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If I rememeber correctly she used to have an avy with her...also she loves wolves very much

Oh, then that makes sense.

Tangerine should be Vika, then. NM would looooove that. :smug:

Nailah isn't a BIG JERK like Hatari.

Hatari's not a jerk. Leave her alone.

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FE8 had an amazing story. Particularly, I liked Ephraim's route story better than Eirika's for these reasons alone:

1. Selena

2. Ephraim's encounters with Lyon

3. Knoll's speech

And then Seth's Chapter 16 speech on either route was pretty damn amazing, and brought on a new sense of character development for Ephraim.

I liked both routes, though Lyon does seem to reveal more if you take Ephraim's route. :o

Ephraim was the man in FE8

Hell yeah.

<3 <3 <3

。^_^。 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

oh my god CRIZZIE stop already!! D:

Eh? What was I doing? :O

Well, now that you're here... *glomp*

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Oh oh can I be Leonardo. If not can I be Devdan/Danved. I know what I'm talking about but I hardly get respect.


I guess Sirius can be Nasir.


Bumping. Also, how did I get Oscar's spot, BTW? :O

I'm...not sure. Maybe because of Stahl and somewhat personality and somewhat random.

Specta should be Lucia, since she's Integ's sister.

Tangerine should be Nailah, and Hatari can be Vika.


and the thing is, it's because of Hatari's nickname or something in FE4 thread hence why I had Hatari as Nailah.

Why am I Kurthnaga?

Also, I suggest Red Fox of Fire filling in Jill.


@Breezy: because I associated dark magic with negativity.

Edited by Ninfia
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I liked both routes, though Lyon does seem to reveal more if you take Ephraim's route. :o

Yeah, and you actually SEE The Demon King on Ephraim's route. Also, here's the dialogue I was talking about:

People: Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim!
Ephraim: ......
Seth: ...They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide.
Ephraim: I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.
Eirika: And I will do all I can to help, Ephraim.
You don't see that kind of dialogue in FE games much. Recently, the main characters of FE games are always praised, and rarely do wrong. I like how Ephraim didn't get that luxury, and had to work for the people's respect.
Edited by ZMeister
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Do tell the details

Insulting people such as Hatari (she actually came in here and yelled at Boney one day), complaining about other stuff, etc.

Hey brother, what's up.

Not like they can keep it in there

They should.

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yes she is

eek, you're going to make me blush my face off D:

*returns hug*

Heh~. *Huggles* :3

ship ship ship ship ship ship ship

....yes, I went there

You know what? TAKE THIS!


...Dammit, I can't think of a ship for you. xD

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I don't do anything wrong

stop devouring me or you won't get anymore boney hugs

Self-control? IDK.

I just don't want to hear about people's problems with others.

hey, i didn't say a thing until you guys started talking about someone who doesn't even COME here :/

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