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Shattered Honour : Chapter One


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"That's enough chit-chat!" Chrisford yells, over the pleasant chatter that had been the background noise. "We're moving out! Form up in your groups, and get moving!"

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Rine sighs, picking the weapons he wanted from the armory and then adding it to his collection, "Well, I don't like it. But I have no choice... Meh. Thank you anyway". Then he proceeded to join the group that was going for the city, trying to look on the good side of it. If someone managed to see him, then all he had to do was silence him or her. No problem.

But that wasn't true, and that thought annoyed him.

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It looked like it was go time. With any luck, it would be the last time he saw any of the other group. As long as he could cover his own hide... then he'd be fine. Spotting Rine, it made sense to be on good terms with him.

"Another archer should make things interesting, I guess I won't have to cover everyone's backsides by myself. You can call me Diray. Don't worry, I've got a plan which will make the mission child's play."

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Rine stares back at Diray with an uninterested face, but his expression didn't match with his tone and words. "A plan? Very well, do share with me. I think that working together is much better than working alone. Know that I can take anything before they notice what happened, but I'll only do it when it's really necessary. Also, are they really going to let us enter the city with weapons?".

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Kerrard turned to nod at the mercenary, but she was already gone. Damn, and she's a pretty one on the eyes, at that. He followed along, determined not to be left behind.

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"She sure seems eager," Rebekka noted casually to her companions, as the mercenary began walking off. "Hope she knows the way!" she added, staying near the back of the group but not wanting to fall too far behind.

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Rine was confusing, he said one thing but his body language told another story. He could understand the suspicion, Diray knew he didn't really come across as trustworthy.

"Don't worry, we've got a fair number from Petrachan, myself included, in this group. It won't be difficult to pass off as mercenaries... as long as the others stay quiet."

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Diray was standing by the side, talking to another archer. He had mentioned talking to Hazel later; Maybe it would be better to just get it over and done with.

Her gloved hands in her pockets, she slowly walked over to the two men.

"Heya, Diray. You... wanted to talk about something?"

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Hazel had appeared, he remembered saying he'd talk to her later.

"Ah, Hazel. This is another member of our team... although his name eludes me. Hazel, you and the other thief coming with us will prove crucial to our plan. Since we have little to no funding, we may have to either acquire some money or forget to pay. You don't have any problems with that, no? I'm sure you'll manage it, I really am."

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What was this man going on about? He hadn't said anything about a plan, or anything of the sort, so what he was saying did puzzle her.

"Sorry, but... what plan is this again? And what team are you talking about?"

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Varon walked over to the three chatty people. Two female rogues, Hazel and the other one and one male archer, Diray. Of course the supply run would attract the sneaky, underhanded types. Still, better introduce yourself to them. he thought. Might be useful if they thought of you as more than just their sacrificial meat-shield.

"Hello. I'm Varon. I'll be responsible for patching you guys up when everything ends up in the shit." Couldn't you have used something other than the routine introduction? asked a voice inside his head. Unless you want them to actually find out his name before we die than no, routine introduction will have to be used. Otherwise he'll keep stammering his head off to no avail and communicate nothing, said the other voice.

Varon yawned.

Edited by Blasied
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Another one had turned up and introduced themselves as Varon. By the looks of him, he was some kind of herbalist.

"Varon is it? Ah, it's a pleasure to meet you, I am Diray. Whilst your talents are welcome, one would hope you won't need to exercise them too much. These are Hazel and Rine, they are also on the supply run."

He turned back to Hazel, she seemed confused. It'd be best to clear things up, otherwise there might be trouble later.

"Hazel. Our mission is to obtain supplies, no? We don't have the funds to purchase supplies, nor do we have the man power to conquer the castle. That leaves only one other solution, we shall take what we need discretely. That's where you come in. You're, how can I put it, more stealthy than the rest of us."

He paused for a second, perhaps it was a little blunt. Although in a couple of days time, this entire scheme won't mean anything to him.

"I'm a bowman by trade, so I'm not that comfortable with close combat, I'd imagine Rine is much the same. However, negotiation and persuasion are very much up my alley. I'm sure with a little distraction and backstabbing, we won't have too much trouble at all."

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"Oh, that. With the way you were talking I thought you meant something else."

She had nothing else to talk to him about, ignoring the healer dude who'd talked for the moment. She began walking in the direction of the supply group, hoping everything would end soon, at the earliest.

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Rine's confidence had raised when that archer called Diray showed up with a plan. All he had to do was to be careful with him, for they were people that lost everything and are now trying to get it all back, much like him. Either way, paranoia or not, that's how he was. "Very well. I'll keep a look on everything and make sure there are no testimonies. It was nice talking with you, Diray. Count on me."

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Delves had two options, as far as he was concerned. A small number of people seemed to be gathering around some bowman named Diray; Delves couldn't help but listen in.

"I'm sure with a little distraction and backstabbing, we won't have too much trouble at all."

Once he had finished talking and the others had started drifting off, the thief stepped out of the shadows, behind Diray. Just to be safe, he positioned himself so he could duck behind a tree if necessary.

"There's no use turning around, I'd have a knife in your back in seconds." He paused, speaking in a quiet tone so that only the archer could hear him. "This thief mission is not going to be nearly as easy as you say; you'll know this unless you happen to be more stupid than I take you for. Everyone is dying of starvation. No one is going to just let us waltz away with their supplies."

Delves revealed himself. "On the other hand, there's no security if the guards are all dead."

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Rine turns to the man who just snuck on Diray. He was impessed that someone had been able to move unnoticed by him after he told himself to watch his own back dilligently. "Your idea is simpler, but have you taken into account that our numbers aren't great, and we might not be able to raid an entire city? Besides, it'll sound bad to that lordling if he knows that we pillage like monsters". He stopped there, before thinking about it and seeing that a man such as Delves wouldn't care about that at all. So, he decided to put more fuel to the fire. "While you would have killed Diray, me and perhaps someone else, I doubt you would be safe from the others. The same thing may happen with the guards, and they'll gather all their forces if there are testimonies".

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Delves wondered how the man could be so shortsighted. "What the lordling thinks of us is none of my concern. And even so, if it's done right, there's nothing to marshal their forces against. Our small numbers can be a hindrance or a unique advantage; no one would possibly think a group of this size could pull off something of that scale."

The thief tossed his dagger in one hand, then tucked the blade away.

"Then again, if you find your own strength... insufficient for this task, you're welcome to disregard me."

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The thief was good, very good. He was a little sharper than the others too... he wouldn't be easy to convince.

"You doubt me, no? You're smarter than you look."

He had put away his dagger, it was probably safe to turn around. He did so.

"If you have any alterations you'd like to make to the plan, please do speak up. Right now the difficult parts are getting into the city and leaving it unnoticed. There's always the option of raiding civilian areas, unless there are major objections to it."

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Rine objected quickly to Delves. "Are you possibly expecting to kill all the guards with our small numbers? At least do that after we get inside the city, it's imperative that we have a basic idea of the scenario we're going to fight on. Unless you have another plan, of course".

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Delves smirked, albeit somewhat grimly. Diray was no fool.

"Right now the difficult parts... ...are major objections to it."

"Leaving unnoticed? Don't make me laugh. If we were to just vanish from the city overnight, any... discoveries would instantly be blamed on us. No, we want to get in, do our job, and leave in full sight of the city before our work is discovered."

"Are you possibly expecting to kill all the guards with our small numbers?"

"Not all the guards." Delves refrained from adding some derogatory insult to the end of his statement. "Rather, just the ones that happen to be standing in front of the supply house." And, as an afterthought. "As well as everyone inside."

"At least do that after we get inside the city... ...Unless you have another plan, of course".

"My plans are none of your concern. Rather, in the interest of our mutual success, I think I'll tag along with you, at least for this run."

Delves considered the implications of that statement. The bowman was decent enough, he seemed to understand the world fairly well. He might make a dangerous opponent... On the other hand, this 'Rine' seemed to be hopelessly naive.

At the very least, I'll only have to put up with them for so long.

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They seem to be getting along well. My eyes had better clear up soon. It would be most unfortunate if they died because I couldn't see.

Selina walked on in silence.

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"Very well then, I'll want to see how we're going to kill all the guards guarding the supplies, kill anyone inside, get the supplies, fight the guards on the exit because they -guard- the exit, and leave before more guards come. Your plan won't work, rather, don't you want to use us so that the reinforcements and the guards on the exit waste their time with us?".

Rine sounded clearly tired of the conversation, wishing that he'd talk with the commander to switch missions. Well, it wouldn't have been an experience worse than playing along with these chessmasters.

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They really needed to set off, the other group was already gone.

"Now, now, we can discuss the finer details on the way. However, the general plan is to go there and get supplies, no? If you're unwilling to partake in my plan, I understand. However, for those who do wish to, please, do come with me."

He turned and made his way to the exit. He expected at least Hazel and Delves to come with him.

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"My answer is clear... I'll go along with it". Rine follows Diray without saying another word, as there's nothing else he could argue with on the time being.

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