them in each of the following ratings threads.

Thanks for doing the math for me Dave!

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Matt steals shit, and nabs important stuff such as our first hero crest, knight crest, and the silver card, and that's pretty much it for his thief utility.

Matthew's combat is a bigger joke than the Zelda CD-i games. Even assuming he gains 4 levels in Lyn mode(and that's pushing it), he has 10 atk with an iron sword, which even with doubling, is only 2RKOing things like brigands, archers, and mages, and is doing single digit damage to things like cavs(and obviously tinks knights). 14 AS is extremely good for this point, so he does get points for that, but as demonstrated before, his atk sucks. And with a 30% str growth, do not think it will patch itself any time soon. Now that we know what his offense is like(i.e. bad), how is he doing defensively? Not very good. 21HP/4def on a Lv6 Matt is getting 2HKO'd by the majority of enemies(not much of a step up from his 18HP/3def bases), and with 75/25 HP/def growths, this is continuing for most of his existence. Only, like, archers and mercs fail to 2HKO, and while he can dodge axes just fine, he's usually on the ass end of the WT, so one needs to watch where you put him.

Like I said before, Matt gets big points for grabbing a few items earlygame, namely our first four promo items, the C15 silver axe, the C17 silver sword, and the silver card. However, once Legault joins, Matt is pretty much done unless he is overleveled and/or blessed. And I doubt that the former is happening anytime soon, since you will have to painstakingly feed the guy kills, and his support game is far from impressive except for Guy(who has similar issues as Matt.)

Matt gets a 3 for his combat and a 9 for his thieving for an average of:


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Matt has utility, and LHM+earlygame axe fest.

But, His combat in the long run is a joke.

But look at all the stuff he nets you!!!

However, he can't take a hit,.

But, his supports are decent, such as Guy, Hector, and Osw1n.


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Hector and oswin should support eachother, but guy is his fastest and most practical support.

Not much Oswins doing with 5 move promoted.

If one is seriously using him......

And, he can rescue/Guard Matt if needed I guess.

Unless there are massive amounts of anti armour wielders+mages crawling from every corner of the map.

So, I guess he could be supporting Serra, but thats LOL. in fe7 LTC

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wind affinity gives him crit, crit on an assassin is awesome. but yes, at the time he gets there, the enemy probably overshadows that.

his combat might not be too good, but don't forget, thieves are for stealing, not for fighting. and it's a job he does very well (silver card, for instance).


he does his job very well, and maybe even more than that.

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Not much Oswins doing with 5 move promoted.

If one is seriously using him......

And, he can rescue/Guard Matt if needed I guess.

Because that's what we want our thief doing. Being shuffled around by a unit with 4/5 mov (that he supports), instead of using his 6 move to access treasure or steal from enemies.

Under normal circumstances, beyond chapter 16, you are deploying matthew to raid, not for his awesome combat. When you pass the Dragon's Gate, Legault generally trumps him, and allows Oswin, if used, to support hector, a unit with more similar mov range.

Also, Matthew has minimal business being that close to Oswin in a field full of mages until lategame, and by then he is not going to be used.

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Super useful for a good while there. Stealing junk and picking locks and chesties. He can sneak around and do junk and get stuff in the Desert chapter. (well...so can Legault...)

Combat is pants. Even with his Saving The World Boots on (Fell Contract), hes not doing anything awesome. At least without supports and junk. (but really....that Fell Contract can either be sold for boat loads of cash or go to Legault...)

6/10. Hes great for early game utility and stealings.

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silver card/10

His combat is absolute shit, Legault outclasses him in everything except avaliability. I'll go 8/10 if this is ranked.

If this isn't ranked, he gets a 3.5, for getting the Hero Crest and Knight Crest. He's absolutely useless past his forced chapters otherwise.

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His combat is absolute shit, Legault outclasses him in everything except avaliability.

This is, like, the only thing that needs to be said and it's been said in different ways like a dozen times here.

The rest is just arguing about how important the things he steals that Legault can't are, vs. how important it is that he sucks at combat when he isn't supposed to be in combat (given that he still has to stay alive while pathing to the steal-able stuff, and needs to be in the un-rescued state to do the stealing).

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I guess either Oswin or Serra is up next. If to follow the trend of recruitment.

Matthew's is useful for combat only on chapters 11, 12, 13, and 13x After that, most other characters have leveled up enough that his combat is too poor to do anything. At this point, his only selling point is to steal stuff, use torches to see further than others, and unlock chests and doors. But Legault can do all of this once you get him on Chapter 20. Chapter 14, Matthew is probably only good for attacking pirates. Ch. 15 he can steal a lock-pick from the thief and get the chests there. There really is no reason to bring Matthew into Ch.16. In Ch.17, he once again opens stuff up. Ch.17x there is no need for Matthew to do much. Ch.18 is where he can steal the guiding ring from the boss and get the Elysian Whip. Ch. 19 he's useful for sight. In 19x & 19xx he can steal things such as the silver card or open up chests. His final utility is in ch.20 before he is no longer unique.

Chapters 11,12,13,15, 17, 18, 19, 19x, 20 are all chapters where his deployment is either forced or can be guaranteed a spot on your team since no one else can do what he can. I'd give Matthew a 7/10 simply because he is useful and worth deploying for about half of the game.

Another selling point is that during ranked runs, thieves receive more experience per combat than other units do. So he is useful for achieving the experience ranking when its easy to get him to have experience still earlier on.

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I'll give matthew a 6.5. He steals cool stuff and has decent combat in half the chapters before legault appears. He also gets points for growth potential, although it'll be harder than usual due to HHM standards. Not ridiculously bad if blessed, but horrible if screwed.

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I'll keep this open to further rank votes until 7pm EST. Then I'll post the next person. Since multiple recruits per chapter happen often, I'll sort by alphabetically.

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