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I can't procrastinate.

How can you escape from reality when there's something from reality hanging over for you?

I don't necessarily get things done quickly, but procrastinating only comes natural to me when I'm really absorbed in something, which I rarely am these days

i get distracted by literally everything, unless i'm doing homework in a group =(

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my parents told me to git gud and look where i am now

also "plebbit"/"reddit"/"meme" are all buzzword, if a reviewer uses those words as an adjective it probably means that their review is trash and they don't have any actual objective criticisms about it. memeing for the sake of memeing, basically. but it's actually pretty fun to shitpost like that

i don't know what level "well read" is at!

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The idea is to praise effort, and to avoid describing intelligence as fixed.

cuz in order to accomplish anything it takes more effort than just raw IQ.

the brain is like a muscle, can grow with use.

however it's kind of chilling to think that you can literally get stupider over time.

It's all subculture, the feeling of being in on a higher part of culture which only your select group is able to enjoy is absolutely delicious. In order to objectively find flaws in anothers argument, you have to be critical enough to find flaws in your side as well. But doing this is depressing for many /lit/ or /pol/ users id imagine, so they much rather just meme it up. It is like you said, very fun to shitpost, so the line between ironically enjoying and unironically ends up getting blurred with enough time and you end up with boards where it almost comes off as vague satire.

Being well read depends on the community you compare yourself to.

Compared to the average high schooler, you and I would both be very well read.

However, it also depends on just what you're reading. I don't think quantity alone determines how read you are.

It's weird.

well, it's summed up in one word: stagnation, right?

when you think you've hit your limit, you refuse to look beyond what you have.

this obviously isn't good for you, but it's tempting to just stick with what you're used to

so when you repeat things over and over, reassure yourself that you're right and everything else is wrong, of course you're closing off [Knowledge]

i personally get disillusioned with the idea of effort, because obviously some people are just Naturally Better at things than other people.

but i do try my best to keep to the mantra: "keep trying!"

I'm very guilty of shitposting about things I haven't even read/played/watched, it's just incredibly fun to spout memes. it's like some kind of meme disease that spreads when you're in a group. which leads me to think that memes are the disease of the mind, but also cures. also coming up with real objective constructive posts is too hard when everybody else is flinging shit. there's a time and place for shitposting and non-shitposting etc.

personally i think being well read needs knowledge of the Basics

starting off with the classics etc.

every author likes to shoehorn something about god or maybe a reference to history somewhere in there - and there are books that can be called encyclopedias with a story tbh

christianity is unironically important, no matter what people say! and nobody bothers because it's a meme

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i have to stay up and work on a project but i've been too busy shitposting to work on it =/

Damn, priorities.

just looked at what i wrote last night and instantly deleted it all, i should consider writing it in some foreign language so i have the excuse for not knowing it :smug:

In Latina scribe!

ugh, yeah that's my problem.

I also like to think im self-aware though (do you think i am???), so i try not to blame others for my own dissatisfaction, but at the same time I refuse to change my mindset even when the flaws of it are exposed right in front of me.

i don't know what's holding me back.

What usually holds people back from changing their mindsets is a sort of fear. It's not an actual emotional fear, like a fear of death or something, but you're held back because it's too hard (in a way, too scary) to cast what you have aside and replace it with something new.

Even when you know that what you have is bad, you're afraid of casting it aside - the reason is simple: you're familiar with what you have, but you're not familiar with what you could replace it with. You need to find a new mindset, but you have no idea if it's going to work or even where to look. After all, how do you decide what your new mindset should be? Well, you'd have to make decisions. Where do your decisions come from? From your mindset. So the only way to get into a new mindset is by making decisions in your old mindset. That already greatly hinders your options.

I hope this wasn't too vague (I could give examples if that would make things clearer). I don't know if it's like this for you, but this is true for most people struggling with mindset issues.

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>Course where you have to do an assignment every week.

"The assignments should be handed in before the deadline both in print and as an electronic version (to check for plagiarism). The printed version [...] should contain a statement on the front page that all authors declare to have contributed equally to the work, together with the signature of all of them."

I hate this faculty.

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