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The Last To Post Wins!


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Hrm. I haven't exactly been taking the ratings too seriously. Today's especially has been a large spread.

It's not that I'm taking it seriously, it's just that Severa's only ahead of Cynthia because of bullshit reasons.

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"Come on Fa, we're going to school."

"No, Idun! Fa doesn't want to go to school because Fa doesn't need school!"

"Everyone needs a proper education. If I had one I would not have went along with Zephil."

"And Fa knocked some sense into you! Fa is too cool for school! Fafafafa!"

"Okay, so? And did you really say your name four times in a row?"

"No, Fa laughed. That's how Fa laughs."


Fa later became Roy's adoptive sister, who was too cool for school

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Oh, Interest is cool.

Shengar is also kinda cool.

Yes, they are...

I'm just some guy who's been lurking and decided to actually start posting.

Also just really like this forum in general.

Glad you have.
Don't be shy, we won't bite. =]
Except maybe Marthur.

This is the best part of the forum.


what's with you people and not sleeping? :V

I ask myself that every now and then.

This thread must go on!

It's our backup in case the FE4 Thread gets history.

Don't go into the light, Thread!


700+ photos I got to download.

Hoping that there is an easy way to do it. Having it done one by one would be too time consuming and a pain.

Shit, I dunno how you or anyone could have the patience for that. >_>

Especially, having to go through each and every page waiting for the photo to load up before downloading it.

@Shirley: It's like super grey with barely any brown because that's what it looks like on Morgan, like sepia with almost all the saturation taken out.

[spoiler=Morgan w/ Sumia hair]3pYGs.jpg

And least Morgan remembers his/her father. ^^

It proved to me why I love GBA games so much.

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga

Fire Emblem

Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

Pokemon Emerald

Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire

Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

Final Fantasy IV (GBA)

Super Mario Bros. 3 (GBA)

Sonic Advance 2

Donkey Kong Country (GBA)

And so many more.

The genre of GBA...is as good as the SNES one.

Although I wish I had joined earlier or something so I would have learned a bit more about FE13... AND PREORDERED IT TOO. Oh well.

At least your here now. =3

I also just hate Sully and she's always benched in all my files. I don't care if she's high tiered; tier lists can go suck a donkey's balls. Oh and same to Maribelle. So you can see where I'm coming from with my Chrom.

Sully always gives me a good laugh. And having her marry Chrom would be the worst mistake of his life.

And to see yandere Sumia at the end of Chapter 13. :smug:

Thanking Rey for pointing out that glitch loooong ago. :D


Because he is awesome

His hand hungers for combat. Like Ares.

Fa's cool.

Fazilla is best.

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I call this 'the overlooked pairings' file.

Edited by Zeem
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I call this 'the overlooked pairings' file.

I've done a few of those pairings normally on my runs (before I cared about optimizing pairings). Do I win?

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I've done a few of those pairings normally on my runs (before I cared about optimizing pairings). Do I win?

Yeah, sure.

Never actually done Henry/Olivia

It's really hyped up for some reason.

Hi thread. Bye thread. :D

Hey Cordy. Bye Cordy. :P

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Time to go get my four hours of sleep...I'll see you all shortly.

Have a good one.


i should probably finish fe7 hhm

fanart of fa in dragon form doesn't exist

I'm pretty sure it does exist.

And YES. Finish HHM. I hope you used Wil, Fiora, and/or Serra.

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Have a good one.

I'm pretty sure it does exist.

And YES. Finish HHM. I hope you used Wil, Fiora, and/or Serra.

Of course I'm using Serra

And I'm using all three peg knights

Best class

And I'm pretty sure it doesn't

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