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Heh. XP

Yeah, it's late. Night everyone.


Too many pages while I was napping. Can't be arsed to read them.

So.... It's 1 am and I don't think I can fall asleep again. Yippee?

Sounds like me when I was trying to fix mah sleeping rotation. I'm going to have to fix it again after this mess.

10:34 over here


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>___> West coast people. Brb moving to west coast too. Just kidding. I fudged up my own sleep schedule this time, by taking a nap at 9 pm. Now I'm wasting time on my phone.
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I wanna stay happy. ;-;

Friends here will be great for that.

Rydia's images are never safe >_>

Having to look thoroughly at them before whenever wanting to use them for your sigs and such.

I know.

Oh, under the "Gundam Wing"?

Yes. TE's character, Quatre, is also part of Preventer, but since the 5 Wing Boys form also their own group, I decided to group them together like that.

Always liked the SNES duel one. Though it is a Japan only game, so you'll have to import, or emulate it.

Shadow Dragon list aka Best list:

Xane: David

Xane: ZM

Xane: Emerald

Xane: Lucas

Xane: Shirley

Xane: Breezy

Xane: Sask

Xane: BLS

Xane: Ein

Xane: Hero-King

Xane: Crizix

Xane: Boney

Xane: Jprebs


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I just got home.

Welcome home.

Well, Interest, my defence is that I don't like posting on my phone but I was busy on ... Skype. And then I managed to fall asleep. But now I just woke up and I gotta hurry to work now. >_>

See you guys later or something.

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I woke up a little over an hour ago.

I hate it when my seemingl valid points are ignored. It's like they think I don't know what I'm talking about or something.

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See you guys later or something.


Hoping that you aren't too sleepy for work.


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I was able to get a total of 6 hours and 40 mins of sleep... well, interrupted, but my body was able to achieve that much anyway. I should be fine. I'm just frustrated that I didn't get up when I woke up at 7 am.

Or maybe it was 7 hours? I'm not sure. At least I had someone to talk to while I was messing up my sleep.

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I woke up a little over an hour ago.

I hate it when my seemingl valid points are ignored. It's like they think I don't know what I'm talking about or something.

What got ignored, exactly?

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