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my university has had a classical liberal (that is, not leftist) student directory elected and reelected a bunch of times by the students for like 5 years in a roll. It has always made the people on the university's far left mad. Then, this year, there was supposed to be another election, and the directory was replaced by a supposedly "impartial" directory responsible for organizing the election. Then they approved an student assembly that got far left nutjobs to occupy some buildings of it, preventing some people from having classes, to protest against our new (national) government (even though the university is literally 10 minutes from the congress, which would be a much more effective place to occupy if you ask me), and just this week they canceled the election saying they will still rule the directory until next year, since everyone and their mothers' knew the classical liberal directory would get another huge win lol

I find the matter very hilarious, but mostly because I'm unaffected by it, since they wouldn't dare invading the building where I have classes lol

people seem to take university a lot more seriously then i'm used to

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people seem to take university a lot more seriously then i'm used to

brazilian public universities are very political places

Everyone has an opinion, and student directory and rector elections feel like an actual political campaign. Sometimes professors strike when the government does something they don't like (though tbh, at least in mine, it's not thaaaat common for the strikes to be approved, last time was for 3 months in 2012), and in some places of the university you see protests for literally everything political, and also political posters and stuff like that

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smt4a boss fight difficulties can be literal slot machines sometimes

as long as they didn't have dekunda or dekaja, they were pretty easy imo

Of course, then you have stuff like YVHV that makes you want to hammer your 3ds

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tbh i'd rather keep the politics to a minimum if possible in general

there was one time I walked in one day to find a section of the main corridors windows had now been covered full with paper spelling out various words like 'retard', 'bitch', 'spaz', etc and calling it the 'trigger tunnel' unironically

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tbh i'd rather keep the politics to a minimum if possible in general

there was one time I walked in one day to find a section of the main corridors windows had now been covered full with paper spelling out various words like 'retard', 'bitch', 'spaz', etc and calling it the 'trigger tunnel' unironically

wow, i actually felt disgust reading that

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i had to experience it

sry =(

actually funny thing is my psych teacher. i've posted about this before but he asked us on the first day of school, "do you guys know what a TRIGGER is? what about a ES JAY DOUBLE U?"

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tbh i'd rather keep the politics to a minimum if possible in general

there was one time I walked in one day to find a section of the main corridors windows had now been covered full with paper spelling out various words like 'retard', 'bitch', 'spaz', etc and calling it the 'trigger tunnel' unironically

that's awful

one time we actually had a fascist "invasion" here, when a bunch of creeps went to the university dressed in military clothes and started praising far right politicians while calling students pot heads and communists and intimidating whoever passed them

Then during the last national elections, there was a crazy communist lady (i mean really, she was running for state congress under the communist party) who started spiting on and calling names the students campaigning for non-leftist candidates

So yeah, politics can make people crazy

Just today, another case of political extremism blew up lol

Some crazy professor started offending in racist ways a black student on facebook because he was more of a on the political right rather than on the left

crazy times

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i didn't really stick around for clubs or find out who the student council etc were in my four years, partly because my university was far away enough already and partly because i didn't want to know

though maybe I should have joined the anime club B)

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