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"give me a life stone"

"give me ur demon's life"

"give me ur newborn child"

"give me all ur life savings"

"sacrifice your soul to me"


"okay, im bored"


i thought they got rid of this...

fsr i find that giving them nothing actually gets them to join

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i also feel like the femme race of demons is more likely to engage in that behavior.

or maybe it's my subconscious misogyny saying that...


seeing the content found in wish fulfillment visual novels i'd say you're not too far off the mark

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>put difficulty to conflict so i don't have to pay up the ass for compendium demons

>forget to change it back to war

>wow these random encounters feel a lot faster

>realize that i'm on conflict


That's what you get for CHEESING THE GAME

Just kidding war prices are stupid

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rip asura

Do you have an alighnment yet

have been law the entire game

I don't really mind it, Zelenin is a nice character, i'll probably go with law this time

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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I've seen so much stupid shit coming from brazilians the last two days about Trump's election

Like, a bunch of people commemorating that the "America's Dilma" lost. A bunch of idiots. The American Dilma won. Not caring about debt, subsidies to favored industries, protectionism, opposition to the independence of the country's federal bank... All of this sent Brazil to the shitter and Trump wants to do all of those exact same things. Hillary didn't. It bothers me so much. Then they go calling the economists who said Dilma's policies were terrible and now are saying Trump's policies are just the same a bunch of "sold leftists, petralhas, etc", while they praised those same economists when they said Dilma's policies were bad.

People just don't understand economy and stick to the meaningless "left x right" stuff without caring about the actual policies and who follows them. Not that any of this matters, brazilians have no say in american politics, it just bothers me because it means they'd be willing to support someone who'd do the same awful policies Dilma did if that person identified as right wing (like the bigot Bolsonaro) while not electing a social democrat or something that cared about debts and had good economic policies.

IDK just had to post it.

so is it safe to say you don't like dilma

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i did say that i didn't think it was impossible and by no means was i writing it off

besides, i said these sorts of things before that too

yes, and that lead is due to trump imploding, disrespecting a dead soldiers family and pretty much hinting that second ammendment people can "stop hillary" as well as many other gaffes. we'll see how it develops over the next few months. well, trump did take a few potshots at sanders, but all he had was ad hominems. you're probably right about there being a much bigger campaign to attack sanders if he won the primary candidacy, but there's nothing to suggest that sanders wouldn't have done as well if not better than hillary based on those preliminary polls.

i've seen polls of 10% leads months before get completely turned over in the event of the brexit vote. you don't really want to leave anything to chance when you might have a better option and i don't think me saying sanders having a better chance against trump was inaccurate.

even if she does win, it really has nothing to do with any competence on her part.

I'm not talking about the polls within a few days of the vote, though. I'm talking about the ones some months away from it in comparison. Some of them had majority 10% leads (far outside the standard 3% margin of error iirc) for Remain. It's natural for it to become tighter as it reaches the vote and complacency could lead to an unexpected result.

My point is that likability polls don't fluctuate as much, as it is simply asking your opinion on someone. They would change over, say, a four/eight year presidency for someone like Obama (even then, he's still generally well liked... so much so that most democrats would seem to prefer a third term from him than Hillary). The fact that Hillary and Trump are record unlikable candidates for both parties does not exactly not make a good case for the stability of US politics in any regard. You're essentially hoping for "the lesser of two evils" crowd to come out and vote for Hillary, while Bernie is just statistically far better liked. That does lead to what Hillary should do, though - drop all pretenses of trying to be liked by the public and just attack Trump on his positions repeatedly.

though it's really just a comedy at this point

edit: you got me to respond and then you pull it, shezzy please

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so is it safe to say you don't like dilma

I don't like politicians that don't give a single fuck about the debt, lower interest rates when there's a clear inflationary push (which leads to inflation, forcing them to make the interest rate even higher than they were before in order to low the inflation they helped create), who give subsidies to industries they like and whose owners are friends with them, who go completely against reasonable economics, who use public banks to lend money to the "national champions" (big business and industries they like) at below interest rate which leads to huge debts without causing growth like they believed it would, who are completely protectionist, which leads to an weak, noncompetitive industry in first place and makes goods prices higher for the entire population, mainly the poor, who call everyone including respected economists who told them their policies were bad and would lead to crisis "pessimistic", but then when the damage becomes apparent have the nerve to say no one could predict the crisis would happen (lol), who call everyone who is against them and their party "poor people haters", no matter how well constructed and full of good arguments those people are. Dilma's policies, alongside Guido Mantega's, her finance minister through her first term, lead the country to 3 years of recession (two of them with a retraction above 3%) WHILE having a double digit inflation in one of them. As the icing of the cake, her party is also extremely corrupt, but then again, everyone in Brazil is. Don't get me wrong, the current government (who is mostly composed by people who belonged to her government, including the vice president she personally picked) isn't great or even good, far from it. i'd actually say the only good thing of the new government is their economic team. Between a terrible, corrupt government with terrible a terrible economic team and a terrible corrupt government with a good economic team, i'd take the latter without thinking twice, specially when the debt is huge, increasing fast and the country is in the middle of its worst recession ever. She also used illegal maneuvers to hide how indebted the government was, which was one of the reasons that formally lead to her impeachment

That same economic team, actually, shares many members with the very sucessful first Lula government. I dislike the person Lula, and his second term was the beginning of what happened in Dilma's, but his first government was, as far as brazil goes, pretty good. He followed good economic policies, the debt decreased. He had respected economists alongside him, including Henrique Meirelles, our current minister of finance. It all changed around 2006, when a curruption scheme, the Mensalao, was discovered, which made the pragmatic part of his party implode, including Palocci (who is actually, as i type this, in prison for corruption charges lol), who was a competent finance minister. That mostly left the ones without political experience or understanding of the economy without corruption implications, including Dilma. And then they started first very slowly, then when Dilma became president quicker dismantling the economy.

There are plenty of people who voice (well, voiced, the only people who still talk a lot about Dilma nowadays are the ones who still like her) their dislike for her in the most disgusting, misogynistic and yeah, elitist way possible, and blame the, yeah, robust welfare we have for a country with our income for the failure, rather than everything else I posted. Those people are IMO stupid and are the ones that are mostly likely doing what I said in the post you quoted. Still, the brazilian workers' party loves to pretend that everyone who dislikes Dilma and her policies is like them.

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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