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Why are the ice climbers top tier.

When they are hard to use.

(Is a novice at ssbb)

Also, is winning through cheap tricks not called smash ball/dragoon/cracker launcher/NPC items> Spamming.

Because I'm having issues with other people I play, due to them using Kirby all the fucking time.

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tier lists are for pro's,

and when playing with items on, the entire fight is about those items. there will be barely any real fighting left. just grab the items or play without like most people.

other than that, if you don't plan on becoming pro, just practice with anyone you like. after all, practice makes perfect...or at least makes you better.

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^This should give you an idea of what they can do if you practice with them quite a lot. Even then, the CGs are dropped a lot of times. There are tons of other tricks the ICs have as well.

Also, there are no cheap tricks in Brawl. If someone has an issue with how one plays the game, then they are the ones at fault.

^At least, that should be the sportsman attitude towards the game, yet people still complain too much.

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Tier lists aren't about how easy or hard some character is. They are about how good you can become with the characters if you're an excellent player.

You shouldn't mind them, they are for the people who have spent hundreds or thousands of hours playing in a high-level game environment.

As for Kirby, you could try being "cheap" yourself if the player's playing style is difficult to overcome. If you don't want to, I'd suggest playing more defensively and not going into his attack range at all if you can avoid it. "Cheap" is a bad word since any tactic is beatable in this game, but I know that there are some which are really annoying or difficult to overcome. If you want to improve, don't forget to look at your own game and think what you could be doing better, why did you get hit?

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I happen to use Diddy Kong,MK, ,Marth/Ike,Lucas, Fox/Falco and Wario a lot

And, whenever I use a counter move, shields and projectiles.

Also, I spam smash attacks and gimmick moves , like DDKongs banana peel and

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  • 2 weeks later...

Once upon a time, a certain wise man had this to say:

"Cheap is only a word used by inexperienced players to complain about tactics that they cannot beat"

Continually spamming Pit's arrows has nothing to do with tactics.

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Continually spamming Pit's arrows has nothing to do with tactics.

Actually, I do consider repeated use of Pits arrows to be tactic. I also consider your statement to be wrong. The word tactic is mostly defined by the following ways: "An expedient for achieving a goal; a maneuver." "a method of employing forces in combat" "a way of doing things so as to be at an advantage."

So yes, spamming Pits arrows is a tactic/maneuver which can be used. Although it is still a rather poor tactic when considering the fact that most fairly skilled players wont lose the match due to spam. Pits arrows do cause problems to a few characters (mainly slow characters with inferior defensive options that lack a projectile or reflector) and hinders their ablilities to fight back. Playing a hit-and-run game and spamming arrows is Pits safest tactic/option in certain match ups.

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Actually, I do consider repeated use of Pits arrows to be tactic. I also consider your statement to be wrong. The word tactic is mostly defined by the following ways: "An expedient for achieving a goal; a maneuver." "a method of employing forces in combat" "a way of doing things so as to be at an advantage."

So yes, spamming Pits arrows is a tactic/maneuver which can be used. Although it is still a rather poor tactic when considering the fact that most fairly skilled players wont lose the match due to spam. Pits arrows do cause problems to a few characters (mainly slow characters with inferior defensive options that lack a projectile or reflector) and hinders their ablilities to fight back. Playing a hit-and-run game and spamming arrows is Pits safest tactic/option in certain match ups.

More like mindless button masher. Any n00b can do that and call themselves good under that defenition, just because they win.


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You dont need to spam when using Diddy Kong. Just throw banana peels all over the place and you win. :awesome:

Anyway, I dont call things cheap just because I cant beat them. I would no way in hell be able to beat Marciaxrolfs camping. But thats because he is actually an amazing camper. He THINKS. He doesnt just press one button and stays on one side of the field. I call campers that spam n00bish, because that is all they can do to win. Real skill comes from the use and mastery of a character completely, not just one move that anyone can use.

This is well thought, not noobish camping

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All I do is run away, tossing banana peels everywhere, while throwing the other players off the edges.

And then rocket barrel those who try a mid-air down smash.

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Me spamming is a strat.


Im sorry but I cant tell if you're being sarcastic or just plain stupid. You dont seem to know the meaning of the word tactic. I dont know where you're from but let me say this. English is not my first language (actually my third) and even I seem to know better than you do. Spamming arrows is a tactic. It's not very original and its pretty simple, but yes, it is a tactic. Deal with it. Or fuck off.

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It might seem hard to punish thunder spamming Pikachus. It actually IS hard in low levels of play. I remember raging about it back in the day. If Pikachu uses thunder you only got 4 FRAMES time to punish him before he kan do another action (such as shield/spotdodge). That is 4/60 of a second. Honestly, the best way is to not get above him and shoot any projectiles or items at him, if your characters has these. You could also experiment with the range and stay close to him and wait for the thunder animation to end. Once it ends, use any of your long range attacks. Shieldgrabbing is not an option, trust me. Atleast not yet. Learn to do basic punishings before you start shield grabbing it.

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