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someone people don't know when to drop topics.

That's a good way to ignite flames.

ANYWAY, Crizzie, you didn't respond to my FE8 post. D:

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That's a good way to ignite flames.

what did I do NOW? You two weren't dropping stuff.

Whatever. I never know what to say. All I say are the wrong things. I'm honestly fucking tired of everything.

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Yeah, and you actually SEE The Demon King on Ephraim's route. Also, here's the dialogue I was talking about:

People: Prince Ephraim! Princess Eirika! The king has returned! Our king! Glory to Renais! Long live King Ephraim!
Ephraim: ......
Seth: ...They’re not cheering for you. They cheer because Orson’s misrule is at an end. They cheer the possibility of a better tomorrow, not the deeds we did today. But how will the hearts of the people move tomorrow and the next day? That is for you to decide.
Ephraim: I will not let their hopes and dreams be shattered again. I will be king. Like my father before me, I will dedicate myself to their happiness.
Eirika: And I will do all I can to help, Ephraim.
You don't see that kind of dialogue in FE games much. Recently, the main characters of FE games are always praised, and rarely do wrong. I like how Ephraim didn't get that luxury, and had to work for the people's respect.

(Sorry, ZM. I missed it. xD)

Yeah, that was just great~. I wish they tried harder with Awakening's plot; Chrom's flaws don't show too much.

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No fighting, guys. Only think about the Mega!Blaziken instead.

Or how I'm gonna do Zangoose/Seviper stuff. I mean, do you want the Jungle Book or something?

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(Sorry, ZM. I missed it. xD)

Yeah, that was just great~. I wish they tried harder with Awakening's plot; Chrom's flaws don't show too much.

It's fine. ^^

Yeah, he, the Avatar, and Lucina were always praised, and it kinda annoyed me a bit. Meanwhile, characters like Leif, Ephraim, Sigurd, and maybe even Hector had some people who held them in contempt.

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That's what I heard people call them.

Or are they those new forms from Gen 6?

Yeah, that was just great~. I wish they tried harder with Awakening's plot; Chrom's flaws don't show too much.

The only flaw I see in Chrom is how angry he can get

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The only flaw I see in Chrom is how angry he can get

Chrom is such an obvious rehash of Ike and Marth anyway. Even on my first playthrough, I noticed it...and it sticks out. :/

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