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Let's talk about how terrible of a person Empress Irene was.

*Irene becomes regent for her child son Constantine.*

Irene: "Whew, I can finally have power."

*Constantine grows older.*

Constantine: "Hey mom, I'm older now, so can I have a bit of the imperial power too?"

Irene: "No."

Constantine: "Mom, I'm the Emperor. I get to decide this, not you."

Irene: "Okay, fine, you can have a little power."

*Constantine grows even older.*

Constantine: "Mom, I'm an adult now, I'm going to exercise all of the imperial powers."

Irene: "No."

Constantine: "I'm the Emperor here; I get to decide this, not you."

*Irene gouges Constantine's eyes out.*


Constantine: "Ah, wtf mom?"

*Constantine dies from having his eyes gouged out.*

Irene: "Guess this means I'm Empress now, heh."

Quaestor: "Uhh, that's not how the succession law of our Empi--"

Irene: "SHUT UP!!!"

Pope: "Uhh, I don't think the Christian faith allows for a--"

Irene: "SHUT UP!!!!!"

Pope: "Fuck this shit, I'm going to crown my own Emperors from now on."

And that's how the Holy Roman Empire was founded.

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oh, there is a boy in my homeroom, i think i've told you this before, but he absolutely HATES undertale for some inane reason, and he lists "genocide route is too tedious" as a reason

i explained to him that yes, it is tedious, and it is supposed to be tedious. you are emotionally detaching yourself from the characters and deliberately doing an insanely boring and drawn out task just to get an ending. that's the point. but he told me that it wasn't fun and that all parts of a game should be fun

off the mark...

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make sure to take your dick out. have him CHOKE on it

he's one of those pretentious guys who gets in le internet arguments. but uh, i tolerate it because i don't really have anyone else to talk to

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>es jay double you

hearing somebody say that irl...lmao...embarrassing desu

even worse is internet memes irl. fucking memespouters

i find that NORMALS are worse than memespouters though. i thought this was just an exaggeration by people who are obviously crippled socially but okay, now my feelings resonate a bit with them, very scary

i don't know, they go on and on and ramble about their self-important concerns and gossip and it comes off as incredibly materialistic and egotistical. am i wrong to feel like this? yes i can mind my own business, but holy shit its just annoying to have some group examine down to a T, every detail of a person, neck to toe, womb to tomb, etc. like that. it makes me incredibly uncomfortable to have people gossip around me

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thank god i'm not a meme!?

well, it's not that i've had a single bad experience with gossip, but i hate it entirely. detest, find it terrible, a blight on earth, odious, etc. and maybe i am a bit of a hypocrite, since tons of things can fall under that umbrella of gossip. but hearing somebody talk shit in a loud manner is normal, but i don't find it very rewarding in the long run. well, there are nuances to everything. but talking about somebody who just gave you a side glance and interpreting it to be something else entirely and gossiping about it is just poor taste. i don't like lots of things about how people interact but you can't help it if you participate in it: the only way to win is to not play, which is why people need to become NEETs to avoid the sun (and other people) and thus live longer, healthier lives. also, a healthy side of babies as a dish.

is what i say really that important? i don't really think most of what i say is important, lol

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Talking about someone when they are not present to defend themselves is indeed detestable.

And yes I guess we all fall under that umbrella, but there are somethings that I guess are fair game to complain about, but what some people gossip about is just simply cruel.

Yeah, which is why whenever someone stares at me I always stare at them back twice as hard. to let them know im judging them EVEN HARDER.


But really though, that's the only way to win in human interaction these days if you feel you are at risk for becoming a NEET. You really got muscle your way through, not let them sense weakness. There's really no room for persuasion, people are assholes, so you gotta be the bigger asshole.

or have a bigger asshole, if u know what i mean.

Maybe it is, maybe it's not, but the fact that I get so little of it perhaps makes it more valuable.

well, it's not as if everyone does it actually. so, i shouldn't get worked up over one instance of it. just normalcy!

people are cruel, but i think most people try their hardest to not be a total dick, maybe? i know i do, but i let the smug slip out sometimes, and that's when i sound rather dickish. maybe i'm a little prone to poking fun at people... but it's all in good spirit!

i actually remember that i was slacking off in this club thing in freshman year and the high priest of the club took me outside and wanted to have an intervention with me. she asked why i was avoiding eye contact - i answered "i have a serious medical condition that renders me incapable of looking into somebody's eyes!!" - not really, but i really didn't want to do it. she was really scary, although a bit nerdy. i don't know, i couldn't keep up with everyone else who was all better at it than me. i didn't want to, so

so you have to outdick the dick? i feel that's mostly true if you're looking to climb the corporate ranks. i've heard that people do really nasty things to get money. heartless they are, but they're just looking after themselves in a way that detriments everyone else. that's bad for us, so we obviously stop them. but we do this even with less harmful things! stomping out the socially uneducated! it's a kneejerk reaction, but offhand comments can really dampen a person's mood even if you aren't thinking much about it. it's scary how normal it is to judge a person, quickly, but that's just "Human". still not a good trait if they're not jumping out to kill you, maybe a great trait to have if everyone wants to kill you. but at that point you should have everybody else dead except for yourself for the maximum protection.

well, uh, i'm glad you're enjoying my inconsequential, incoherent rambling. i should write an autobiography sometime in my life, it'll be a bestseller with padding amounting to nothing

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