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lol there's this dumb poster on the touhou gameplay thread that thinks pofv is a "pure rng game" and that games that need resources to be used are automatically kusoge

(proof that they're full of shit)


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The thing that people don't understand about shmups is that shmups are not purely "reaction" or "genetics", shmups are also resource management among other factors so it becomes very frustrating to see people post shit like "m-m-m-muh genetics, I can't 1cc a game because I wasn't born a superhuman this is so fucking unfair"

the only thing unfair about shmups is that you need to play them... more than once, which is apparently a negative for some people. you don't even need to play them you can just look at a replay or look up some strategies and figure out where you die + routes for stages

tl;dr people don't actually know how to play a game correctly

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Put the morrigan's invisibility back

8 seconds was her appeal point. there's nothing appealing about 6 seconds. NOTHING.
you took away what made her who she is. 

She had the ability to escape death, and gank effectively. WHO IS SHE GOING TO GANK WITH 6 SECONDS AND NO GAP CLOSING ABILITY?
Nobody. You fucking ruined her.
Change her back.

It used to be "Wow, she can go invisible for twice as long as Loki, that's not bad." now it's "oh, only 2 seconds longer, no gap closer though."
To compensate, did you lower the cooldown on her invisibility? No? Give her a bit more speed to make up for the missing 2 seconds? Oh, of course not. because a super squishy MAGE (she's a fucking mage) should have to FUCKING MELEE HER GOD DAMN OPPONENTS BECAUSE OF HER INABILITY TO ESCAPE!
What the fuck were you thinking? Taking tips from riot are you?
to clarify, 6 seconds isn't even enough time to get from the middle of a lane to a tower usually. 8 seconds was enough time to escape danger, now she's just feed.
You're playing the morrigan? Okay, have fun being FOOD.

You just take and take and take. Something's good? Ruin it. 
I'm going to start calling this fucking company high-rez cause your team is obviously on crack.
I'm so pissed off. I just finished splurging on gems for her twisted metal skin, and was about to do it again for her spf 666 skin, now I'm thinking of playing that god damn fool Loki because of this huge nerf. Cutting her invisibility down by a whopping 25%. What the actual fuck.

Who else did you nerf by 25%? Why not take her invisibility away all together? Give her instead an ability that automatically kills her and gives the kill to an enemy god of her choosing. That way at least she can control who she feeds, instead of randomly feeding the enemy team. 25 fucking percent. No cooldown reduction to compensate for this huge penalty. Just shoot my favorite character not even in the leg, you shot her in the fucking head. You killed her. I didn't even notice the change in any text until I was playing her. I kept thinking "What the fuck? Why aren't I invisible anymore?" Wondering why I can't get around so quickly, wondering why I kept getting CAUGHT. Wondering why I can't even hit the enemies because I'm revealed before I get the fucking chance!

Keep in mind, a nerf of this degree means her speed is also butchered, her safety is butchered, her aggression is butchered, everything about her is fucking trash now. Her speed boost reduced by 2 seconds means she's no longer viable for ganking, she can't get around nearly as quickly as she could before, she now has to wait longer to become invisible again meaning if she sees someone (which she will) she's DEAD.
How can you escape with only 6 seconds of a tiny speed boost and invisibility? Not well. Even if you juke an enemy, they'll just find you because 6 seconds is nothing in this game.
25% of her speed boost, and 25% of her invisibility, then you add a mana increase on top of that. I'm trying to wrap my head around why this was ever agreed upon.

You're so smart for doing this. It's almost like you took this advice from a "how to ruin gods in smite" guide. Now, not only is her invisibility basically fucking useless, but it costs more to use it. 

Hey, let's make kukulkan's ultimate cost 300000000000000 mana, that way he can never fucking use it. I bet that's a good idea.
Or how about instead of loki having abilities, he should just be stuck permanently in the fountain as the dummy he spawns with his 2. Since we're making gods useless, I figured these things should come next. 
How about we take bellona's weapon away and give her that fish from her defeat screen, make it heal the enemies it hits. 
We're all about helping the enemies slaughter us easier, right?

Best part of the morrigan's invisibility? It's 6 seconds now, and spawns a DAMN FUCKING BULLSHIT STUPID ASS WARD THAT LOOKS JUST LIKE HER TO TELL THE ENEMY TEAM WHERE YOU GOD DAMN ARE!!!!
Not such a problem if you have 8 seconds to escape, but with only 6 seconds, GUESS WHAT'LL HAPPEN. 
Is the hi-rez team composed of nothing but 13 year olds drinking slurpees and playing call of duty, while one of them throws darts at pictures of smite gods to see who to fucking destroy next? GET YOUR HEAD IN THE DAMN GAME. 
I bet you fools don't even play smite. You just watch ranked games, then when you see someone doing good with a god they practised with, you nerf the fuck out of it.
There is no way extensive thought was put into this nerf. No fucking way. 
This was done on a whim, and until it's fixed, I'll be considering looking for a private smite server that predates this bullshit patch.

Fix your god damn mistake.






(about a 2 second nerf to invisibility on a moba character)

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You are Alabaster Soliloquy, hot-shit destroyer of anime pussy and five time champion of the North High Quiz Bowl. Your manly scent is the number-one cause of cock addiction amongst nukige heroines.
As usual, you get dragged from angelic dreams of Fatalpulse doujins yet-to-be by your bitch of an older sister. She wakes you up with a hard rap of her knuckles against your forehead.
"It's almost 8:00," Cerise says. "You're gonna be late."
There's no worse way to start the morning than seeing her slutty dog choker and unkempt bedhead. You can practically taste last night's beer fumes puttering like exhaust from her every pore. Trying not to gag, you sit up and rub your forehead where she hit you. "Why don't you worry about your own business? At least I've got things to be late to. Shouldn't you be job searching right now?"
Cerise folds her arms. "It's a bad economy! There aren't any jobs out there!"
You sigh, throw your covers off, and stand. After a few seconds of groping around the clothes-strewn floor, you grab a pair of crumpled and stale-smelling jeans from the pile. You pull them on over your boxers. "I cannot wait until mom and dad kick you out," you say.

"They'll kick you out before they kick me out. They actually love me." In the silence that follows as you finish getting dressed, Cerise glances around your sty of a bedroom. "It stinks like cum in here."
"Are you sure it's not just you? I know you've been itching to graduate from your cam show to literal prostitution."
"It's that," Cerise says, pointing at the trash bin next to your computer desk overflowing with tissues. "Did you spend your *entire* summer jerking off?"
"At least I wasn't doing it in front of strangers for money."
"As if anyone would want to see you tugging on your pencil dick. Your only hope in life is if the supreme court legalizes cartoon marriage."

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>criticising BEST alignment

alright so i beat baldur's gate 1 solo now with sorcerer and the cheesing was pretty funny

>summon a bunch of spiders
>cast web multiple times ranged AoE that holds enemies, prevents them from doing anything and makes any attack an automatic hit on them
>spiders are immune to web

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