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i'm sure it was already said but i don't think most feminists would even agree with that.

it would be like declaring racism is over

but should I really expect anything from AND KNUCKLES

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9 hours ago, shezzy said:

If you're so kind, I'll take a few minutes to be honest here: Grimoire is released, yes, at last. Is it what was promised? No. Is it anything else than that chinese dish you crave for after a bender and that, although rather bland and cheap, satisfies your hunger nonetheless? Yes, it is. But it's just that. On the other hand, I want to, to some extent, salute Cleve for his work, as flawed as it is, since it was still a one man's job. And not any man. A guy who's pure narcissistic, self-absored nature allowed him to transcend the actual facts. He was just one step removed from a daily physical gang-bang by an angry mob of post-apocalyptic nihilists. He survived that, and managed to hold the line, the hype, and, in one way or another, his (hideously deformed [editor's note]) golden baby alive and kicking. A single man was capable of entertaining thousands, in one way or an other, for 20+ fucking years, with nothing more than an outdated blobber that barely fitted the inital 1997 release. And I do deeply respect that. YET, for all the crap that went with it, and how, however amusing he was, he acted, as far as gamedesign is concerned, I'll paraphrase the saying of some early american slaver patriot toward one of their perceived traitors: Benedict "Cleveland" Arnold, if captured? We'll bury the leg with military honours, then we'll hang the rest.

Butthurt much, brahje?

WTF is this shit? Like reading a community college entrance essay. You don't even support your claim. Fucking paragraphs of bullshit saying Grimoire sucks, but no decent explanation of why it sucks.

You just mad because the Incline hath cometh, and you were nothing but a sorry disBeClever. Well now you can suck it. The Crackerjack Thal hath seen fit to reward His faithful.

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So what you could do is, don't play my game.

Better yet, PM me your real email address and I will lock you out of the digital distribution system so you couldn't buy a copy even if you could come up with the cash, which is unlikely.

If you have the names of your friends or anybody even remotely like you, even people who live near you and may have distant kin relations in your family tree, send me all their email addresses and I will lock them out as well.

Grimoire is not junk and it's not mass market drivel. I don't want just anybody playing it. If I had my way I'd force anybody as part of credit card registration to take an online IQ exam. Anybody scoring less than 120+ would not be able to purchase the game for any reason, period. I'd send their money back. I cringe at the idea of ordinary dolts and Bell Curve average wreckers putting their greasy, stained hands on a keyboard covered with pro-wrestling stickers and playing my game. There's something about it unsettling. It's like if the Mona Lisa was opened to grade school children for scratch'n'sniff. It's horrible to think about.

This is another reason to never release it. I can't control who plays it. I certainly didn't work a decade and a half on the game so the unwashed masses could get hold of it. Wait a second, I'm going to plug the woodchipper back in.

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