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Going back to the whole AMV idea I have, it's kinda chilling how some of the scenes I've had in mind syncs up perfectly with some of the lyrics of the song I'm planning on using. Others are looking like they definitely could use some work with the syncing, though.

However, I'm only working on the note taking right now. Not the actual project.

Edited by Just call me AL
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Going back to the whole AMV idea I have, it's kinda chilling how some of the scenes I've had in mind syncs up perfectly with some of the lyrics of the song I'm planning on using. Others are looking like they definitely could use some work with the syncing, though.

However, I'm only working on the note taking right now. Not the actual project.

Nice to see you refining the idea, at least. 0:

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Nice to see you refining the idea, at least. 0:

I'll say. If I didn't know any better, I probably could have sworn Endless Mist of Nightmares was made for being Gurren Lagann AMV material. And I say that while knowing full well that it's a Nightmare Rarity tribute song. Edited by Just call me AL
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So I lashed out at my parents today.

Not for anything they did, but because I was very mad at myself.

I end up regretting everything I said, and tried to explain to my parents how much I hated myself, and how I wished I was more calm and reasonable.

My mom was mad after hearing me analyze the problems I have with me, and wished she could have a normal, non-depressive son. I don't blame her.

My dad wants me to start focus on being more polite, and stop trying to live everything from within.

Overall, I'm was pretty angry at myself for my failures in self-improvement.

But in reality, all I need to do is stop thinking about myself so much, and learn to live with discomfort better.

Well, that's my angsty teen story for the day.

What the actual fuck....

That's terrible to say holy...

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So I lashed out at my parents today.

Not for anything they did, but because I was very mad at myself.

I end up regretting everything I said, and tried to explain to my parents how much I hated myself, and how I wished I was more calm and reasonable.

My mom was mad after hearing me analyze the problems I have with me, and wished she could have a normal, non-depressive son. I don't blame her.

My dad wants me to start focus on being more polite, and stop trying to live everything from within.

Overall, I'm was pretty angry at myself for my failures in self-improvement.

But in reality, all I need to do is stop thinking about myself so much, and learn to live with discomfort better.

Well, that's my angsty teen story for the day.

Awh, I'm really sorry to hear all that, Shezzy. You gotta keep fighting, though. :C

When I try to talk about my problems with my family, I usually get "what do you have to be depressed about?"

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My only problems are the ones I create for myself.

If I let something bother me, it will bother me.

You can't think your way out of everything.

I do that too. It's hard not to, really. Shezzy, do you have any confidants? Those help a lot, from my experience. ^^;

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Hmm, it seems like I'm beginning to see this thread as a confidant.

More than HHH, really.

I do think talking about things helps. My parents are really pushing for me to develop friendships.

I would tell them about SF, but they are highly opposed to internet communication, and such a thing as friendship over the internet would absolutely astonish them.

I say this as it happened to my sister.

But, either way, I will say what is on my mind here, at least out of necessity.

Oh, that's good to hear. You can count on us...or at least, some of us, lol.

My family is too! Actually, I've been getting in trouble for having internet friends since I was 12. I'm still here, though because I'm a rebel.

I think it's the quiet of this thread that makes it easier to speak your mind in. ^^

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Mmm, it's all right, though. Freedom of speech is good, as long as you aren't hurting others with it.

Honesty really does feel better than lying, I believe.

Rebel with me, Shezzy. :D

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