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Ohh. To tell the truth, that's pretty...normal...for me...

Try saying your thoughts out loud or writing them all down. That helps me think more clearly. Or, since it's midnight EST now, you could sleep on it. If you can. Sometimes that kind of thing is the answer. Or you could try to ignore it. Either way, you most likely just need time to sort it out however.

I'm talking generally here because I don't know the details...

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If it's really serious and/or deeply conflicting, don't expect to resolve it in a day or two...I tend to linger on bad trains of thought for at least a week (but then again, you probably don't overthink constantly like I do).

If this is the result of some underlying insecurity, it's going to take A LONG TIME to overcome it. Trust me; I'm still nowhere near a resolution after a few years, haha...

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Well, this isn't the first time I've had this conflict. The only difference this time is how it came out. Whenever I'm alone, these type of things enter my mind without warning, or given condition. Overall, I'm just torn between what kind of person I should be

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Hmm. Just as I suspected; your case is distinct from mine. I'm really glad you're not having the EXACT same problem as me.

Still, this debate will affect every single area of your life, so it's reasonable for it to take a while, I think. Have you gone around and asked people what kind of person they're trying to be? If not, the different answers would most likely make good food for thought.

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Ohh. I don't think you can change your fundamental personality...Aren't that and the question of who you want to be interrelated, though? Anyway, when you're thinking about that, are you analyzing your strengths and weaknesses objectively?

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So sad :c

Also, your avatar is adorable

Yeah, that must've been a really rough situation for Zero to be in: essentially becoming the man you murdered and knowing that someone wants to avenge "you" by killing you.

And I'm glad you like my avatar. She's so sickeningly cute in that picture. I might not ever change my avatar again since I like it that much.

Sounds like quite a mindscrew.

It is. Fortunately, Shirobon doesn't kill Zero even though he finds out the truth, and instead accepts him as a friend and ally despite taking his brother's life.

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To put it basically, something happened that triggered a dark thought. Since then, I've been battling said thought and self evaluating. What I've been figuring out about myself.... wasn't pleasing

I just want to tell you this: you're one of the noblest and most level-headed people I know. You always put others first and consider the feelings of others before taking acting. Don't ever doubt yourself or think of yourself as a bad person, because I know you're the kind of person to do everything in your power to never be one.

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That's a relief, Randoman. All's well that ends well for Zero, huh?

Sadly, no. He ends up dying due to being heavily damaged in a battle with Max (a highly upgraded version of Zero. Zero was the first of his type which is even shown in his serial number MA-0. Max is the eleventh version of the same series of robots, hence his serial number MA-X, which is where his name Max came from) However, Zero shows Shirobon Mighty's last recorded moments of him dying, and Zero thanks Shirobon for his kindness before he finally expires.

The anime is actually strangely really dark, tragic, and emotional for a video game based anime.

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Hello Based God.

Sadly, no. He ends up dying due to being heavily damaged in a battle with Max (a highly upgraded version of Zero. Zero was the first of his type which is even shown in his serial number MA-0. Max is the eleventh version of the same series of robots, hence his serial number MA-X, which is where his name Max came from) However, Zero shows Shirobon Mighty's last recorded moments of him dying, and Zero thanks Shirobon for his kindness before he finally expires.

The anime is actually strangely really dark, tragic, and emotional for a video game based anime.

Wow, that's terrible. Poor Zero... :C

Sounds like it. Most video game anime I've seen is fairly cheesy and predictable.

By the way, what time zone do you live in? I never did figure it out.

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< Is wondering how all you peoples are awake.

...In all seriousness, I slapped myself awake tonight because Hero-King has a problem and I wanted to know what it is...

Then he went to bed without a word, and I'm a little too mad right now to try sleeping.

Edited by Crizix
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