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Yeah that was the weird part

It wasn't satanism, paganism, or even spiritism or macumba

It was the protestants

According to her JK Rowling wanted to "erase the catholic seed from each kid's heart" and turn them protestant (those were her words)

well, considering the history catholics have had with protestants, it wouldn't be too strange for catholics to think of them as literally satan

but yeah i went to this sorta alternative chinese christian church when i was 6 and they gave out free food and held chinese and christian events.

it isn't very fun when you're like 6 and they tell you about jesus getting stoned. i have no idea why my parents took me there. they aren't even christian

i did come back to that church to do community service every week with my friends and i helped out in the kitchen and whatever, watched movies about christian basketball and it was cash

that was a couple of years back but it was nice =(

He's a good guy though, he fights through it a lot and I hope to one day be as resilient as him.

well you talk a lot on the Internet at least

enjoy ur fanfiction

ya your dad sounds like a cool guy. he's not dead so he's good, he's been doing this for 40+ (?) years. i'm not even living as a 16 year old

2d is totally different from 3d shezzy but you probably already knew that. of course 2d is superior

i have been making an effort to get better at it because my parents told me "you also need to be actually socially competent to get jobs, you know" and i considered it and thought "yeah, right". but you can be socially competent and have a bare minimum of people to talk to. i am not particularly awkward in class, i am probably air. i'm having fun underachieving

bible fanfiction is the best fanfiction tbh.



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The hardest thing to me is to not laugh at the conversation of strangers.

Like, just now a guy and a girl (who i don't know) were sitting next to me and talking about two professors that used to teach me some time ago, but like, their conversation was fucking hilarious, and i literally couldn't hold my laughter, but like, listening to others' conversations is rude, but i can't help but end up hearing them, specially if they're hilarious

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Talking to people in a classroom setting is completely different than socializing in other situations. When you're in a classroom, literally anyone can talk to anyone through the medium of bitching about said class or school and it's not at all that deep or challenging.

The problem you may have, or that I may have, is that initiating conversations in casual situations is difficult. We just won't bother. Won't see a point to it. Yet, it's these conversations where relationships begin. You have to show interest in the other person, or they'll assume that you're not worth their time, or you're an asshole. In a workplace situation, this is where problems occur.

How do you do in team projects by the way.

Are you good at expressing to other people what needs to be done, and at listening to their opinions?

ya you're right. but still, it obviously feels pretty awkward most of the time. but i can get on easy with most questions such as "what's on the test" and "what's the homework". i happen to ask those most of the time lol

i don't see a point of interacting with people unless they come up to me and do it or if my friends introduce them to me. why is everything so Easy on the internet =(

i dunno i guess i'm just not interested in most people. i have no idea how i became kinda friends with these 2 kids in my division but whatever. i'd like to think that i'm not standoffish, but i probably seem goofy so i'm fine.

group projects are the dark souls of schoolwork. my english class is mostly group work. It is the death of me

because i can't listen to several people at once or write down all their ideas at once in english, and in other group work projects i just end up sitting in a corner because nobody asked for my opinion or i happen to do all the work because nobody wanted to do the work.

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In the place where I studied english, one of the learning methods was making the students have conversations about the topics of the class with the person next to them

It was literal torture to me. Like, I'd always end the conversations way before the teachers wanted me to and then there would be an awkward silence.

I'm already awkward while speaking my first language, you can guess I'm even worse when speaking something else.

I also dislike group works, but for another reason. Like, I don't mind working with people per se. What I hate is the feeling that my incompetence and procrastination can screw not only me, but also someone else

Edited by Nooooooooooooooooooooobody
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yeah language classes are the worst exactly because they force you to talk to other people with it, which i guess is the point, but it doesn't make it less painful

i took latin additionally because it would have less speech and more reading/writing actually

whenever i do group works i get motivated, more than usual, to finish my work. also there's the dread of your partners not working, etc...

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top kek

I also dislike group works, but for another reason. Like, I don't mind working with people per se. What I hate is the feeling that my incompetence and procrastination can screw not only me, but also someone else

i know that feeling too much

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