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3 minutes ago, shezzy said:

>tfw I played THE GREATEST WRPG OF ALL TIME (tm) before I had been able to work up a good appreciation for the genre by playing all of the shittier ones


still gonna play baldur's gate tho

depends if you care about story more

if you just want hack and slash play icewind dale or neverwinter nights

otherwise play one that tries to story like baldur's gate

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I dunno i'm more of a hack and slash guy that likes deep customisation and progression so while I dig Planescape Torment as a unique experience, stuff like Diablo II and Baldur's Gate I would still place above it.

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3 and a half hours of sleep is what I'll have today : )

procrastinating sucks but tbh i only procrastinated this time because I didn't knwo what to do and it wasn't even an improtant subject

still it sucks but oh well at least it's not an all nigheter fhjknodjgndfklgn i hate myself sometimes

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24 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Why does he hate her so much?

 I don't really know why, but he's been going on rants for a long time against people like Pewdiepie, Tobuscus and iJustine either because they gained a burst of fame like Pewdiepie or because he hates people who aren't originally about gaming channels to open one as they aren't "true gamers" or such. Never mind the fact that the true gamer, DSP, sucks just as bad as any of these people could.

He's been doing it for a while (2013). There is at least a part of it that he probably just resents them because they are more popular than him. He would do the same if he was in the position to.

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12 hours ago, shezzy said:

thats gonna be one fucking cash cow

monster hunter sells like crack in japan


Not on home consoles

11 hours ago, Nobody said:


console warriors hehe

i don't really care about it, not really interested in warriors games =/

It's funny because it was the PSP that made MonHun big not the PS2 or 3ds

9 hours ago, Nobody said:

idk if you guys know it, but it was super easy to pirate ps2 game back in the day, like basically everyone who I knew only had pirated ps2 games

young me believed that the only reason the gamecube sold worse than the ps2 was because nintendo didn't let people pirate their games, unlike sony, who i thought relied on piratary to sell ps2s

I don't think attach rate is much different tbh

9 hours ago, Nobody said:

tbh my theory is probably true when it comes to brazil

i kid you not, I've never seen a single original ps2 game, and pretty much all my middle school friends had ps2s

being a kid and having basically acess to infinite ps2 games for cheap was probably a paradise, though, if only i wasn't a nintendrone back them =/

Yeah all places I knew that sold PS2 games were pirated games

9 hours ago, Tryhard said:

Divine Divinity for still the worst name to a game I've ever seen

it's like, no shit

Counterpoint Zwei II

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i was sleeping the past hour lol

metroid prime 4 is huge, but i don't care about it

xenoblade 2 being confirmed holiday 2017 is really nice

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i'm not a big metroid fan either but it's not really if you like the games tbh

a sony fan caring about nothing that nintendo show doesn't really say anything about their performance or showing or vice versa

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i'm not a big metroid fan either but it's not really if you like the games tbh

a sony fan caring about nothing that nintendo show doesn't really say anything about their performance or showing or vice versa

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